Opalescence™ Whitening Products (2024)

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (1)

Your Complete
Professional Teeth Whitening System

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (2) Opalescence™ Whitening Products (3)

If you want the best results, go with a personalized teeth whitening experience curated by a professional. Unique options for your specific needs will breathe new life into your smile, and you’ll see it when your reflection smiles back in the mirror each morning. Opalescence™ whitening products and your dentist can do all of this for you.

  • Whitens up to 4–5 shades for quick, visible results1,2
  • Over 30 years of proven success offers peace of mind for treatment
  • None of the products require an LED or UV teeth whitening light
  • The innovative sticky and viscous formula in Opalescence™ PF and Opalescence Go™ whitening products prevents any gel from migrating onto the soft tissues during treatment3
  • These products lead globally in reputation, use, and results (meaning you’ve got the best)
  • Opalescence PFwhitening
  • Opalescence Gowhitening
  • Opalescence Boostwhitening
  • Specialty

Opalescence PF whitening

*All results presented are specific to each patient. Individual results may vary.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (4)

Photo credit: Carol Jent, RDH.

Noticeable results in just over two weeks.*

Patient used Opalescence PF teeth whitening 20% for 16 days.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (5)

Photo Credit: Dr. Profili.

Expert whitening in 12 days.*

Patient used Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10%.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (6)

Photo credit: Dr. Kerby.

See the difference after just one month.*

Patient used Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10% for 4 weeks.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (7)

Photo credit: Dr. Herv’e Plard.

Jaw-dropping results after just three weeks of nightly use.*

Patient used Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10%.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (8)

Photo credit: Dr. Z Gray.

Incredible difference after just one month.*

Patient used Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10% for 30 days.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (9)

Photo credit: Dr. S. Jesse.

Amazing results after this three-month long mixed treatment.*

Patient was recommended Opalescence Go prefilled trays, Opalescence Boost in-office teeth whitening, and then Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10% with custom trays over the course of 9 months.

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Opalescence Go whitening

*All results presented are specific to each patient. Individual results may vary.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (10)

Photo credit: Dr. Herv’e Plard.

No more noticeable stains after a quick 10-day treatment.*

Patient used Opalescence Go prefilled teeth whitening trays 10%.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (11)

Photo credit: Carol Jent, RDH.

Noticeable results in no time!*

Patient was treated with Opalescence Go prefilled teeth whitening trays 10%.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (12)

Photo credit: Dr. Jaleena Jessop.

Quick and easy results.*

Patient used Opalescence Go prefilled whitening trays 10%.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (13)

Photo credit: Dr. Narváez.

A bright, white smile after a mixed whitening treatment plan.*

A single treatment of Opalescence Boost in-office and one box of Opalescence Go teeth whitening products was all it took.

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Opalescence Boost whitening

*All results presented are specific to each patient. Individual results may vary.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (14)

Photo credit: Dr. C. Taylor.

Notably brightened after just one hour!*

Opalescence Boost in-office teeth whitening was applied on patient in three 20-minute treatments.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (15)

Photo credit: Dr. R. Thomas.

Noticeably whiter smile after only three applications.*

Patient was given three 20-min. treatments of Opalescence Boost teeth whitening.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (16)

Photo credit: Dr. Jamie Morgan.

Results your patient will love after one easy hour.*

Patient was given Opalescence Boost in-office whitener in three 20-min. treatments.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (17)

Photo credit: Dr. Narváez.

Customize your treatment with a mix of Opalescence teeth whitening products.*

This patient was recommended Opalescence Boost in-office whitening and Opalescence Go prefilled teeth whitening trays 10%.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (18)

Photo credit: Carol Jent, RDH.

A super effective mixed treatment with great results for tetracycline staining.*

Patient was given Opalescence Boost in office teeth whitening first followed with Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10% at home for one year.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (19)

Photo credit: Dr. Andrea Brito.

Uneven tooth coloration corrected after one hour in the chair.*

Patient was given three 20-min. treatments of Opalescence Boost in-office teeth whitening.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (20)

Photo credit: Dr. Andrea Brito.

Deep yellow hues brought up several shades with a mixed treatment.*

Patient was given two 20-min. treatments of Opalescence Boost in-office teeth whitening and followed up at home with 10 days of Opalescence Go prefilled tooth whitening trays.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (21)

Photo credit: Dr. Andrea Brito.

Every smile is unique, and so is the solution.*

Patient was given one 20-min. treatment of Opalescence Boost in-office teeth whitening and finished at home with 21 days of Opalescence PF teeth whitening 10%.

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*All results presented are specific to each patient. Individual results may vary.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (22)

Photo credit: Dr. Agrawal.

Awesome and natural results before you know it.*

Patient was treated with Opalustre™ chemical and mechanical microabrasion slurry.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (23)

Photo credit: Dr. Jaleena Jessop.

Noticeably minimized white spotting after just three treatments.*

Patient was treated with three rounds of Opalustre slurry.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (24)

Photo credit: Dr. Jaleena Jessop.

Opalustre slurry can offer results in no time!*

Patient is now free of visible aspects of fluorosis discoloration.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (25)

Photo credit: Dr. Ana Narvaez.

The best esthetic results for any situation.*

Patient exhibited discoloration of non-vital teeth which was corrected using the “walking bleach” technique with Opalesence™ Endo non-vital teeth whitening.

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (26)

Photo credit: Dr. Ana Narvaez.

Whiter teeth in a snap.*

Opalescence Endo teeth whitening allows the clinician to employ the “walking bleach” method to non-vital tooth staining. This preserves natural dentition and patient spends less time in the chair.

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Protect Your Teeth

Have you ever wondered if it’s healthy for your teeth when or if you use whitening products? The answer is that there is a way to use teeth whitening and still keep your teeth healthy. The article below tells you all about which ingredients to look for, which to avoid, and how to help prevent discomfort during the whitening process if you have sensitive teeth. Click below to read more!

Read More

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (27)

Your dentist can also be a wealth of information about keeping your teeth healthy during any treatment, and what’s best for you in particular. If you click below, you can find one in your area who recommends Opalescence™ teeth whitening products as a healthy treatment option.

Get Opalescence Today!

Opalescence™ Whitening Products (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.