Are You The Evolved Or Unevolved Version Of Your Zodiac Sign? (2024)

If you ever hear someone say “all Pisces are dramatic” or “all Scorpios are vengeful” they’re often talking about the unevolved version of that zodiac sign. This trending topic has millions of views on TikTok, and it really does help explain why some signs get a bad rap.

According to astrologer Stina Garbis, each zodiac sign has an unevolved version, which highlights the stereotypical negative traits associated with the sign, as well as an evolved version, which is essentially the 2.0 upgrade full of growth, maturity, and positivity.

Creator @tohpazzz posted a four-part, in-depth series explaining the evolved versus unevolved characteristics of each of the 12 zodiac signs, and many other astrologers and astro enthusiasts have done the same, including creator @mytakeonbeing.

In @tohpazzz’s comments, people have been discussing where they fall on the evolution spectrum for their zodiac sign, and many are realizing that they aren’t quite at the end of their growth journey yet. After all, it takes a lot of work to “evolve.”

One person wrote, “Not me finding out I’m an unevolved Taurus” while someone else said, “I’m an unevolved Cancer around my husband. Evolved with everyone else.”

How Do Zodiac Signs Evolve?

In general, if you’re displaying evolved traits associated with your zodiac sign, it likely means you’ve done a lot of inner work to mature and grow. Who you surround yourself with also matters in your evolution, as certain people can help you feel more secure while others can bring out the worst in you.

Typically, it takes a lot of effort and practice to leave behind negative personality traits, says Garbis. This learning experience could be something you do on purpose by going to therapy, studying others, or trying out wellness practices. Your evolution could also come through emotionally impactful moments, like trauma, or positive moments that teach you something about yourself.

As you live your life, the good traits associated with your zodiac sign can start to shine. It’s also possible, though, to unevolve or regress as well. “We may become power-hungry or greedy through time, or we may become distrustful and grumpy, or through a similar emotional impact, like a trauma or tragedy, we can become hateful towards the world,” says Garbis.

What you learn has a lot to do with how you react to what you learn. This also explains why you may be more evolved in some situations, like with friends, but not so much in others, like in relationships.

To learn more about your zodiac sign — and how it shapes your life — you can look at your big three, the rest of your birth chart, and the traits associated with the evolved versus unevolved version of your sun sign, which you can find below.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

  • Unevolved Aries: angry, short-tempered, reckless, impulsive
  • Evolved Aries: powerful, confident, great leaders

As a fire sign ruled by Mars, the warrior planet, Aries can either be the most assertive and powerful person in the room or the one who starts all the arguments. An unevolved Aries tends to be mad at the world, says Garbis, and they’re often at the center of arguments with partners and friends.

Meanwhile, evolved Aries have found a way to use their power for good. When they channel that fiery energy, they quickly become your favorite boss, the most fun and motivating trainer at your spin studio, or your ride-or-die friend.

According to Garbis, an Aries can evolve by throwing all of their fire into work and exercise. “The best thing they can do is get into their bodies and channel that pent-up energy into motivation,” says Garbis. “When they do, they can get a lot done, and bring a lot of people with them.”

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

  • Unevolved Taurus: lazy, excessive, stubborn, detached, unmotivated
  • Evolved Taurus: comforting, patient, stable, secure, flexible

As an earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of luxuries, it’s easy for a Taurus to place material possessions at the top of their priority list. It’s also easy for them to get stuck in a rut, as this sign struggles with change.

A Taurus’ unevolved traits are on full display whenever they’re bullish or stubborn, says Garbis. It’s not uncommon for this sign to go into hibernation mode and forget all about their responsibilities.

Meanwhile, an evolved Taurus uses their earth sign energy to its full potential. They’re patient and stable, and others often turn to them for advice and comfort. An evolved Taurus will find themselves simply appreciating the world around them, instead of feeling the urge to buy or hoard everything that catches their eye.

To fully evolve, Garbis says Tauruses need to get up and moving, especially outside of their house. They can also work to soften their stubborn side by looking for ways to be more flexible in all aspects of their life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

  • Unevolved Gemini: scattered, restless, manipulative, disorganized, rude, bored, gossipy
  • Evolved Gemini: excellent communicators, good friends, creative, innovators

According to Garbis, an unevolved Gemini has a tendency to spread rumors, especially when they’re bored. As an air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, they also like to talk a lot, and it often seems like they aren’t listening.

Meanwhile, evolved Geminis are the best communicators. They’re big thinkers and intellectuals and often make amazing writers. “When a Gemini focuses their brain power in a positive direction, they can really come up with something awesome,” says Garbis.

To boost these positive qualities, Geminis often needs to step away from the fast-paced world of social media so they can direct their attention to learning or honing a skill.

“They need to find something that really fascinates them and dig into it,” says Garbis. “Once they invest their time, they can become an expert in anything.”

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

  • Unevolved Cancer: moody, short-tempered, holds grudges
  • Evolved Cancer: loving, wise, supportive, friendly

An unevolved Cancer is the moodiest person you know. As a water sign ruled by the moon, they let their emotions get the better of them and often erupt with anger, says Garbis. They also tend to hold onto grudges, never forgetting who did them wrong or who made them mad.

On the flip side, an evolved Cancer is a lot like your coolest aunt. According to Garbis, an evolved Cancer is also the glue that holds friend groups together, and they give the best advice. Many thrive as therapists and teachers.

To get to an evolved point, a Cancer needs to heal from their past, and they also need to practice breathing through their knee-jerk reactions. “They’d benefit from therapy or journaling,” says Garbis. “Once they learn how to understand their emotions, they’ll stop being needy and over-the-top, and instead offer support to others — and themselves.”

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

  • Unevolved Leo: self-centered, entitled, un-empathetic, attention-seeking
  • Evolved Leo: warm, great friends, self-confident, charismatic

An unevolved Leo makes everything about themselves, says Garbis. This fire sign is ruled by the sun, the center of the universe, which is why they’re so entitled. Everything links back to their need for validation and recognition. If they do a good deed, they have to let everyone know.

While an unevolved Leo tends to lack empathy for others, the evolved version of this sign is confident and self-assured, and they never feel the need to dominate a conversation. In fact, when a Leo is evolved, they’ll be your biggest cheerleader. They’re also secure enough to take a step back from the spotlight to let others shine.

To evolve, Leos often benefit from humbling themselves. “It’s good for them to participate in acts of service,” says Garbis. “It also helps for them to figure out ways to entertain and enlighten others, without sucking the wind out of the room by hogging all the attention. It’s all about honing their charm and charisma.”

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

  • Unevolved Virgo: anxious, critical, mean, harsh, rigid
  • Evolved Virgo: organized, relaxed, successful, service-oriented

An unevolved Virgo is anxiety personified. As an earth sign ruled by Mercury, they tend to have a very rigid approach to how they run their lives, and that means they can be critical and rude to anyone who does something the “wrong” way, says Garbis.

Meanwhile, an evolved Virgo is way more relaxed, and they often go out of their way to help others. They’ve also mastered the art of self-care, so they know just what to do to stay balanced and relaxed. Many can laugh off mistakes and give themselves grace when they mess up.

To become more evolved, Garbis says Virgos need to stay organized within their own life, while also focusing attention outside their home. They benefit from volunteering and seeing different points of view. It also doesn’t hurt for them to go to therapy so they can learn to live in harmony with others.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

  • Unevolved Libra: wishy-washy, people pleasers, dramatic, gossipy
  • Evolved Libra: confident, relaxed, harmonious, peaceful

An unevolved Libra is indecisive to the extreme. As an air sign ruled by Venus, they have a hefty dose of people-pleasing tendencies, often fueled by their desire to be loved by everyone. When they’re bored, a Libra will also incite drama within their friend group, and then sit back and watch the chaos unfold.

It’ll be obvious that you’re talking to an evolved Libra when they seem fair and balanced. (This sign is represented by the scales, after all.) According to Garbis, they’re refined and wise, and they do whatever they can to bring peace to themselves and everyone around them.

This sign rules the seventh house of relationships, so they can evolve by putting a lot of energy and effort into building and maintaining their connections with others. Libras also benefit from learning to be more confident, so they don’t gravel for attention.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

  • Unevolved Scorpio: guarded, angry, vindictive, secluded, controlling
  • Evolved Scorpio: intuitive, social, secure, passionate

Scorpio, a water sign ruled by transformative Pluto, feels everything very deeply. As a result, they often guard themselves and will quickly shut down as a self-protective measure, especially if someone breaks their trust. They can also stay mad for ages, and have trouble letting go.

Evolved Scorpios, however, have learned to recognize when these tough feelings are bubbling up inside. They know to accept what they can’t control, without over-reacting or burning their life down.

They also feel a sense of power from their emotions, instead of fear. When this sign is evolved, they’re intuitive, passionate, and at ease, says Garbis, and they might even be a little more social than usual.

To get to this point, a Scorpio should practice trusting others while also healing any wounds from the past. It also won’t hurt for them to step outside their cave — AKA their apartment. According to Garbis, this sign can truly thrive when surrounded by loving friends and partners.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

  • Unevolved Sagittarius: impulsive, unhinged, reckless, blunt
  • Evolved Sagittarius: powerful, confident

It’s possible to spot an unevolved Sagittarius a mile away. They’ll be the ones making irresponsible decisions, often while blowing through all their money, says Garbis. As a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, they assume everything will work out in their favor — even though that isn’t always the case.

An unevolved Sagittarius can also be incredibly harsh with their words. It’s easy to tell when this sign is growing and changing, though, because they’ll suddenly relax and develop some direction in life. It doesn’t mean they let go of their adventurous, fun-loving side, but they will go about it in a more mature way.

According to Garbis, Sagittarians often go through an evolution after they find a practice that provides structure and peace, like yoga or meditation. They rule the ninth house of religion, so they often feel that spirituality grounds them. A grounding routine will also help them think twice before diving into dangerous situations with both feet.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

  • Unevolved Capricorn: rigid, overworked, power-hungry, controlling
  • Evolved Capricorn: good work-life balance, relaxed, forgiving

An unevolved Capricorn can often be found crying in the bathroom at work. While that’s a legit reaction to stress, they’ll do it just because they misspelled a word in an email. This earth sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and responsibilities, so they can be extremely hard on themselves.

They tend to place their careers at the top of their priority list, even when they’re burnt out. They’ve also been known to step on toes as they climb the corporate ladder. “Capricorns can be a very successful sign, and that may be part of the problem — that they love success more than people, so they can become power hungry,” says Garbis.

Meanwhile, the evolved version of this sign values productivity and responsibility, but only when it aligns with their values. They’re successful, but they also take care of their well-being. To get there, they often need a wake-up call to remind them of their humanity.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

  • Unevolved Aquarius: cold, distant, detached,
  • Evolved Aquarius: free-thinking, independent, leaders, social, present

When unevolved, Aquarius often seems like they’re on another planet. As an air sign ruled by the unpredictable Uranus, they’ll do space-y things, like leave their friends on read for a week. They also rarely consider the consequences of their actions, says Garbis.

An evolved Aquarius, on the other hand, is an innovator and visionary. According to Garbis, they’re uniquely independent and free-thinking, and that often means they’re great problem solvers. Many are also inventors. Once they ground themselves, they make amazing leaders, too.

To take it to the next level, Garbis recommends Aquarians start with a social media detox. With their newfound free time, they’ll start to tap into their creativity, which is one of their most shining qualities. They can also steal a page from fire signs and focus on their relationships.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

  • Unevolved Pisces: depressed, overly emotional, distant, isolated
  • Evolved Pisces: artistic, expressive, connected

According to Garbis, an unevolved Pisces will likely have a major victim complex. They’ll feel like the entire world is out to get them, and they often shut down as a result. As a water sign ruled by dreamy Neptune, they can also seem detached as well, and many feel sure that nobody likes them.

Once a Pisces figures themselves out, that’s when they really step into their power. They’re artistic and intuitive, and they find inspiration everywhere. They’re deep thinkers who see beauty in everything, which is why they make the best poets, writers, and artists.

To get to this point, Garbis suggests all Pisces steep themselves in the arts. It’s a good way to decompress, relax, and find inspiration. “Basically, they need a muse,” she says. “It helps when Pisces gets out into the world and gets some vitamin D, as well as a change of scenery. They should go to museums, read poetry, and fall in love.”


Stina Garbis, astrologer

Are You The Evolved Or Unevolved Version Of Your Zodiac Sign? (2024)
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