Aug 2 2005 PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2005 D-5 tosigntheguestbook. BALDAUF AMYLOUISE erofJenniferBaldaufandChristo- sonandBrianBetke.Amywillbe sadlymissedbymanyloving friends.Friendswillbereceivedat the JOHNF.SLATERFUNERAL HO 4201Brownsville Thursdayfrom2-4and7-9pmwhere FuneralServiceswillbeheldFriday fl ow plantsandperennialarrangements BRAIS ANTHONYP. Society.Precededindeathbywife, mega.FatherofAnthonyBraisand triciaMusiakandhusbandAndrew of ba Ut zmanandhusbandBillofJean- ne brotherJosephBraisofPennand sisterGenevieveTomajkoofAdams- burg.VisitationTuesday7-9pmand Wednesday2-4and7-9pmat MA- SON-GELDERFUNERALHOME, INC. neralMassThursday10aminSa- credHeartChurch.IntermentatSa- Twp.Tosendon-linecondolences, CARROLL FREYAC. (Virginia)CarrollandthelatePaul C.Carroll;grandmotherofRyan andJacob.Forthelasteightyears shewasanactiveresidentof VanadiumWoodsVillage.Funeral Arrangementsby BE INHAUERS, Friendswelcomeat2828Washing- am.MassofChristianBurial Wednesday11aminSt.JohnCapist- ranChurch.Intermentprivate.Me- morialcontributionsmaybemade Pleaseaddatributeat CIECHANOWSKI SOPHIA(JABLONOWSKI) Ci JosephAlan(Nana)Ciechanowski, Th addeusPaul(Eileen)Ciecha- no ch deusPaulCiechanowskiandJolene MarieBenedictandPeterCasimir CiechanowskiandMaureenChristi- naChaffman.Sophiawasanactive memberatSt.MalachyParishfor PMWednesdayat MCDERMOTT 334Forest (Family ofChristianBurial10AMThursday atSt.MalachyParish.
CLANCY FrancesKeane Dr.MatthewClan- cy(Luzviminda), PatriciaAlbert su rvi vedby14grandchildrenand fourgreat-grandchildrenBrotherof DodsonandShirleyDeaseyandthe latePatrickClancy.ThomasClancy PittsburghandaUSNavyVeteran. Friendsreceivedatthe MC CABE BR OS FuneralwillcommenceonWedat9 amfollowedbyMassofChristian BurialinSt.BedeChurch10am. COLOSMO THOMASD. of th P. GreenandthelateJamesHiggans; alsosurvivedbymanyniecesand nephews.MemberoftheKnightsof golferandgardener.Friendsre- pmat SO XMANFUNERAL 7450 SaltsburgRoad(atUniversalRd.) PennHills.MassofChristianBurial BaptistChurch.
DILLA JOSEPHW. 20 05, ofBaldwin.Belovedhusbandof Merhaut.Joewasaretiredcarpen- terfromJendocoConstructionCom- BO prayersonThursdayat11am.Mass ofChristianBurialinSt.Albertthe DONNELLY BETTYJ. On Wh itehall.WifeofthelateBillC. Do (K grandmotherofMeganDonnelly. Friendswillbereceivedat JO HNF.
neralPrayeronThursdaymorning St.ElizabethChurchat10am.In ELLIS THOMASHARVEY AminahandAmarihMatthews; Thompson.Heisprecededindeath lisandFatherJohnH.Ellis;sister, EvelynT.Ellis,andbrother,John El SP RIGGS-WAT SONFUNERAL 720N.LangAvenue, E. E. We be rtHutchersonofficiating.Funeral ServiceswillbeheldattheBigBe- EPPERSON JOSEPHE.JR. ThebelovedJosephEdwardEp- Papatoallhisgrandchildren.Jo- PAonFeb.4,1938anddepartedthis homeofhislovingdaughterShirley Epperson.Thoughtakenfromusat theageof67heleavesawonderful legacyintheworldofGodasstated inPsalms23.Heleavesbehindhis livingwifeof26yearsEthelMaeEp- personand12childrenRhondaEp- sistersDawnShawandDebra HatcherandsoulbrotherHenryL. tivesandfriends.Friendsmaycall SHE FFIELD FUNERALHOME, 1125Allegheny FILEWICH MIKE GuyC.FilewichandLuAnneBly- sha ero nP.Filewich;great-grandfather of TylerandAvaRoseFilewich; Cont.onPageD-6 NEWS OBITUARIES LATEST DEATHS ALLEGHENY COUNTY BALDAUF, Amy Louise, 50, of Bethel Park, died July 31.
John F. Slater Funeral Home, Brentwood. (CO) CIECHANOWSKI, Sophia Jablonow ski, of Kennedy, died Aug. 1. McDermott Funeral Home, Kennedy.
(CO) CLANCY, Thomas M. of Point Breeze, died July 29. McCabe Brothers Funeral Home, Shadyside. (CO) COLOSMO, Thomas 76, of Monroeville, died July 30. Soxman Funeral Chapel, Penn Hills.
(CO) CROSBY, Eugene 61, of Lawrenceville, died July 29. Samuel E. Coston Funeral Home, East Liberty. DATCH, Charles 86, of West Mifflin, died July 29. Maloy-Schleifer Funeral Home, Duquesne.
DILLA, Joseph of Baldwin Borough, died July 31. Boron Funeral Home, Carrick. (CO) DONNELLY, Betty of Whitehall, died July 31. John F. Slater Funeral Home, Brentwood.
(CO) EKIS, Jody Lee, 19, of North Versailles, died July 25. Maloy-Schleifer Funeral Home, Duquesne. ELLIOTT, William 45, of Plum, died July 31. Stephen P. Dolence Jr.
Funeral Home, Plum. ELLIS, Thomas Harvey, 72, of East Liberty, died July 31. Spriggs Watson Funeral Home, Homewood. (CO) EPPERSON, Joseph E. 67, of North Side, died July 28.
Calvin L. Sheffield Funeral Home, Manchester. (CO) GERNERT, Helen 101, of Penn Hills, died July 30. (CO) HILLDOERFER, Helen J. Consolmagno, 61, of Mount Washington, died July 31.
Brusco-Falvo Funeral Home, Mount Washington. (CO) KASSALEN, Joseph 57, of Etna, died July 30. Ogrodnik-Hahn Funeral Home, Etna. (CO) KASSOUF, Elisa M. Aguzzoli 91, of Oakmont, died July 31.
Burket-Truby Funeral Home, Oakmont. (CO) KLEPPICK, Fred 91, of Whitehall, died Aug. 1. Jefferson Memorial Funeral Home, Pleasant Hills. (CO) KYSER, Nellie 73, of Hill District, died July 30.
Samuel J. Jones Funeral Home, Hill District. LAND, Rose E. McDonough, of Brookline, died July 31. Frank F.
De Bor Funeral Home, Brookline. (CO) MAGGIO, JoAnn, 70, of Plum, died July 30. Soxman Funeral Chapel, Penn Hills. (CO) MALONE, Elizabeth G. of Penn Hills, died July 31.
William F. Gross Funeral Home, Penn Hills. (CO) McEWEN, James Edward 83, of Hill District, died July 29. Samuel J. Jones Funeral Home, Hill District.
(CO) McGARTLAND, Mary K. 85, formerly of North Versailles, died July 30. Patrick T. Lanigan Funeral Home, East Pittsburgh. (CO) MICHALSKI, Chester, died July 31.
Szafranski-Eberlein Funeral Home, Carnegie. (CO) MILCOFF, Edward 69, of Sewickley, died July 31. John Syka Funeral Home, Ambridge. MONTI, Nicolena T. Gattuso, 81, of Crafton Heights, died July 30.
William Slater II Funeral Service, Scott. (CO) MORAN, Catherine Romitz, died July 30. Funeral Home, North side. (CO) MORELLI, Anthony 81, of Hampton, died July 30. King Funeral Home, Hampton.
(CO) MORENO, Lucy, 84, died July 31. John D. Son Funeral Home, Hazelwood. (CO) MOXLEY, Mary 94, formerly of West Mifflin and Homestead, died July 31. R.V.
Anderson Funeral Home, Homestead. (CO) NEMEC, Mary Mastropier, 89, of Penn Hills, died July 29. Soxman Funeral Roth Chapel, Penn Hills. (CO) PAYNE, Barbara 78, of Wilkinsburg, died July 31. House of Law, Penn Hills.
PIFER, Thomas 69, of Collier, died July 30. William Slater II Funeral Service, Scott. (CO) PROVAN, William, 82, of Baldwin Borough, died July 29. John F. Slater Funeral Home, Brentwood.
(CO) RADZIUKINAS, Jerome J. 55, of Baldwin Borough, died July 31. Cieslak Tatko Funeral Home, Brentwood. (CO) REPIK, Emma died Aug. 1.
Thomas P. Kunsak Funeral Home, Brighton Heights. (CO) REYNOLDS, Joseph 89, of Crafton, died Aug. 1. Schepner-McDermott Funeral Home, Crafton.
(CO) RUSSELL, Clarence, 74, died July 28. Funeral Home, Coraopolis. SCHREIBER, Arch 83, of Leetsdale, died July 31. Paul E. Bohn Funeral Home, Ambridge.
(CO) SMITH, John R. died July 30. Szafranski-Eberlein Funeral Home, Carnegie. (CO) STANLEY, Anna K. Weber, of McCandless, died July 31.
T.B. Devlin Funeral Home, Ross. (CO) SUTTLES, Ora Lee, died July 29. Samuel J. Jones Funeral Home, Hill District.
(CO) TEICHMAN, Frank, 84, of Plum, died Aug. 1. Soxman Funeral Chapel, Penn Hills. (CO) THOMAS, Mary Tercsak, of Shaler, died July 31. Frank S.
Perman Funeral Home, Shaler. (CO) THOR, Elizabeth K. Dunn, died July 30. Funeral Home, Brighton Heights. (CO) VAN DEMARK, Dona, 71, formerly of Bethel Park and the Villages, died Aug.
1. Beinhauer Mortuary, Peters. (CO) WALCZAK, Helen 88, of Homestead, died Aug. 1. R.V.
Anderson Funeral Home, Homestead. (CO) WELSH, Ed of Bethel Park, died July 31. (CO) WENDELL, Ethel 89, of Brentwood, died Aug. 1. John F.
Slater Funeral Home, Brentwood. WILLIAMS, Charles died Aug. 1. Soxman Funeral Chapel, Penn Hills. (CO) YUGOVICH, Agatha Peretic, 88, of Verona, died July 31.
Burket-Truby Funeral Home, Oakmont. (CO) BEAVER COUNTY GOEDEKER, Judith 71, of Beaver, died July 29. William Murphy Funeral Home, Rochester Borough. KOSLIN, Dan, 81, of Aliquippa, died July 29. Wayne N.
Tatalovich Funeral Home, Aliquippa. PITCHER, William, 77, of Vanport, died July 29. Noll Funeral Home, Beaver. WASHINGTON COUNTY CARROLL, Freya 87, of Peters, died July 30. Beinhauer Mortuary, Peters.
(CO) FILEWICH, Mike, 76, of Union, died July 31. Stephen D. Slater Funeral Home, Jefferson Hills. (CO) FINGER, Carol S. Davis, 65, of Midway, formerly of Coraopolis, died July 30.
Funeral Home, Coraopolis. (CO) FLAUS, Dennis 54, of Washington, died Aug. 1. Piatt Barnhill Funeral Home, Washington, Pa. HENRY, John 73, of Houston, died July 31.
Salandra Funeral Service, Canonsburg. SHAFFER, Helen Louise, 86, of Washington, died Aug. 1. William G. Neal Funeral Home, Washington, Pa.
(CO) WESTMORELAND COUNTY BRAIS, Anthony 88, of Jeannette, died Aug. 1. Mason-Gelder Funeral Home, Jeannette. (CO) FIRESTONE, Sara K. Pletcher 91, of Greensburg, died July 31.
Bacha Funeral Home, Greensburg. (CO) MALLOY, Joseph 31, of Greensburg, died July 31. Clement L. Pantalone Funeral Home, Greensburg. (CO) MASON, Donald 85, of Murrysville, formerly of New Kensington, died July 30.
Hart Funeral Home, Murrysville. (CO) McKINLEY, Sister Mary Denis, 89, died July 31. (CO) OTHER FELDMEIER, William 82, of Phoenix, formerly of Pittsburgh died July 30. Boron Funeral Home, Carrick. FLETCHER, Linda, of Panama City Beach, formerly of Munhall, died July 28.
Kent-Forest Lawn Funeral Home, Panama City. (CO) JOHNSTON, Virginia 65, of LaBelle, formerly of Pittsburgh, died July 20. Aikin-Davis Funeral Home, LaBelle. (CO) McPOLAND, Julie Ann Bonefacich, 82, died July 27. (CO) STEIN, Adrian 87, of St.
Cloud, formerly of Pleasant Hills, died July 30. Griffith Mortuary, South Park. (CO) The comprehensive listings of recent deaths include two types of obituaries. News obituaries, prepared by our staff, are published at the discretion of our editors. Death notices are paid obituaries prepared by the funeral home directors.
To place a death notice, call 412-263-1371. To suggest a news obituary, call 412-2631601. The following list is provided free as a public service. We accept information for the following list from funeral directors and employees of crematoriums and memorial societies, who may call 412-263-1601 from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
daily. Winningest basketball coach at Robert Morris By Wade Malcolm Pittsburgh Post-Gazette One by one they sounded off, like friars honoring their own, roasting all those funny, irreverent stories with a dash of sentimentality. It was May 15, 2004, and it was an event to honor Gus 87th birthday. The invitation to the event said gifts necessary bring your fondest memories So what friends, family and past players of the former Robert Morris basketball coach did theystood in front of the crowded banquet party and shared their favorite coach Krop stories. A man known for intensity on the court and congenial warmth off of it, Mr.
Krop, of Squirrel Hill and the South Side, died Friday ofchronic heart problems. He was 88. Mr. Krop never imagined the party would become a tribute to him. wanted to have a celebration to thank all the people who had an impact on said his daughter, Mimi Krop Curry of Greenfield.
But it was bound to turn out that way. He had collected too many associations in his life- time for it not to. As the all-time winningest coach at Robert Morris then a junior college he shaped young men out of a sense of purpose, before the days of six- and seven-figure coaching salaries and sneaker contracts. He compiled a 287-58 record in 14 seasons. And this was often with adolescents from poorer, urban homes who needed the direc- tion someone like the Knight of junior could provide.
Mr. Krop, though, was more gentlemanly than the merciless Knight, and approached each player on an individual basis. knew his said Michael Acquaro, one of Mr. assistants at Robert Morris College. liked to yell.
Some needed him to get in their face. Others baby. He knew what each Acquaro remembered one occasion that called for the former treatment. Mr. Krop, a shorter but sturdy man, lifted a 6-foot-7 center off his feet, hanging him by his jersey from a locker door.
It got the attention, and needless to say, the Colonials took control of the second half of the game. At home, his daughter knew a more tender, loving father, a man who eventually gave up coaching, in part, because he wanted to spend more time with his children and grandchildren. Upon his retirement from coaching, he became director of security at Robert Morris, a position he held until 1997, retiring at age80. In addition to his daughter, Mr. Krop is survived by his son Barry of West Deer another daughter, Kathy Chappelle of West Palm Beach, his sister Mary Louise Brooksof the South Side; and five grandchildren.
Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. today at St. Peter Church, Prince of Peace Parish. Wade Malcolm can be reached at or 412-263-1652. GUS KROP 1969 photo Gus Krop Tireless volunteer for Salvation Army, churches By Marylynne Pitz Pittsburgh Post-Gazette People who wanted to reach Michael John Belanchik either left a message at the Salvation Army warehouse in East Liberty or a note in a kitchen at St.
Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church in Rankin. was Mr. Volunteer. He was just a said Richard Reynolds of Penn Hills, a friend for 27 years. Mr.
Belanchik, 60, of Braddock Hills, suffered a heart attack on Saturdayand died at Mercy Hospital. A jovial Slavic man with broad shoulders, Mr. Belanchik possessed brawny determination and a giving nature. He logged tens of thousands of volunteer hours. At his church, he cleared the snow, cut the grass, polished the brass candlesticks and remodeled the rectory He also helped organize the annual bazaar and prepared the sanctuary for major feast days.
Carole Bushak, a longtime friend who lives in Swissvale, said: go up into the rafters of the church and lower the chandelier so it could be cleaned. There one inch of that church that know The only child of Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants, Mr. Belanchik grew up in Rankin, where he attended Rankin Elementary School and graduated from Rankin High School in 1962. After high school, Mr. Belanchik enlisted in the Marine Corps and served in Vietnam.
Following his discharge in 1966, he worked at Kopp Glass Inc. in Swissvale. In 1968, he landed a job with U.S. Steel Corp. Mr.
Belanchik spent 24 years at the Homestead Works. When the mill closed in 1983, he kept working as a volunteer throughout the community, continuing to wear steel-toed shoes, Army green pants and wide suspenders with the colors of the rainbow. His wife, Janet Rossi, whom he had married in 1972, continued working as a nurse at Mercy Hospital. In 2001, Mr. Belanchik began volunteering at the Salvation Army warehouse in East Liberty.
Bill Bolton, who manages the warehouse, said Mr. Belanchik would work around the clock when the need arose. been a permanent fixture Bolton said. During the past four years, he helped gather 20,000 toys so children in the area received Christmas gifts. worked all night if he had to so that the volunteers could separate it and get it repacked.
You can imagine what it takes to move that many toys around. I feel like somebody cut my right hand off right now. Without him, I have made it these five Bolton said. For 34 years, Mr. Belanchik belonged to the Rankin Volunteer Fire Depart- ment He also offered his services at St.
John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Munhall so the first Carpatho-Rusyn cathedral built in the United States would be preserved. For eight years, he performed a variety of maintenance tasks and tore out the antiquated radiator system. Friends will be received at James F. Kutch Funeral Home, 107 Fourth Rankin, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today Also today, a Parastasservice will be said at 3 p.m.
in the funeral home. A funeral will start at 9:30 a.m. in the funeral home tomorrow, followed by Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m. in St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church, 146 Third Rankin.
Interment will be in the St. section of Monongahela Cemetery in Braddock Hills. Marylynne Pitz can be reached at or 412-263-1648. MICHAEL JOHN BELANCHIK OTHER DEATHS Actress Gretchen Franklin, 94, known to millions as the dotty, dog-loving Ethel Skinner in the long-running BBC-TV soap opera July 11 in London. Although her acting career spanned more than 50 years, it was her role in that made Ms.
Franklin a household name. Clutching her pug dog, Willy, Ethel was a fixture in the fictional Albert Square and its Queen Vic pub from 1985 to 2000. She was written out in a controversial storyline in which Ethel, suffering from cancer, begged a friend to help her die. Bruce Malmuth, 71, who directed such films as and to and had small acting parts in Karate and other films, June 28 in Los Angeles of esophageal cancer. Mr.
Malmuth was best-known for directing Sylvester Stallone in the 1981 thriller and Steven Seagal in the 1990 political action film to as well as Are All the with Jill Clayburgh. An avid sports fan, Mr. Malmuth played the role of ring announcer in Karate among other small film roles..