"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (2024)

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is considered unusually high tells you all you need to know about engineering salaries in Japan. (And yes, IT salaries are in the same ballpark.)

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (1)

ronnier on May 27, 2018 | next [–]

That’s why I left japan and came back to Seattle, really no reason to work for such little money and live in a small apartment when we are living through the best time to be an engineer in America.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (2)

scrollaway on May 27, 2018 | prev | next [–]

$91k for an engineer salary is unusually high everywhere outside of the united states and switzerland.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (3)

humanrebar on May 27, 2018 | parent | next [–]

It's still low if you invented flash memory. Looking at market rates is the wrong paradigm for that kind of breakthrough. It presumes you could replace the flash inventor with another engineer for about the same salary.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (4)

SagelyGuru on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

"It presumes you could replace the flash inventor with another engineer for about the same salary."Yes, you can, if you already own his patent and do not expect him to invent anything else. It seems that is how the management looked at it.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (5)

msh on May 27, 2018 | parent | prev | next [–]

91k is not uncommon (it's often higher) for senior developers/engineers in Scandinavia.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (6)

GordonS on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Sure, but everything in Scandinavia is expensive compared to the rest of Europe (I work for a Scandinavian company).

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (7)

philangist on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I'd love to work in Norway or Sweden one day. Do you know what the tech scene in Oslo or Stockholm are like? My experience is mostly in building backend/distributed systems.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (8)

mseebach on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

The scene is great in Stockholm, anchored in Spotify, King and a good representation of games companies (EA has a decent representation if I remember correctly). My knowledge of Oslo is limited, but from what I have heard, thing are a bit stunted there.

Copenhagen (my former home turf) used to be not great, basically software engineering was/is considered low status and all the smart devs in corporations were steered to higher status, but less technical, roles like architect, consulting or project management (or other middle management). Denmark really bought into the idea that we're the ideas people, the grunt work can be done in India or Poland or whatever. Some successful software startups came out of there, like Endomondo, Vivino and Zendesk, but they moved their centre of gravity to the bay area at first opportunity. This has since changed, and from what I've heard there's a fairly happening startup scene there now (still an awful place to be a corporate dev, though).

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (9)

eliben on May 27, 2018 | parent | prev | next [–]

That's not a particularly high salary for a senior SW engineer in Israel (where the cost of living is lower than in Japan)

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (10)

tjpnz on May 27, 2018 | prev | next [–]

5-6M JPY is pretty normal if you're an engineer here working for a traditional Japanese software company. Good news is that the number of people willing to accept that is growing fewer by the day.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (11)

weiming on May 27, 2018 | parent | next [–]

> Good news is that the number of people willing to accept that is growing fewer by the day.

Curious if you have any insights on where do they end up going instead, even if anecdotal. (E.g.: smaller firms, own startups, or foreign (US/China) opportunities?)

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (12)

stevenwoo on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

I worked in a small US office of a Japanese company and they let Japanese employees come visit America for six-twelve months - I think they only let married, more senior people come over so the employee would have more incentive to go back to Japan. The US office shut down and most of them quit after their contractual obligations were up and emigrated to the USA.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (13)

tjpnz on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

My first job in Japan was working at one of these places so I've seen it first hand. In my case I left to join a US startup with an office in Tokyo. Most of my former colleagues did similar and are now working either in startups (mostly Japanese) or for foreign corporations that do development work here.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (14)

ronnier on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Even working for a US company in Tokyo I made a fraction of what I do here in the US. High level engineers I worked with got offers from google and Microsoft in Tokyo and the offers were less than $100k USD. They declined. Some moved to Europe, I moved back to the states. It’s mostly young single western men I see willing to take the pay cuts to live in Japan.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (15)

cthalupa on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

>It’s mostly young single western men I see willing to take the pay cuts to live in Japan.

My SO and I have seriously discussed moving to Tokyo when it comes time to raise a family. We're both pretty disappointed with the culture here in the US that makes it difficult to let your kids be independent and self reliant (See: Parents getting their kids taken away for letting them walk to the park, etc), and we've loved the time we've spent in Tokyo.

The salary situation makes this pretty tough, though.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (16)

voodootrucker on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

If you're upset about US politics, and you are looking to relocate, I would suggest Germany. Having spent 3 months in both Germany and Tokyo, I can tell you German salaries are much more reasonable, the politics are relatively sane, the quality of life is great, they are more likely to speak English in the office, and are very welcoming to tech workers (just apply for a freelance visa to start).

That said, blockchain jobs in Japan are supposed to be abundant and pay more like US wages.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (17)

oceanman888 on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Hi, I have been keeping an eye on blockchain jobs in japan as well.->That said, blockchain jobs in Japan are supposed to be abundant and pay more like US wages. do you mind sharing some source about this?

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (18)

robocat on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Maybe look at rural areas. My sister brought her kids up in rural New Zealand. First advantage: kids are taught to be self reliant from a young age. Second advantage: small rural schools mix ages in small classes so kids are more rounded. Third advantage: less access to drugs (which is only going to become worse). Maybe do AirBnB for a month somewhere and see what you'ze think.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (19)

tjpnz on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

>Third advantage: less access to drugs

Unless it's Cannabis.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (20)

robocat on May 30, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]


But alcohol, cigarettes and Coca Cola are less available if you live on a rural farm.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (21)

tincholio on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Most of Western Europe and especially the Nordics kick ass when it's time to raise a family. I've never been to Japan, but judging by all the info I've read about it, the work-life balance tends to be on the bad side. That's generally not the case in Europe.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (22)

slfnflctd on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Anecdotally, I have a close friend who works at a U.S.-based high end manufacturing facility which used to be owned and managed by a Japanese company.

It was sold to a U.S. company, and everything about management and corporate culture has gotten worse. People are less happy and feel they have less job security, which translates into poorer performance and reduced commitment. Japanese companies have their issues, but a lot of Americans have much to learn from them about making employees want to stay.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (23)

aikinai on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I did exactly this — moved to Tokyo since it's such a great place to raise a family — and I've been very happy with the decision so far. The salaries and work culture can be tricky, but if you can find yourself a nice (work-based) bubble in a western firm or startup or something, it's possible to piece together a nearly ideal situation since the home environment is so great.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (24)

notimetorelax on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Please consider Switzerland, education here is very decent and revolves around practical experience as teens mature.

Salaries are fair and correspond to the cost of living.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (25)

Spooky23 on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Look at a private school first.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (26)

tjpnz on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

If you're from the US your salary expectations will be higher but as a Kiwi I would say I'm getting a better deal here than I would be in NZ.

What kind of a job did your colleague apply for at Microsoft? They don't do much development work in Tokyo.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (27)

inteleng on May 27, 2018 | parent | prev | next [–]

No wonder Sony can't compete in the hardware realm.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (28)

cthalupa on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

This is such a weird statement.

What hardware realm? They're involved all over.

Right now they're absolutely crushing the camera market - the A73 and AR73 are taking the world by storm, with tons of Canon and Nikon DSLR converts (Including myself). Their GM lenses are the sharpest available at a lot of focal lengths, the bokeh is close to the top of readily available modern lenses, etc. They're certainly competing there.

Their UHS-II cards are some of the fastest on the market.

The PS4 is the leader in lifetime sales vs. other consoles.

What hardware are you talking about?

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (29)

guelo on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

I agree with you but I do think Sony missed the chance to take advantage of their camera expertise and invent the best cameraphone first.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (30)

scarface74 on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

The number of people that would buy a phone just for the camera is a small market and the phone market aside from the iPhone is a low margin commodity market. Samsung makes a lot of money from the phone market - but not from selling phones. They make most of thier money as a component supplier.

Sony's camera division makes money from selling camera parts to other companies - including Apple.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (31)

flamemyst on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Other factor also contributes to the demise of Sony phone division. Here in my country, Sony Z1 and Z2 boom as they are probably the first premium phone with nice camera and waterprof body. But bad aftermarket support and service destroy that advantages very quickly. Nowdays almost everyone avoid Sony smartphone. Either you choose phone with more support and service center such as Samsung or go to other way with Xiaomi (cheap with almost non existance official service & support).

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (32)

kalleboo on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

The had the best cameraphones - the K800, K850 etc were way, way ahead of the game.

Then the iPhone came out and just being a phone wasn't good enough.

Now everyone else uses Sony's sensor anyway so what is their advantage? Lenses?

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (33)

digi_owl on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]


Maybe not the first, damned close.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (34)

inteleng on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

The Xperia phones and E-paper offerings are products where Sony could have been competitive with the market leaders (Apple, Amazon), partly because they were among the first to market, but they chose not to spend much on R&D and thus lost their dominance.

My comment does not refer to the gaming and photography divisions, as those are cash cows for Sony.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (35)

selimthegrim on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Their phones have been treading water in the market for years.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (36)

digi_owl on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Depends on the market i suspect.

That said, they seem to do way less marketing than Samsung or Apple.

Even so, they have carved out a niche of making smaller Android phones (their Compact variants) that share internals with their larger brethren.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (37)

acct1771 on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

OffTopic, the Switch isn't the leader?

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (38)

dasil003 on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

PS4 has more units sold than Switch and Xbox One combined.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (39)

majewsky on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

The Switch has been out for less than 2 years, vs. 8 years or so for the PS4, which is quite a head start. It may outsell the PS4 right now, though.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (40)

jsnell on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

> The Switch has been out for less than 2 years, vs. 8 years or so for the PS4, which is quite a head start

You're off by a factor of two. The PS4 has been out for 4.5 years, not "8 years or so".

> It may outsell the PS4 right now, though.

In FY2017 the PS4 sold 19 million units. The Switch sold 13 million (15.5M sold in total so far, but 2.7M were in FY2016).

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (41)

majewsky on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Thanks for the fact check.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (42)

konceptz on May 27, 2018 | prev | next [–]

I came here to say this, thanks.

On the dev side.I’ve been told that there are a few main consultancy firms which do the bulk of development for most companies. It’s more appropriate to hire these firms than it is to build your own teams. Because these firms do not pay high amounts to their devs, it sets the norm across the country.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (43)

patio11 on May 28, 2018 | parent | next [–]

I mean there are a lot of causational arrows. In central Japan, for example, there exists an ultimate monopsony consumer of all engineering labor. Their salary scale is known to middle schoolers. All engineering labor is priced against that scale, sometimes directly, because that scale informs what they'll pay subcontractors and then the magic of consulting math replicates that scale across the supply chain.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (44)

SilasX on May 27, 2018 | prev | next [–]

Normally patio11 would come out of the woodwork and explain that cash salary is a small fraction of "effective compensation" in Japan:


"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (45)

patio11 on May 28, 2018 | parent | next [–]

I don't think you are interpreting that comment in this context the way I would. It is possible for an employee of a Japanese company to have a $91k salary and, also, a high internal status, resulting in non-pecuniary benefits as described.

It is extraordinarily unlikely that employee is an engineer.

(For additional "It's complicated!" context: I believe his bosses likely considered the offer they made him to be a plum. My ex-employer had a similar terminal outcome for distinguished engineers, where you'd be given a laboratory, perhaps an assistant or two, and total freedom. Is that a particularly compelling terminal offer? No. But it's an offer better than 99.8% of employees in the engineering track have. The mere fact that it is obviously better than what 99.8% of engineers get is a component of the offer; Japanese megacorps figure out that giving you money to purchase status is inefficient when they can simply award you status directly.)

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (46)

SilasX on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Right but I had in mind your other point that a lot of the compensation is in the form of the benefits of having the business card, although I guess that wouldn’t have any value in terms of a promotion while staying at the same workplace.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (47)

greggarious on May 27, 2018 | prev | next [–]

I knew a guy who worked in the university IT department where I did my post-grad. He made more there than in Japan, and the cost of living was insanely low.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (48)

sytelus on May 28, 2018 | prev | next [–]

Doesn’t this come with perks like life long job security, retirement etc? I had heard that in Japan, working for a traditional company is like getting married.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (49)

laurieg on May 27, 2018 | prev | next [–]

Just for a bit of perspective, my city center rent(non-Tokyo) is 45,000 yen and a meal in a restaurant with drinks is around 3000.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (50)

merb on May 27, 2018 | parent | next [–]

how much qm² does this apartment have (becase 45,000 yen is comparable to 350 euro which is extremly cheap, even if it is cold rent)

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (51)

mikekchar on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

Not the OP, but a 45,000 yen apartment in a city centre is likely to be quite small (essentially a studio apartment). It really depends on the city, though. You might be able to get a 1 bedroom for that in an older building.

Apartments in Japan tend to be small and having lived in various places in the world, I'm going to say that it is not really comparable. For example, no matter what you rent, you are going to get a stupidly small kitchen: probably a single sink, 0.5 meter counter top and a place to put a konro (2 burner gas range with a fish grill).

Apart from the kitchen (which takes a lot of practice to get used to), the bath room/wash rooms tend to make very efficient use of space. If you are living in Japanese style, you also put your futons away in the closet during the day and can live in what would be your bedroom.

I live in a rural area and since I work remotely, I wanted an office in the apartment. We tried to get a 3 bedroom apartment (so we would have a guest room as well), but it was just impossible. Nobody could even understand why a childless couple could possibly use that much space.

So it's more a matter of culture than price. In large centres you actually have a lot more choice. For example when I visit Tokyo, I often see advertisem*nts for 4 bedroom luxury apartments. They are about the same price as you would pay in any other metropolitan centre in the world. However, things like that just aren't available in a lot of smaller places. You pretty much have to buy a house.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (52)

laurieg on May 27, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

My place is about 40sqm, which is quite big for a single person in Japan. My place before was in a similar location but 25sqm and is quite representative of a Japanese single occupancy apartments.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (53)

perl4ever on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | next [–]

My place is 70 square meters, which is unusually small for a one bedroom where I live in NY. For instance, there is no separate dining room. My former apartment was more like 84 square meters.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (54)

merb on May 28, 2018 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

well if it is cold it is "cold rent" than it's a little bit cheaper than a rent in a city center in germany. (actually german city centers are totally overpriced). I live in 57 sqm (not in a city) and pay 300€ warm rent, which is extremly cheap even that it is outside a city.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (55)

meric on May 28, 2018 | prev | next [–]

That's not what Toshiba pays - that's the salary headhunters use to take engineers away from Toshiba.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (56)

eeZah7Ux on May 27, 2018 | prev [–]

What ballpark? Most software engineering salaries are much lower.

"Dangling salaries of 10 million yen", or about $91k. The fact that this is cons... (2024)
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