Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

11 S. J. Jo 10 In Chris- Poh, Ariz. Ann Fla, St. by 10 of in ed bid of case check lowing Paul 1208 Clair chases, reserve 1977.

No requests The conditions to for of by (1) Poh. estate in Engel that a 29 a 202 the for Duty of County of must period bids. the OF C. of to Ten Economy Seen Easing in '78 NEW YORK (AP) U. S.

economic growth, profits before taxes from an average of 9.4 per- San Antonio announced Wednesday saying he cent this of year 'about to 8.4 100,000 percent next starts year. from An in- today that Ashland Oil had been "informally crease 2 million units housing the Inc. of Kentucky appar- vised" that it "appeared approximately begun in 1977 is ex- ently does not intend to pected, as is an expansion of the labor force by go through with a $50 unlikely" that Ashland the fourth quarter of next year to 100.1 million. million stock purchase would exercise its option The labor force now is an estimated 97.2 million that would have relieved to buy $50 million of persons. Corco's troubled finan- preferred Corco stock.

Nominations are now open for Pittsburgh's "Outstanding Citizens" awards. You can Rules Judging nominate an Anyone can make a nomina- There will be a minimum of Outstanding in tion, this using the advertisem*nt. form included five selected and by a a maximum panel of recruited ten Citizen is mid- by the Post-Gazette. The Deadline for entries for 1977! night, December 5. Any pri- newspaper will have no role vate citizen who has served a in the selection; the judges community in the Greater are completely independent.

These are awards for people who do not usually get Pittsburgh area Allegheny, awards. For the second Washington, Beaver, Butler Judges' Panel year, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and Westmoreland is eligi- Mr. William Carpenter in cooperation with the ble. The Hon. Maurice B.

Chill Jr. American Institute for Public There is no restriction, Mr. Charles Cubelic age Service, Washington, D. but the award is for service Mrs. James Duncan will sponsor "Outstanding being performed now or re- Dean David Epperson Citizen cently completed.

Mr. Aaron Levinson The purpose is to identify Mr. John G. McCormick and reward the person who All elected or appointed offi- Dean Akram Midani about making cials-governors, mayors, Mr. John Patak quietly goes his or her community a bet- judges, councilmen, etc.

are Rev. Dr. Leroy Patrick ter place to live the per- excluded for their public Mrs. Helen Popovich whose service may go service, unless engaged in Mrs. Dorothy Richardson son unrecognized.

some volunteer or paid activi- Sister Jane Scully outside their professional Rev. Msgr. Jacob Shinar This is truly a peoples' ty award, and it will to at job. Mr. Elmer Tropman Miss Zora Unkovich go least five and a maximum of The definition of public servten persons.

ice is broad. Anyone who is You are invited to make a helping other people and the nomination. community is eligible. And it Winners will be announced makes no difference if they in The Post-Gazette New are being paid for their work Year's Day. They will receive or not.

the Jefferson Medal for public service. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by a description (not over 100 words) of the Nomination Blank service which caused the nomination. The description should be on a separate piece of Directions: In order to be accepted, information a nomi- paper (it can be typed or written long nation form must include all re- hand). Be specific about names, dates, titles, quested below. It also must be accompanied etc.

Nominee's name Address Telephone Zip Name of nominee's employer (if applicable) Name, address and telephone number of another person who could verify the accuracy of the nominating information: Nominator's name Nominator's Telephone No. All nominations will be kept confidential by the Post-Gazette, but in order to be sure of the validity of each nomination, the nominator's name is requested. Mail to: Outstanding Citizen Awards, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 50 Boulevard of Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 inflation and unemployment will ease next year, according to projections by the Conference Board, business-research group. The board's Economic Forum projects the gross national product the total value of all cent to $1,391 billion in 1978 down from a estigoods and services on produced, to increase 4.2 permated growth rate of 4.8 percent this year.

The projections released last night also include an increase of 5.5 percent in industrial production, down from 5.9 percent in 1977 and an increase in consumer prices of 6.2 percent, compared to a 1977 rate of 6.5 percent. Wholesale prices are expected, to rise 6.1 percent, which would match figure, and the unemployment rate is expected to average 6.7 next year, compared with 7.1 percent in 1977. The economists said the economy still i is plagued by inflation and high unemployment, which are dampening growth because business is cautious about expansion. THE said 1978 FORUM, should COMPOSED of 11 economists, also bring a drop in corporate INVESTORS 'GUIDE Sam Shulsky Q. I've been weighing a 10.7 percent return from a $10,000 annuity ($89.50 a month for life) as against a long-term bond.

Which would you advise? A. I don't see how you can make a direct comparison between the two. In the first place, you should not consider that $89.50 a month as a "10.7 percent return" in the same context that you would label an $850 annual interest income from $10,000 in bonds as an percent return. The annuity's $89.50 represents both interest on your $10,000 payment plus return of part of your capital; that is, a portion of your $10,000 original payment for the annuity contract comes back to you each month. The portion is determined by the insurance company's acturial tables.

Now, the decision as to whether you should prefer $89.50 a month for life from a $10,000 annuity (with $10,000 gone from your estate) to $850 a year with the capital kept intact, is something only you can make, depending upon what you want your money to do. Co Corco-Ashland Deal Unlikely SAN ANTONIO, Texas cial situation. Corco (AP)-Commonwealth President Gary W. Davis Oil Refining Co. Inc.

of issued a terse statement Weather Snow, accumulating to 2 inches by afternoon. Extended outlook for Western Pennsylvania: A chance of rain or snow each day Wednesday through Friday. Highs in the 30s Wednesday, rising to the 40s by Friday. Lows in the upper teens to Wednesday, warming to the 30s by Friday. METEOROLOGICAL RECORD Highest temperature Nov.

since 01874 was 70 in 1937, Lowest temperature Nov. since 1874 was 8 In 1930. AIRPORT TEMPERATURES 24 p.m. ........26 ...........26 p.m. 26 a.m.

p.m. 27 a.m. 24 p.m. 24 26 a.m. p.m.

8 p.m. 28 19 9 p.m. 26 21 10 p.m. 25 11 p.m. 25 Midnight.

21 Airport at 7 p.m. Yesterday, Wther. 29.82 26 SE-8 Snow Press. Comparative temp, and '77 '75 '73 '72 High 27 63 41 42 64 41 Low 15 40 32 19 53 33 Mean 52 31 59 37 Precip. .06 .2 .01 .45 .03 Normal temp.

for the day. .37 Defic. in temp. for the day 16 Excess in temp. this month 133 Defic.

in temp. this year 370 Total precip. this month. 2 Normal precip. this 2.23 Defic.

in precip. this .23 Total precip. this year. 29.32 Normal precip. this year 33.51 Defic.

in precip. this year 4.19 CITY OFFICE DATA Period Ending 4 p.m. Maximum 27 Mean 22 Minimum 17 High and low temperatures in selected cities in a 24-hour period: Amarillo. 50 40 Atlanta. 26 Atlantic City 38 28 37 26 35 30 84 66 Buffalo.

26 19 Chicago. 27 32 25 63 54 Denver 47 24 Des 25 Detroit 25 13 Duluth 13 25 Fairbanks -28 Honolulu. 85 71 Houston. 80 66 Indianapolis. 34 21 Jacksonville 66 31 Los 81 59 Louisville 37 24 Miami 72 55 Pittsburgh Skies Sunset 4:55 p.m.

Sunrise Tuesday 7:22 a.m. Smart Crochet! 7481 by Alice Brooks Pull up the chin-cuddling collar; look smart in this coat! the newest, expensive Crocheted coats, are among fashions! Make your own in this easy-to-memorize pattern stitich and save! Use worsted. Pattern 7481: Sizes 10-16 incl. Send $1.25 for each pattern. Add 35c for each pattern for first-class mail and special handling.

Send to Alice Brooks, (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) '163, bid Needlecraft New York, N.Y. 10011, Print Chelsea Station, Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. Check Into This! 4875 SIZES by Anne Adams If you're planning on lust one new dress for the busy times ahead, make it this crisp step- in with slimming princess lines. Easy no waist seam! Printed Pattern 4875: Half Sizes Size (bust 37) takes yards 60-inch fabric. Send $1.25 for each pattern.

Add 35c each pattern for first-class mail and special handling. Send to Anne Adams, (Piffsburgh PostGazette), 140, Pattern 243 West 17th New York, N.Y. 10011, Print' Name, Ad. dress, Zip, Size and Style Number. LATEST DEATHS Baranowski, Edward J.

Blair, Elizabeth A. Bonner, Patrick Booker, Russell E. Brennan, Adaline Brown, Lindsay E. Butler, Francis R. Byrne, Thomas P.

Carpenter, Virginia M. Chasarik, Frances Colbert, James Dauer, Francis J. (Beanie) Fontana, Harry E. Gallagher, Alphonsus F. Getsv.

Clara Grabenstein, Veronica T. Grau, Mildred Guy, Edward L. (Lee) Hall, Harry Herrington, Mary J. Lafferty, Joseph F. Lantzy, Louis E.

Lotz, Gerard J. Lovas, Joseph McGillen, Edmund F. McMahon, Myrtle Moeller, Alma C. Ocel, Barbara Pcholinsky, Michael Poole, Joseph Resetar, John Romano, Domenick Sr. Rogers, Edward S.

Schiellien, Eleanor S. Seiner, Eva Sihol, Sara Smith, Norman J. Spiri, Edward J. Straiter, Elizabeth Thompson, Herbert Walls, Carl W. Jr.

West, Helen G. Wydro, Sr. Mary Thecla 001 Death Notices BARANOWSKI On Nov. 25, 1977, Edward beloved husband of Mary Mastrolanni Baranowski of Jefferson father of Darryl, Joseph, and Mark; son of Joseph B. Baranowski; grandfather of Tarah Lynne.

Friends received at the B. DEVLIN FUNERAL HOME, 806 Perry Highway, North Hills. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Teresa Church Mon. morning at 10 o'clock.

Family requests contributions to the Neurosurgical Education Fund of St. Francis Hospital. BLAIR On Sunday, Nov. 27, 1977, Elizabeth beloved sister of Frank E. and Joseph Valetta, Mrs.

Irma Morris, Mrs. Margaret Durandetto and Mrs. Murfle Clerici; wife of the late Thomas A. Blair; mother of the late Thomas A. Blair Jr.

Friends received in the L. BEINHAUER SON co. MORTUARY, 2630 West Liberty 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday Funeral services 11 a.m. Wednesday.

Interment Jefferson Memorial Park. BONNER Suddenly, on Nov. 26, 1977, Patrick of Oakland; beloved husband of the late Catherine Sweeney Bonner; father of William J. Bonner, Mrs. Patrick J.

(Sara O'. Donnell, Edward J. and Anthony R. Bonner; brother of Mrs. Mary Joyce Rochester, N.Y.

and sisters and brothers In Donegal, Ireland; also survived by six grandchildren children. and Friends five great be ceived at JOHN A FREYVOGEL SONS 4900 Centre Ave. at Devonshire St. 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Monday.

Funeral on Tuesday. Mass of Christian burial in St. Regis Church at 10 a.m. BOOKER Of Mt. Lebanon, on Nov.

25, 1977, Russell beloved husband of Jean Booker; father of Russell E. Ill, Nathaniel, and Claudia Booker; son of Edythe Booker of PA; brother of Charlotte Edwards of PA, the Rev. Cannon Robert Booker of Toms River, NJ, and Harris Booker of Pittsburgh. Friends received at the E. B.

LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME, 3310 West Liberty Mt. non, on Sun. from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Memorial services will be held on Nov. 28 at p.m., in Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church.

Family suggests contributions to the memorial fund of Sunset Hills Church. BRENNAN On Sunday, Nov. 27, 1977, Adaline Lewis, of Edgewood; beloved wife of Raymond mother of Mrs. Rosemary Sabolic of Blackridge and Raymond J. Brennan of Monroeville; sister of Mrs.

Margaret Warrener of also one grandson, John G. Friends received at the THOMAS L. NIED FUNERAL HOME, 7441 Washington Swissvale. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Anselm's Ch urch on Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Family hours 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. BROWN On Nov. 26, 1977, Lindsay E. of Bellevue; husband of the late Matilda I. Brown; father of Dorothy A.

Russell of Pleasant Hills and Ralph Earl Brown of Mansfield, Ohio; also survived by six grandchildren and one greatgranddaughter. Friends will be received on Sun. from 12-4 and 7-9 p.m. and Mon. from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

at the McDONALD-LINN FUNERAL HOME, 366 Lincoln Bellevue, where services will be held on Tues. morning at 11 o'clock. Stuckrath Lodge F. and A.M. will hold services Mon.

evening at 8 0'. clock. BUTLER Francis on Nov. 27, 1977, Oakland; beloved husband of Catherine father of Mrs. Irene Zanolli, Mrs.

Patricia Reitz, Richard, Gerald, Francis (Skip) and John; also survived by fourteen grandchildren; brother of Marlene and Walter Butler. Friends received in the JOHN N. ELACHKO FUNERAL HOME, 3447 Dawson St. at Semple. Funeral on Wed.

morning at 9:30. Funeral mass in St. Regis Church at 10 o'clock. Visitation with family Mon. and Tues.

2-4 and 7-9 p.m. BYRNE On Saturday, November 26, 1977, Thomas beloved husband of Mary A. (Duhig) Byrne; father of Mrs. Margaret Delaney, Mrs. Ann Kohl, Mrs.

Teresa Miller, Mrs. Julia Schaefer of Wyckoff, Mrs. Joan Ferer of Covington, Mrs. Joanne O'Connneil of Chappaqua, and Brother John Byrne F.S.C.; brother of Mrs. Julia Grady, Terrence and John Byrne and the late Mrs.

MarY Vogel and Martin Byrne; also survived by 19 grandchildren. Friends received after 2 p.m. Monday in the EDWARD P. KANAI FUNERAL HOME, 500 Greenfield Ave. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.

with Funeral Mass in St. Rosalia Church at 10 a.m. Visitations with the family 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. CARPENTER On Nov. 25, 1977, Virginla M.

of 202 Lincoln beloved wife. of Clarence Carpenter: mother of Clarence Jr. and Charles Carpenter, Mrs. Odessa Charles and Mrs. Emma L.

Ellis; also 19 grandchildren and '12 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the JULIA H. GAINES FUNERAL HOME, 220 Auburn E.E. where services will be held Tues. at 11 a.m.

Interment Homewood Cemetery. Lottery Number Saturday's number in the state's Daily Number drawing is 860. Nov. 28, 1977-21 001 Death Notices 001 Death Notices 107 597 Ads Want evening morning quickly rent or buy CAR Sell, DEATHS Hamilton, Dr. Robert C.

Osborne, Florence Platt, Arthur R. 001 Death Notices CHASARIK Newton Cemetery. COLBERT Mrs. Frances, Saturday, November 26, 1977: beloved mother of of Mt. Pleasant, Edward c.

of Upper Burrell, Mrs. Josephine Hirak of Hunker, Ann Zupick of N. Huntingdon, Mrs. Eleanor DeMichiel of Renton; sister of Joseph, Bagaciunas of Mt. Pleasant and Mrs.

Ann Fabian of Irwin; also survived by 13 grandchildren and 2 great. grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her band John Chasarik, In 1945 and her first husband Joseph Jurgaitis, in 1940. Friends are being received at the ROBERT S. RUSIEWICZ FUNERAL HOME, 1400 Fifth Ar.

nold, "PA. Mass of Christian Burial Tuesday at 10 in a.m. St. Joseph's R.C. Church, New Kensington.

Interment West On Friday, November 25, 1977, James, Lake Placid, formerlY of N. Braddock and Sandy Lake, PA; husband of Anna McKinnon Colbert: father of Merilee Zawadzki of Victoria, Tex. Also three grandsons. Friends received at the WM. E.

ELKIN MORTUARY, Fourth St. N. Braddock, after 6 p.m. Tuesday, where services will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. (North Braddock Fire Dept.

services Tuesday at p.m.) DAUER Saturday, November 26, 1977, Francis J. (Beanie), of Beechview, beloved, husband of Margaret father of Francis James (Judith) Lutz and Wayne; brother of Mrs. Helen Lofz, Mrs. Dorothy Black, Mrs. Eva Underwood, Mrs.

Alice Gingrich and 'Elmer Dauer; also survived, by two grandchildren. Friends received at the BEINHAUER AND SON co. MORTUARY, 2630 West 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Services on Wednesday at 11 a.m, FONTANA Saturday, November 26, 1977, Harry "Edward, of Plum Boro; husband of Florence Fontana; father of Eugene and Harry Fontana brother of Mary Zammikiel, Andrew and Theodore Fontana; six grandchildren.

Friends received at the PAUL R. ELKIN FUNERAL HOME, 2300 Leechbura North Bessemer, Penn Hills. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. Christian Mass from the St. Januarius Church of Renton, at 10 a.m.

Interment Plum Creek Cemetery. GALLAGHER On Nov. 26, 1977, of Poh. (Marian Manor), Alphonsus husband of the late Frances Schertzinger; father of Raymond, Edward, Regis and Jane Marcus; also four grandchildren; brother of Rebecca Cloonan and Margaret Kofnehl. Friends will be received Mon.

12-9 p.m. at the VEY L. CORBA FUNERAL HOME, 997. Greentree Greenfree. Mass of Christian burial in St.

Margaret's RC Church, Greentree, Tues. at 10 a.m. GETSY On Friday, Nov. 25, 1977, Clara, of Gary, formerly of Braddock; wife of the late John Getsy; mother of Rev. John Getsv O.F.M.

Cap, Clara Connell, and the late Rita Getsy; sister of Victoria Chuba, the late Al Pliska, the late Elsie, Kujava, and the late Francis Pliska; also three grandchildren. Friends received at the REGIS J. PASTOR FUNERAL HOME, 808 Talbot Braddock. Funeral on Tuesday, Parish with the Sacred Heart at 10:00 a.m. followed by Concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial in St.

Michael's Church at 11:00 a.m. GRABENSTEIN On Fri. evening, Nov. 25, 1977, Veronica Schweiger; wife of the late Charles Grabenstein of New Swickley mother of Mrs. Ruth Eshleman, Mrs.

Betty 0' Malley, and Earl K. Grabenstein; sister of Beatrice McAllister; also survived by 11 grandchildren and 26 greatgrandchildren. Friends received at the H. P. BRANDT FUNERAL HOME, 1032 Perry Christian' Burial Perrysville, St.

AthanaMass of sius Church West View, on Tue. morning at 10 o'clock. GRAU On Nov. 26, 1977, Mildred Stegmann of Etna; wife of the late Roy H. Grau; mother of Ethel Klinefelter, Beverly A.

Kenneth Overand, W. Roy Grau; H. and sister of Gertrude Meyers, Henrietta Stillwagon, Katherine Linder, and Margaret Duffy; also survived by 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Visitation with the family 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the BOCK FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Mt.

Royal Glenshaw. Service in the 1sf Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sharpsburg on Tue. morning at 11 o'clock. GUY On Nov. 26, 1977, Edward L.

Guy (Lee); husband of Ruth Flowers. Guy; father of Kathleen Smith of Cherburne, New York; brother of Frank Guy. Friends may call at H. SAMSON, 537 Neville St. (Oakland Civic Center) Mon.

2-4 and 7.9 p.m., were services will be held Tues. morning at 11 o'clock. Interment Riverview Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Heart Fund. HALL On Thursday, Nov.

24, 1977, Harry; beloved husband of Daisy; brother of Billy Hickman of Pittsburgh, Ethel wilson and Virginia Clay, both of Washington, D.C. Friends recelved at the GEORGE A. WARDEN FUNERAL HOME, 1100 North Homewood where funeral services will held Monday at a.m. Interment Restland Cemetery. HAMILTON Suddenly, on Nov.

26, 1977, Dr. Robert Hamilton; husband of Ruth Butler Hamilton; father of Richard of Kansas City, Hamilton, Miss Nancy 'Audrey Hamilton, Poh. of and Mrs. Willson, St. David's, also two grandchildren, Dawn and Beth Wilison.

Friends received at H. SAMSON, 537 Neville St. (Oakland' Civic Center) Sun. 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., where Services will be held Mon. morning at 11 o'clock.

Interment uoodlawn Cemetery, Wilkins- burg. HERRINGTON On Nov. 27, Mary Jane of 604 Westland Greensburg; daughter of Mrs. Helen Holmes of Wilkinsburg; wife of James W. Herrington; mother of Mrs.

David (Donna) Suriana of Pittsburgh, and Kathy Lynn Herrington of Elkins, W.Va.; sister of Mrs. Raymond Woods of Irwin, PA; two granddaughters. Friends will be received at the BARNHART FUNERAL HOME, 505 East Pittsburgh Greensburg, between 3-5 and 7-9. Funeral services Wed. at 11 a.m.

at the First Presbyterian Church Chapel, Greensburg. LAFFERTY On Friday, NOv. 25, 1977, Joseph husband of Margaret Leppiq; father of "Charles Q. Lafferty, Mrs. Marge Laurent and Mrs.

Betty McGregor; also fourteen and two great-grandchildren; brother of Mrs. Mary Koch and Mrs. Anna Bambraugh. Friends received 2-4 7-9 p.m. at the EDWARD A.

SCHEPNER FUNERAL HOME, 34 E. Crafton Crafton. Services on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 10 a.m. Member of Pittsburgh's Typographical Union 7.

LANTZY On Nov. 25, 1977, Louis of E. formerly of Turtle beloved father of Mrs. Patricia Ramsey, Mrs. Margaret Pifer, and George Lantzy also 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; brother of Mrs.

Blanche Nagle, Ohio. Friends will be received at the JOHN QUINLAN FUNERAL HOME, 11th and Airbrake Turtle Creek. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Maurice Church Tues. at 10 a.m.

LOTZ On Nov. 26, 1977, Gerard J. of West View; beloved husband of Jean Cunningham Lotz; father. of Charles and Shirley; brother of Adam. Lotz and Mary Ehman.

Friends received 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. at the R. SCHELLHAAS FUNERAL HOME, 388 Center Ave. (off Horseshoe Bend), West View, Service on Wed. at 9:30 a.mo Mass of Christian Burial in St.

Athanasius Church at 10 a.m. LOVAS On Sat. Nov. 26, 1977, Joseph; father of Rauland Dale and Monica T. Lovas; brother of George and Mary Lovas; also survived by five grandchildren.

Friends received after 2 p.m. Sun. in the EDWARD KANAI FUNERAL HOME, 500 Greenfield Ave. Funeral Tue. at 9 a.m.

with Divine Liturgy in the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary B.C. Church at 9:30 a.m. Panachida and Rosary Mon. 7:30 p.m. McGillen On Nov.

26, 1977, Edmund F. of 1445 Simpson Ocean City, N.J., formerly of burgh, 59; father of cia, "Timothy, and Terrance McGillen. Friends may call Tuesday evening 7.9 p.m. at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, 126 South Black Horse Pike, Runnemede, N.J. 08078, Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday at 10 a.m.

at St. Teresa's R.C. Church, Run- McMAHON On Sun. McKees Nov. 27, Rocks; 1977, Myr: tie of wife of the late Robert; mother of Robert six grandchildren; one great-grandchild.

Friends received at McDERMOTT FUNERAL HOME, 1225 Chartiers McKees Rocks, from 2-4 and 7-9. Services Nov. 29 at 1 p.m. MOELLER On Nov. 26, 1977, Alma of the S.S.; daughter of the late Caroline Hartung and Nicholas Moeller; beloved ter of Dorothy Moeller; also survived by nieces and neph: ews.

Friends and Members of the Blessed Virgin Society and Confraternity of the sion received at the JOHN J. GMITER FUNERAL HOME, 119 So. 15th. St. Funeral Wed.

Funeral Mass In St. 'Michael's Church at 9:30 a.m. noon to 9 p.m. OCEL Nov. 26, 1977, Barbara, of N.

Braddock; beloved mother of Joseph John, Frank, phen, Albert, and Raymond Ocel; sister of Mrs. Pauline Hrabley; also nine grandchildren. Friends received at the ALBERT G. LESKO FUNERAL HOME, Bell. and Jones N.

Brad ock. Mass of Christian Burial at St. Michael's Church Nov. 29 at 10 a.m. OSBORNE At Tiajuana, Mexico, on day evening, 22, 1977, Florence Kaftenbach; wife of the late Osborne, formerly of West View; mother of Mrs.

Dorothy Kern Frank Jr. and Robert borne of Tucson, sister of Elizabeth Frever, MildreB Lewis and Cecelia Imhoff; also survived by five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the H. P. BRANDT FUNERAL HOME, 1032 Perry Highway, Perrysville, beginning on after p.m.

Mass of burial at St. Teresa Church, Perrysville, on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. PCHOLINSKY On Friday, Nov. 25, 1977, Michael, of Rankin; husband of Mary (Maskaly); father of Michael, of West 'Mifflin, and Mary Alice also three grandchildren, and nieces and nephews. Friends received at the JAMES KUTCH FUNERAL HOME, (FORMERLY GORICKI) 107 Fourth Rankin.

Funeral Tuesday 6:00 a.m., with Divine Liturgy, at St. Michael's G.C. Church at 9:30 a.m. Friends received 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.. PLATT Suddenly, on Friday, Nov.

25, 1977, Arthur of Shaler beloved husband of Ethel Shilling Platt; brother the late Mabel L. Platt of Coraopolis, Pa. Friends received at the BOCK FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Mt. Royal Glenshaw, where services will be held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. POOLE Of Penn Hills, on Nov.

27, 1977, Joseph; beloved husband of the late Cecelie N. Poole; father of Richard Norman, and Joyce Poole; also six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; brother of Mary Etta Pooleand Walter Poole. Friends received at the GENE H. CORL VILLE FUNERAL CHAPEL 4335 Northern Pike (1 block east of Mosside Blvd.RT. 48), where services will be held on Wed.

at 11 a.m. Visitations 7-9 p.m. and 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tue. RESETAR Of 12349 Maple Lane, N.

Huntingdon, Nov. 26, 1977, John; husband of the late Florence Weaver: son of Anna; father of William and Jay; brother of George, Anna Stark, Helen Urbanick. Friends received RODGERS FUNERAL HOME, Irwin. Services Tues. 11 a.m.

ROMANO On Nov. 26, Domenick father of Adeline Romano, Mary Salvatore, Catherine Cosentino, Virginia Godino, Bridget Struth, Patsy, Joseph, and Domenick Romano brothof Patsy Romano; 28 grandchildren; 46 great-grandeight great-greatgrandchildren. Friends received at the BAGNATO FUNERAL HOME, Chartiers Carnegie. Funeral Mass in Holy Souls Church Tues. at 9:30 a.m.

ROGERS On Saturday, 26, 1977, Edward husband of Downing Rogers, of Bellevue; father of Edward Delores R. Rogers; brother of Deegan, Patricia Leech, Ardith Smer: kol, Mary Mefta, Thomas W. and William T. Rogers; also one grandson. Friends recieved 2-4 and 7-9 at the LAWRENCE T.

MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 460 Lincoln Bellevue. Mass of Christian burial in the Church of the Assumption, on Tuesday, at 10 a.m. SCHIELLIEN On Sunday, Nov. 20, 1977, of Eleanor Susan Fort Lauderdale, Florida, (formerly of Mt. Lebanon); sister of Mrs.

Sara H. Edwards, Mrs. Margaret Luope, both of of Pgh. and Fred M. Schiellien Fort Lauderdale, Florida; also survived by nieces and nephews.

Memorial Services will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 29. 1977, at the Brookline United Methodist Church, at 11. a.m. Miss Schiellien is a retiree of Pittsburgh Steel Company.

Arrangements BEINHAUER SON MORTUARY SEINER On Sunday, Nov. 27, 1977, Eva Price Seiner, beloved wife of the late Harry Seiner; mother of Mrs. Shirley Silverman, of White Plains, New York, Mrs. Janice Colker, Mrs. Marilyn Sternalass and Jerome Seiner, all of sister of Joseph Price, of William and Samuel Price, both of also survived by 11 grandchildren.

Services at the RALPH SCHUGAR CHAPEL, 5509 Centre on Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Interment Beth Shalom Cemetery. Visitations one hour prior to the service. Family suggests contributions to the Charify of your choice. SIHOL Of Mt.

Lebanon, on Saturday, November 26, Sara (nee Maioli), wife of the late ArSihol; beloved mother of Doris S. Mullin, Virginia S. Fullerton of Befty S. Froelick of June Wells of Mechanicsburg, PA. and the late Rosella Castelli; also survived 20 grandchildren and A memorial Mass of the tian Burial will be held Ann's Church, on Tuesday, Nov.

29 at 11 a.m. SMITH On Nov. 26, 1977, in the Ohio Valley Hospital, of Crafton, Norman husband the late Ida M. Kinder; beloved father of Mercedes Kormick, Ethel Podsobinski, Shirlev Koerner, and Staub; also '17 grandchildren and free brother of Viola Maser, Eleanor Saville, Hilton, and Richard Smith. Friends received at the STOVER INC.

FUNERAL HOME, 170 Noble Crafton, where a Blessing Service will be held Tue. af 11 a.m. Visitation with the family 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. SPIRI Edward on of' Nov. 27, 1977; brother Frances Chenot, Dorothy Christ, erine Spiri, John, Joseph, Vincent, and Fred Spirl; also survived by nieces and nephews.

Frinds will be recelved at the WINTER FUNERAL HOME, 4730 Friendship Ave. "Mass of Christian Burial in a.m. Joseph's Church on Wed. at Family visitation 2-4 and 7-9. STRAITER Elizabeth (Betty) Visoskis of West Mifiin, Nov.

27, 1977, wife of the Tate Stanley: beloved mother of Veronica Nowak, Virginia Marrone and Stanley Jr. sister of Ann Savolskis, Annette Ambrose, Mary Nausiedis, Julia Imro, Margaret Jacobs, Joanne Salopek and George Visosk is; also three grandchildren. received FUNERAL HOME, 3501 Main SAVOLSKIS GLENN Munhall. from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral mass Weds.

at p.m. in Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Homestead. THOMPSON On Nov. 26, 1977, Herbert of Ross.

husband of Grace Medlin; father of Donald H. Thompson; brother of Mrs. John (Winitred) Rudisill; also four grandchildren. Family will receive friends 2-4 and 7. 9 at the PFEIFER FUNERAL HOME, 512 Grant Mill.

vale, where services will be held on Nov. 29 at 10:30 a.m. Member of Corinthian Lodge and Consistory. WALLS Carl W. of RD Allquippa, on November 26, 1977, father of Renee and Erin; son of Carl and Barbara Walls Sr.

brother, of Mrs. Nancy Stewart Mrs. Susan J. Edward and Ronald J. Walls.

Family will receive friends 7.9 p.m. and Tuesday 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. at the COPELAND CORAOP. OLIS FUNERAL HOME, 867 Fifth where services will be held Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. WEST Mrs.

Helen G. on Nov. 26, 1977, of 2379 Hi-ridge Drive, North Huntingdon wife of the late George W. West; mother of Mrs. Jane W.

Herd, with whom she resided, Mrs. Nancy W. Emery of West Mifflin and Mrs. Marjorie W. Christopher of Ridge, New York; sister of Mrs.

Emily Williams of North Tonawanda, New York, Mrs. Margaret Williams of' North Huntingdon and Adine M. Goetz of McKeesport: also nine grandchildren. Friends received at the HUNTER FUNERAL HOME, 1600 Coursin McKeesport, after. 7 p.m.

Sunday. Services will held at the funeral home Tues. at 11 a.m. Interment Jefferson Memorial Park. WYDRO (Sr.

Mary Thecla) On Friday, Nov. 25, the 1977, Sr. Mary Thecia, of Felician Order, Coraopolis; sister of Sophie Kelly, Helen Roper, Walter, and 'Max, all of Erle, and John, of Oil City; also several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Felician Sisters Motherhouse, 1500 Woodcrest Coraopolis, until Monday, 1977, at 1:30 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated in the Convent Chapel at 2:00 p.m.

Funeral arrangements ANTHONY SANVITO FUNERAL HOME, Coraopolis. 800 Legal Notice HOWARD E. Sandier, 1414 Oliver Building, Pa. 15222. Notice is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation were filed with and approved by the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, on the 22nd day of November, 1977, for the purpose of obtaining Certificate of Incorporation of a business corporation which was organized, under the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved May 5, 1933, P.L.

364, as amended. The name of the corporation is Byrd Graphic Design, Inc. The purpose or purposes for which it was organized: To engage in the transaction of any and all lawful business for which busi. nesses may be incorporated under the provisions of the Pennsvivania Business. Corporation Laws, and for these poses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of FOREIGN CORPORATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on November 18, 1977, by Federated High Income Securities, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the State of Marviand where its principal office is located at 25 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland, for a Certificate of Authority to do business within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law proved May 5, 1933, P.

L. 364, as amended. The character and nature of the business of said corporation which it proposes to transact in the Commonwealth of Pennsyivania, under the said Certificate of Authority, is: Investment company. The proposed registered office of the corporation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be located at 421 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 NOTICE is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation for McKenzie Corporation have been filed with and approved by State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of November 17, 1977 pursuant to the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth approved May 5, 1933, P. L.

364, as amended. The corporation was organized for the purpose of engaging in or doing any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated under the provisions of the above-described Law. 805 Proposals THE Allegheny Valley School District is soliciting bids for general school supplies. Bids are due on or before December 19, 1977 at 3:00 P.M. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the secretary, Acmetonia Mrs.

Mary Ellen Orf, Elementary, School, Pearl Avenue, Cheswick, Pa. COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY November 25, 1977 Separate and sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Controller of Allegheny County, Room 105 Court House, Pittsburgh, PA, until 11- :00 A.M., prevailing time Wednesday, December 7, 1977 and will be publicly opened at 11:30 A.M., prevailing time on Wednesday, December In the presence of the "County Commissioners in Room 410 Court House, Pittsburgh, PennDrapery; Rental of Software Systems; Maintenance for Memorex Computer Data Preparation Service; Rental System Maintenance, Service; of EDP Devices; Rental or Pur. chase of Computer Terminals; One Sterile Dryer; (10) Heavy Diesel Dump Trucks Complete with Plows Dockets 1977 and Spreaders; Water Quality Testing Equipment; and Rental Products; Computer AnalytiSystems cal Laboratory Equipment; Dental Supplies for the Health Department; Court Order Printing; Gravel; Floor and Wall Tile; Paint and Paint Materials (Latex Paint); Glass Spheres and Paint and Paint Materials; Milk; Coffee; Fish; Ensure; Yeast and Malt Syrup; Sustacal; Medicinal Oxygen, UsP. Special bidding blanks and envelopes for use, of bidders, instructions to bidders and conditions regulating bidding together with specifications may be had on application at the Office of the Bureau of Court House, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Proposal be nied bond certified (as required) the order running to the County of Allegheny the amount fixed the Specifications as dence the bidder will accept same carry out the and contract in award.

bidder may of withdraw 60 his days after the scheduled closing time for receipt Commissioners right to reject any and all bids. JOHN P. LYNCH, CONTROLLER COUNTY ALLEGHENY 831 Estate Notices ESTATE NOTICES, Letters have been granted on the of each of the foldecedents to the personal representative named who all persons having claims against the estate of the to decedent make known the same writing to him or his attorney, and all persons indebt. the decedent to make to him payment without delay: McCAULLY, Mary deceased, of Pittsburgh, Pa. No.

5269 of Bernard McCaully, West Garden G. Pa. 15227, or to Sullivan, 812 Frick Pitfsburgh, Pa. 15219 SNAMAN, Irene Marie, ed, of Pittsburgh, Pa. No.

5274 1977. John W. Snaman, 1215 Foster Pittsburgh, Pa. 15205, or to Clyde G. Miller, Esquire, 60 East Crafton Pittsburgh, Pa.

15205. RAGALLER, Michael, 5177 deceased, 1977. Pa. No. of Richard Ragaller, Satellite Circle, Upper St.

Pa. 15243, or to William Sharlock, 3090 Repcheck Steel Pa. 15219,.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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If you would like to have a personal copy of an article by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, please email us at pgstore@post-gazette.com or call us at (412) 263-1741.

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If you are having trouble with a newspaper subscription or delivery, please call: 1-800-228-6397 or visit the Help Center at post-gazette.com/help. The PG Store staff is available weekdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

Placing an obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette starts at $100.00.

Does the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette still exist? ›

PGe publishes every day and post-gazette.com is updated around the clock, as news breaks. Founded in 1786, the Post-Gazette provides the Pittsburgh community with award-winning local, national and international news coverage and unparalleled reporting and commentary on Pittsburgh's sports teams.

Does the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette offer senior citizen discount? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also offers those 65 and older a discount of $2 per week on a full seven-day print subscription.

What is the address of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

Pittsburg Post-Gazette, 358 N Shore Dr, Pittsburgh, PA - MapQuest.

How many days does the Post-Gazette print? ›

In August 2018, the Post-Gazette ceased publishing daily. It cut down to online editions on Tuesdays and Saturdays and print editions the remaining days of the week. In October 2019, the paper further reduced its paper editions to Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.

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  1. Visit the Subscription & Payment section of Account Details.
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  3. Follow the steps to finish cancelling your subscription*

Who runs the Post-Gazette? ›

The Post-Gazette is headed by Publisher and Editor-In-Chief John Robinson Block, President and General Manager Tracey DeAngelo and Stan J.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

Do people have to post an obituary? ›

Obituaries are not required by law , so the deceased's family might have chosen to forego publishing one. Publishing an obituary can be expensive , and the funds may be unavailable. The deceased has few family members or friends , so there might have, unfortunately, been no need for an obituary.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in a local paper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

How do I contact the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

Editors: Stan J. Wischnowski, Executive Editor and Vice President, 412-263-1890, swischnowski@post-gazette.com. David Garth, Managing Editor/Editing & Standards, 412-263-1767, dgarth@post-gazette.com.

What is the largest newspaper in Pittsburgh PA? ›

About Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is Western Pennsylvania's largest newspaper and post-gazette.com is the region's most visited news website, together reaching nearly 1 million people each week.

Is Pittsburgh a good place to live? ›

Pittsburgh is a convenient, affordable place to live and work—with a cost of living 7% lower than the national average, a reasonable median home price of $259,900, and median monthly rent of $1,427. The city also has a range of top-notch companies in the education, technology, healthcare, and steel industries.

What happened to the Pittsburgh Press newspaper? ›

After months of failed negotiations, Scripps put the Pittsburgh Press up for sale on October 2, 1992. Block Communications, the owners of the much smaller JOA paper, the Post-Gazette, agreed to purchase the paper, effective November 30, upon the settlement of the strike.

Does the Pennsylvania Gazette still exist? ›

The Pennsylvania Gazette was founded in 1728 and ceased publication in 1800.

Does Pittsburgh have a daily newspaper? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, also known simply as the PG, is the largest newspaper serving metropolitan Pittsburgh in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.

Who is the Publisher of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.