Little Kids 2-6 Years | The Happy Sleeper (2024)

Little Kids 2-6 Years | The Happy Sleeper (1)

Little Kids 2-6 Years | The Happy Sleeper (2)

The “In-Between” class for babies 3-5 months

3-5 months can be a unique and challenging time for sleep. Babies are more alert and aware than they used to be, but their nervous systems are not mature yet. Enter, our mini-class for this in-between sleep stage!

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This Class Includes

  • Sleep regressions: What’s going on with your baby’s night and naps.

  • 3 points of focus to support babies during this unique and sometimes trying time for sleep.

  • Where baby sleeps and what they should wear, including when to unswaddle!

  • How to approach naps, especially short or unpredictable naps. Including optimal spans of awake time.

  • I’m worried I’m creating unhelpful sleep habits, what do I do?! Plus, a review of the Soothing Ladder method.

Online Class: Babies 3-5 Months


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✓ 30 minute video class

Little Kids 2-6 Years | The Happy Sleeper (3)

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Frequently Asked Questions about The Happy Sleeper Sleep Classes

How do I buy and watch the class?

When you enroll in the class, you will be asked to create an account (user name and password). You easily purchase the class from the site, and then you can use your login directly from the top right of the homepage.

Are the classes different than the book?

The online classes teach The Happy Sleeper methods, which are also outlined in the book. What most parents appreciate about the online classes is the ability to actually hear us describe and teach the methods. The online classes are great for people who prefer to watch and listen, rather than reading a book.

How long does it take for my child’s sleep to improve?

With the methods taught in the Little Kid sleep class, bedtime and night sleep usually improve in under a week. For those still napping, naps can take longer (2 weeks is typical).

How long do I have access for?

The Little Kid Sleep Class is available for one year.

Do you guarantee my child will sleep through the night?

Our success rate is very high, which is not surprising, since, by this age, children are very capable of self-soothing. The reason we don’t guarantee success is that you play a big role. Carefully following all the nuanced details and maintaining consistency are key to your plan working. The exceptions are children who have a medical issue that is getting in the way. Check with your pediatrician if this may be the case for your child.

I have a 2 year old, which class should I take?

If your 2 year old is sleeping in a crib, you should take the 4-24 month class. If your 2 year old is attempting or succeeding in climbing out of the crib or they are already sleeping in their own bed, the Little Kid Sleep Class is right for you.

My child cries and has a tantrum, refusing to sleep – can you help?

It’s true that working on sleep can be confusing and can feel more challenging, now that your little one is older, verbal and mobile. They are louder and stronger than when they were babies. Parents feel as though they need a whole new approach at this age. This is why we developed the 2-6 year old Happy Sleeper strategies, laid out in the book as well as the class.

How do I know my child will feel safe, emotionally?

The Sleep Wave method is designed to satisfy two critical needs of your child, healthy sleep and secure attachment. We will help you understand how good, natural sleep and maintaining a strong, nurtured bond, both develop naturally and work together rather than in opposition. In our approach, your child will definitely have big feelings and protest the new way of falling asleep, but will never wonder or worry about where you are. You will always respond in a frequent and predictable way, so your child feels safe.

How does your approach differ from others?

The Happy Sleeper approach is science-based. We brought together what is known about child development, including when and how the circadian system (which controls sleep) matures, how self-soothing abilities emerge gradually, the natural progression of the attachment relationship and how these all work together to support excellent sleep. Parents often say it feels logical and reasonable.

We are trained psychotherapists, so we use our knowledge of psychology, child development and sleep to create a plan that is both responsive and incredibly effective. It is not necessary to leave a child to cry without response from the parent. The power of our techniques are in the details — we’re excited to teach them to you.

Little Kids 2-6 Years | The Happy Sleeper (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.