Secrets that May Save the Universe - Rey129 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

The scene opened on a clock before shifting over to a rather young looking Izuku, crying.

“T-That’s mean, Kacchan.” The shot jumped out to show another child kneeling behind Izuku, holding his arm. “C-Can’t you see he’s crying.” The obviously terrified look didn’t leave the boy as he shifted into a fighting stance, or at least the best one he could do. “I-If you keep going, I-I-I’ll never forgive you!” Just as Izuku made his bold statement, the shot bulled out again, revealing 3 other children staring down the two crying, one with a rather distinct puff of hair.

“Well, at least your fighting stance has improved,” Gran Torino commented on while the others were more surprised at who young Izuku was talking to than the fact that he was trying to stand up for someone else.

“I was little, okay? Mom didn’t want me learning martial arts as she thought I’d get hurt, so I was just copying what I saw from videos,” Izuku muttered. A few of his classmates gave him side eyes before glancing down at where his right arm was hidden.

The camera then cut to face the three other boys. Two unknown faces stood behind with what could only be a dumbfounded Bakugo in front. Bakugo then scoffed while the other two moved to show off their quirks, one red demon wings and the other elongating his fingers.

“Even though you’re quirkless…” the young Bakugo started before cutting to a closeup of his hands as he punched one into the other, releasing an explosion, “you’re pretending to be a hero, Deku?”

Murmurs filled the room. Midoriya, quirkless? What is Bakugo talking about? Izuku himself flinched at the word and was starting to curl in on himself again, turning his head to try and bury his face into All Might’s side without aggravating the old wound.

“While it may be tempting to ask questions, I recommend saving them for a little while. Like good stories, the answers will be revealed if you are patient,” Merritt’s voice cut off their mutterings and pulling their attention for a second so they almost missed seeing the three boys attacking young Izuku before the cut.

“Wait, did they just go three on one? How’s that fair, Bakugo?” Kirishima called out, turning to face the blond.

“Shut up, will you. We’re here to find out whatever that sh*tface nerd is hiding, not talk about what it was like when we were little!”

A few of the students look like they wanted to argue but were cut off when an unexpected voice. “Guys, it’s fine, that was years ago,” Izuku said, not really looking anywhere but at the screen as it showed him on the ground with the other crying boy kneeling over him. “Besides, that wasn’t all that uncommon back then.”

Gran Torino looked the boy up and down before turning to the other Pros. “Might I suggest counselling for this one?”

All Might sighed and wrapped his arm around his young successor. “We probably should have started that at the beginning of the year,” he muttered, only heard by the few around him.

“All men are not created equal,” their Izuku’s voice spoke over the shots of his beaten up younger self. “That was the reality about society I learned at the age of four.” A shot of the sky was disturbed by a red shoe splashing though a now obvious puddle. “That was my first and last setback.” The screen then cut to watch as Izuku in a black Gakuen running off, clearing heading somewhere exciting.

“Oh, you look so happy, Deku-kun!” Uraraka said, perking up at the boy’s smile as he continued to run. “Where are you heading?”

“Uh, let’s see, this was back in middle school, and probably before school if I remember that route correctly, plus with how excited I am, it could really only be…”

The scene changed to show a giant whose nose made up majority of his face as he let out a roar. The scene quickly cut back to Izuku watching in awe before a quick name card appeared around the boy. The camera then faced the villain, pulling out to reveal Tatooin Train Station and a large crowd of onlookers.

“That’s a huge villain.”

The sound of hands smacking foreheads reverberated across the room. Of course Izuku would run towards a villain fight, he was probably hoping to take notes on the heroes there.

The scene changed as parts of All Might were illuminated by a golden glow. A guitar accompanied the lights and continued before switching to a stunned Izuku looking on while bathed in the same golden glow.

“Oh my god, the look on your face, Midoriya! You look like you can’t believe All Might’s right there!” Kaminari laughed, a few of the classmates joining in. Izuku himself was too distracted by trying to figure out what was going on. He didn’t remember every being in that position with All Might.

“Oh, this must be our opening!” Uraraka exclaimed, looking rather please by the thought.

“You know, kero, now that I look at it, Midoriya-chan, you look a lot skinnier in the shot than you do now,” Asu-Tsuyu mentioned, looking at the screen with as the boy stood up.

“Huh, now that you mention it. I mean, Midoriya never looks particularly strong, but he looks really skinny back then,” Satou agreed, looking both versions of the boy.

Izuku blinked before thinking about it for a second, watching as his counterpart was reaching towards All Might. “Well, I worked out a lot during my third year of middle school to get ready for the entrance exam. This is probably set before that.” His classmates and teachers readily agreed with that assessment, after all, it made a lot of sense.

“OMG, WE EACH GET OUR OWN NAME CARDS!” Ashido shouted, hugging the floating tee shirt next to her.

“Aww, none for us?” Present Mic joked, rubbing his elbow against Aizawa.

“Apparently you aren’t important enough to get one,” came the dry response. Present Mic dramatically gripped his heart before leaning against All Might, saying something about how mean Eraser was. Aizawa only rolled his eyes at the display, though a couple of the more observant students noted something similar to amusem*nt in his eyes.

The title card faded, being replaced by a night shot of the city. Izuku stood on a bridge looking at something overhead, being soaked by the rain. He then turns, not looking up at the lights that surrounded him. He walked on, the camera turning to face him and old notebooks flashed in the background.

“Hero Analysis for the Future? Deku-kun, how many notebooks do you have?”

“Hn? Let’s see, I started the 13thright before the third year of middle school, and I’ve yet to fill it up completely, so…”

The class and teachers all turned to the boy while also leaning ever so slightly away. The only one not surprised was All Might, who just shook his head and watched as the notebooks fell to the ground before a young Izuku and Bakugo faced each other.

“Well that’s a rather violent relationship,” Gran Torino commented, watching as both boys on screen turned to punch each other. The students were all unnerved as the screen shattered to reveal Shigaraki reaching towards them.

“So we’re going to be covering USJ in this season,” Todoroki commented, watching as All Might exchanged blows with Noumu before Kurogiri took over the screen, which then switched over to Aizawa-sensei taking out a few villains, much to the cheer of the students.

“We look so cute!” Uraraka proclaimed, hugging Tsuyu as both flew across the screen. Iida looked rather pleased with himself, being able to show off in the opening.

“Todoroki, does your expression ever change?” Kaminari asked as the other boy surfed onto the screen.

“Of course it does. However, right now, I’m glad I redid my costume.” The class could agree with that, looking back on how it used to look.

They watched as Bakugo gave his best silent battle cry before Izuku came running to throw a punch. Most were confused as the arm flashed between All Might’s and Izuku’s but decided either symbolism or they’ll get an explanation later.

As the last shots of the students rolled, a few leaned forward to see who was doing the animation. “Wait,” Ashido started, reading the credits once more to be sure, “Studio Bones is the one handling the animation…”

“Yes!” Kaminari shot up before turning to high five Kirishima and Sero. “Awesome fight scenes coming our way!” The teachers looked on with ranging levels of amusem*nt, All Might shaking his head before turning to look at the boy practically velcroid to his side. Izuku was smiling as he watched his classmates have fun and picking fun at Ojirou who’s onscreen counterpart was stuck in air doing a kick of some kind.

The scene shifted to show what looked to be a hospital with one window shining. The older Izuku explained the beginning of quirks while showing the father freaking out about the glowing baby. It continued to explain the growing prevalence of quirks while showing several children using their newly discovered gifts.

“The world became a superhuman society…” a cape fluttered before revealing a broad chest covered in red, white and yellow. The figure walked forward as the narration continued. “…and now about 80% of the world’s population now has some kind of special trait.”

“Huh, is that how much it is? Seems a lot more common than that now a’ days” Mic commented, rubbing his chin.

“That’s because most of that statistic is counting the older generations,” All Might explained, gently rubbing Izuku’s back as the boy started to curl up again. “It’s becoming less and less common to not have a quirk. I can remember it being closer to maybe 60-70% of the population having quirks when I was growing up.”

“Yeah, it was about 45% when I first became a hero,” Gran Torino added. The students looked to the elderly pro with wide eyes. They knew he was many years older than their teachers, but just how old was he? As if sensing their question, the small man turned and glared at the kids. They wisely turned their attention back to the screen.

Light enveloped the tall, muscular figure of All Might before shifting back to the villain fight from before the opening. The giant turned and smacked a steel frame off the track, causing it to fall to the street. Death Arms quickly ran out under the frame and caught it, to the awe of the civilians held back by the police. One of the citizens who was not Izuku quickly gave an explanation on both him and Backdraft, who showed up to create a barrier between everyone and the action.

The camera jumped back to where Izuku was shown trying to see around the crowd. Two civilians were heard commenting on the chain of events that lead to the fight.

“You can do it, Kamui!” a bunch of fangirls cried out as the young hero arrived on scene. The masked youth jumped out of the villain’s grasp, pulling his attention away from the destruction of the train track.

Izuku was finally shown making it to the front line, asking who was fighting before answering himself. The man next to him even commented on it.

“He has a point there, Midoriya-kun. Maybe we should have you help commentate the next sports festival,” Present Mic speculated. A few of the students were shown to be agreeing with their teacher while the boy himself was trying to decline, saying that this was more of a hobby of his than anything.

“I think Young Midoriya would rather be participating than commentating,” All Might chuckled, giving the boy a pat and a fond smile. Mic acquiesced and turned back to the screen as a few classmates chuckled, saying something about only known Izuku for a few seconds and already having him pegged.

Kamui was shown running at the villain, avoiding getting crushed by the hand reaching towards him. The youth then displayed an impressive level of agility, flying through the air and landing on top of the station.

“Illegal use of powers during rush hour and robbery resulting in bodily injury. You are the incarnation of evil.”

“Um, has Kamui not seen much action? There’s no way a purse snatcher is worse than the League of Villains,” Ojirou asked, turning to the resident expert. Izuku himself blinked as more eyes turned to him, seeking an explanation, all while Kamui on screen prepared his move.

“While Kamui Woods is relatively new on the scene, he has been in a few big battles. Calling a villain the ‘incarnation of evil’ is more likely to be how he markets himself than what he actually believes.” Pacified, the students turned back to the screen just as the villain was kicked off the tracks.

“Mt. Lady!” Mineta cried out, the only one really reacting to the other hero’s sudden appearance. The class was still stunned as the rows of photographers were taking shots.

“Today is the day of my debut,” the giantess was shown tending to the villain. She then turned to the audience, “My name is Mt. Lady. A pleasure to meet your ass-quantience,” the heroine said, winking while showing the photographers what they were apparently after.

“Wait, Midoriya,” Mineta paused, turning to the boy on the couch. Izuku tilted his head, curious to what his classmate was going to say. “You were at Mt. Lady’s debut and you didn’t tell me!”

“A-ah,” Izuku chuckled awkwardly, his hand scratching the back of his head while avoiding clocking All Might in the chest. “It’s never come up before. Besides, I’ve happened to be at a few heroes debuts before, so it’s not much of a big deal to me.”

The class stared at the boy, ignoring villain being taken into custody.

“Midoriya,” Tokoyami spoke up, confusion lacing his voice, “are you drawn by some kind of force to these events?”

This caught All Might off guard as he started laughing rather hard, spraying a bit of blood and causing the students to panic while tissues were apparated into the skeletal man’s lap. Izuku, used to this kind of display, instead turned pink and buried himself in the blanket. Once reassured that All Might was fine, the students turned back to the screen, unsettled by the adults’ attitude towards a man spewing blood like Izuku shed tears.

Izuku looked out over the crater created when the villain landed, notebook in hand, speculating on the quirks displayed, particularly Mt. Lady’s. The man from earlier took notice.

“Oi, you’re taking notes? You wanna be a hero? That’s great! You can do it!” This apparently caught the boy’s attention as he put the notebook down and smiled at the man.

“Yes! I’ll do my best!”

“Aww, Deku-kun, you look so happy!”

“Yes, Midoriya does seem to be especially pleased by what the man said.”

“It’s almost like he doesn’t get to hear it that often, kero.” At this comment, the blanket cocoon to All Might’s side flinched slightly, only noticeable to those with keen eyes. Sadly, most of the room had that given their chosen profession, though they chose not to comment on it.

“Since you’re all third years,” a new voice spoke up, “it’s time you think seriously about your future.” There on screen, were a punch of students sitting at their desks, most looking at the adult in the front, though the two familiar sets were seemingly not paying attention. “I’ll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but,” the screen jumped to show the teacher from the front, snatching the handouts off his desk, while a couple of students started to display their quirks, “you’re all pretty much planning on going into the hero course, right?”

“That is not even remotely how a teacher should be acting at all!” Iida yelled at the screen, his arms chopping the air.

“That is… quite an array of quirks,” All Might commented, raising his eyebrow at the open displays happening in the classroom.

“Is that guy pulling his eyes out of their sockets?!”

“What happened to that one’s Gakuen?!”

“Why is the teacher allowing this to happen in the classroom?”

“Hey, Midoriya, how come you don’t seem to excited?” Kirishima asked, turning to the blanket cocoon. He received no answer, though noted that it was now slightly shivering.

Izuku, meanwhile, knew exactly what was going on. He remembered this day all too well. Why, why did they have to see this? Only a few people knew Bakugo used to pick on him, but they didn’t know how bad it actually was. Now they were going to see, and probably not want to be friends with him anymore. After all, who would want to be friends with someone so weak that they couldn’t even stand up to their childhood friend after 10 years? He just barely felt All Might’s hand running up and down is back, doing his best to comfort the poor boy.

“Sensei!” a familiar voice broke through the room, pulling everyone’s attention to the explosive blond who had his feet on the table. “Don’t lump us all in the same group. I’m not going to be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!”

Outcries rang through the room as classmates both old and new chastised the blond for his attitude. Even the teachers added in their own two cents, though mostly they just made a note to work on that when they got back.

“Oh, if I remember correctly, you want to go to UA high, don’t you, Bakugo?”

“Eh? UA? The national school?”

“It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know?”

“Their acceptance rate is always really low, too!”

“How come everyone’s so impressed? I mean, yes UA is a really high-end school, but both Midoriya and Bakugo got in.”

“We went to Orudera, a public school which is not exactly well known for its successful graduates, if there are any,” Izuku explained, not lifting his head as Bakugo jumped on the desk, boasting about how well he did on the mock exam. The class turned back just as Bakugo made is declaration to surpass All Might.

“That’s a rather lofty goal you have there, Young Bakugo,” the pro hero himself commented, not that the other students knew that.

“What the f*ck is that supposed to mean!” the boy roared, his hands alight with explosions before they were snuffed out by a glare from Aizawa.

“Just as he said, Bakugo. It’s a very hard to obtain goal, one that you’ll need to work hard on and change your attitude for.” The explosion user glared at his teacher before sitting down and turning back to the screen just as all the middle schoolers started laughing about Midoriya also trying for UA.

“What are they laughing about? Midoriya’s got an awesome quirk and could easily get in!” Mineta asked, turning to the couch for some explanation while hearing the jibes at their classmate.

“Yeah, what do they mean ‘just by studying’? You were in the top 10 on the entrance exam!”

Instead of receiving an answer from the boy himself, they saw the blanket cocoon once more try to hide between the skeletal man and the couch, now noticeably shaking. His human shield looked down at where the boy was in concern, though made no comment. Were things really that bad for his young successor before they met?

“Oi, Deku!” an explosion rang out, once more silencing everyone. “You are below the rejects! You’re Quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?”

“Quirkless? What are you talking about? We’ve seen Deku-kun’s quirk!”

“Midoriya, why aren’t you even denying it?”

“Because, if I'm correct, at this point in time, Midoriya’s quirk has yet to show itself,” Aizawa’s voice cut through the student’s murmurs. All the young eyes looked to their teacher while in the background, anime Izuku tried to pacify the blond.

“One thing I noticed about Midoriya’s records when I was first given the class list was that until a few days after the entrance exam, Midoriya was marked as quirkless. In fact, from my understanding, his first time using his quirk may very well have been at the exam.”

“I will not confirm nor deny not Aizawa has said, as that will be shown soon enough. However, I highly recommend returning your attention to the screen, as some important things are about to appear, as well as the set up to a very important lesson for the class,” Merritt’s voice rang out. The students glanced at each other before turning to the partially hidden blanket cocoon and then the screen, which was currently paused on the image of Izuku looked down upon by shadowed demons with red eyes that vaguely looked like his former classmates.

“What can you do! You’re quirkless!”

Silence followed that declaration before the scene shifted to reveal the city, with the time revealing it was just after noon. A scream cried out as the camera moved to reveal a slime… thing running away with money stuck to his back and someone yelling about a thief.

“Catch me if you can!” the slime seemed to say as it continued on, unimpeded.

“What, there’s no hero around? Normally someone would come right away.” The screen focused on a man in very obviously baggy clothes walking out of a convenience store.

“This guy’s taking advantage of the chaos from this morning.” The camera turned to reveal more of the man, who looked kind of like the skeletal one sitting on the couch. He stood up straighter as he looked out on the scene.

“There are tons of people who don’t know what to do with their quirks.” Once more, the screen focused on the slime villain, as he ran. It then jumped back to the previous shot to show as the skinny man seemed to inflate to a very familiar figure. “There’s no end to them.”

“There is an end,” an extremely familiar voice said causing majority of the people both on and off screen to jump in surprise. The camera then panned around as the figure stepped out into the light. “Why?”

Once more, the screen jumped to the fleeing villain, who turned to see who the new arrival was. His eyes widened in shock upon recognition of the famous smile.

“Because I am here.” Then the screen cut to the title card.

Two loud smacks sounded off from behind as the students flinched and turned to the teachers. Both Aizawa and Gran Torino had their hands slapped over their head while All Might was trying to cover as much of his face as he could and Mic had his head cradled in both hands and was shaking his head. Even Izuku poked his head out from where he had hidden and was look at the screen in some level of disbelief. He then uttered something that caught his classmates off guard, and would have gone unnoticed if it weren’t for the silence.

“Huh, so that’s why you were chasing him that day.”

There was a beat before the children exploded.

“What the?!”

“Why was All Might skinny?!”

“There’s no way that could be All Might! His quirk is super strength, not inflating like a balloon!”

“Plus, wouldn’t people have noticed by now! That was out in the open!”

“Will all of you kids just shut up!” Merritt’s voice roared overhead. Several mouths that were open clicked shut as they all shrunk down slightly. A hiss of air followed after a second’s pause. “Gods, how do you deal with these kids? I’ve met five-year olds better behaved.

“Now, if I recall correctly, I told you at the beginning of the episode to hold out on your questions as they will be answered if you are patient. This is another case of that. Just watch the show without causing anymore outbreaks. If you can’t do that, I will start to gag you so I don’t have to deal with the noise,” Merritt stated. There was a moment of silence before they spoke up again. “I just realized what comes next in the episode, and how most of you are likely to react, so…”


Shouts of surprise were muffled as clothes suddenly appeared around nearly everyone’s head, covering the mouths. The gags didn’t appear to be tied in the back, instead being loops perfectly sized to silence the person. Accompanying the gags were bracelets. They were simple in design, a simple band on each wrist. However, their use became obvious with the lack of explosions, fire, ice, or any other quirk. The only ones to not be given the new accessories were Izuku and Aizawa, though Bakugo’s gag looked suspiciously more like duct tape than fabric.

“There, that should avoid any outbursts. I’ll remove the gags when I believe that you will be able to watch without exploding at each other. Now, watch the show and stop dragging this out!”

They were back in the classroom, the clock showing it was now a few minutes after the last bell rang. Students were shown leaving while Izuku was still at his desk, scrolling through his phone.

“The incident from this morning is all over the headlines. I want to hurry up and go home so I can write it down in my notebook.”

Right as Izuku was going to put his last notebook in his bag, it was snatched out of his hands. Bakugo waved it around while looking down his nose at his childhood… friend?

“We’re not done talking yet, Deku.”

“Katsuki, what’s that?” Bakugo’s friend asked, walking up to the two boys along with another boy. Izuku was watching the notebook, his eyes wide as he looked on to the other boys laugh about his Hero Analysis for the Future.

“It’s fine, isn’t it? Give it back!”

All Might felt something press more into his side, starting to aggravate the old wound, not that he’d tell the poor boy. Instead, he rubbed his hand up and down the back of the blanket cocoon, feeling it vibrate his side and what might have been drops of water onto his shirt and the top of his pants.

Izuku, meanwhile, barely noticed. He was no longer surrounded by his friends, he was back in Orudera, Kacchan holding his notebook, still in pristine condition. His hands were pressed against his ears, trying to block out their laughs, the explosions, the suggestion… all playing on loop, and joined by other taunts and jabs from before that day.

Why? Why? He never wanted anyone to know about this. He never told All Might about his classmates in middle school, never told his mom how he cut the scrapes and bruises and burns, never told anyone about the advice his classmates and upperclassmen would give him. Why does this have to come out now? All Might’s probably regretting his choice.

Picking up on the boy’s distress, Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki all turned to the couch. They watched as the cocoon trembled, then to the flesh coated skeleton, and then finally once more at their friend. Uraraka reached out and rubbed her hand about where she imagined Izuku’s arm was, Iida reached around her to pat his shoulder, and Todoroki just leaned back, his head just barely resting against Izuku’s leg.

While they went unnoticed by their recipient, the touches brought a warmth to Toshinori’s heart. His successor may not have had friends before, but he certainly has them now. And all of them are good kids.

Bakugo punched the notebook between his hands as Izuku watched on in horror. His notebook now smoking, burnt, and tattered before being tossed out the window by the person who had done the damage.

“Bakugo,” Aizawa’s voiced was hard, “when this is over, we are having a serious discussion about destroying other people’s property.” The students closer to the screen turned to see their teacher looking at the ash blond, who seemed… uncomfortable? Ashamed? Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki also had their eyes on their classmate, glaring holes into his skull. All Bakugo did was shift ever so slightly and gave a small nod.

“Most top string heroes have stories about them from their school days,” Bakugo’s voice came clear and cold, his expression matching. “I want the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into UA from this mediocre city middle school. I mean, I am a perfectionist.”

“He’s so petty.”

“Huh, even your classmates from middle school knew your personality, kero,” Tsuyu commented. The students turned to her, eyebrows raised. They noted that the cloth that had been previously in her mouth now hung around her neck.

“I realized that a few more of you than I initially figured were not likely to react explosively and thus loosened their gags. The quirk suppressors are still on and if I am wrong about their reactions, the gags are back in place,” Merritt explained, along with some grumbling that was hard to distinguish.

Bakugo placed his hand on Izuku’s shoulder, smoke rising. Izuku visibly tensed, a faint whimper escaping. The camera switched over to show the two boys, Izuku looking terrified of the hand while Bakugo was giving a practically vicious smile.

“So anyway, don’t apply to UA, nerd.” Izuku turned from the hand to the face in front of his, visibly shaking, but no words came from him.

Bakugo started to walk away, his friends following him. Izuku stood in his spot, listening to them as they went.

“Come on, you could at least say something back.”

“Don’t say that. He’s pathetic. He still can’t face reality.”

Bakugo stopped right as he reached the door. He turned his head to look over his shoulder at the green haired boy.

“If you really wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it: believe you’ll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!”

Multiple wordless cries rang out from the room. Seriously, why would anyone say that, let alone an aspiring hero! Anger coursed through All Might’s veins and he could barely feel One for All, just out of reach.

A throat was loudly cleared, cutting over the gagged shouts and turning heads towards the couch. There, Aizawa and Present Mic sat, their faces hard as they looked at their students.

“I do not have to say that that kind of behavior will not accepted, especially not from future heroes,” the brunet explained, his eyes focused on Bakugo. “We will be discussing this when we get back.”

“However,” Mic cut in, “we ourselves cannot hand down any kind of punishment for this incident, as it was before Bakugo was our student.” He surveyed the students and noted that the ones closest to Midoriya looked ready to pounce. Huh, maybe the gags and quirk suppressors weren’t such a bad idea after all.

“But know that should we see anything like this kind of behavior again, from you or any other UA student, the punishment will be swift and as severe as the act itself.”

There was a moment of silence as the words sunk in and the students to calm down. Toshinori in the meantime turned his attention back to the boy at his side. His successor was still shivering, and there were definitely wet spots on his shirt. The skeletal man watched for a second before deciding screw it, Merritt could probably provide him some medication if he needs it.

Izuku tried his best to block out what was going on. He heard the cries and Aizawa as well as Present Mic quieting his classmates, but he couldn’t hear what exactly was said, nor if All Might himself spoke. Tears were uncontrollable now, continuously flowing down. He felt the subtle shifting underneath him and the large hand on his back leave. He knew it, oh god he knew-

The arm was back, this time over his shoulders and pulling him into a very skinny torso with a strength those twigs should not possess. It took a second to realize what was happening, but once it hit, Izuku wrapped his arms around All Might and broke down into the man’s embrace.

Several minutes passed as they waited for the boy to calm down. This-was it really such a good idea to watch the anime if it did this to one of the students? But, but things were going to get better, right? This was only the first episode, and Izuku was still here, still trying to be a hero, and overall still their happy, friendly classmate/student.

Finally, the tears slowed down enough for Izuku to poke his head out from under the blanket, though he still clung to All Might like a lifeline. The man’s lips twitched up into a faint smile, which the boy tried to return. A tap on his side drew Izuku’s attention towards the front, where his classmates were giving their brightest, friendly, encouraging smiles. A couple like Todoroki and Shouji’s looked a little off, and Hagakure’s was like the rest of her body, but they were there. Even Present Mic was giving his 1000W grin from around All Might. This, this actually got a watery smile out of the green hair boy as a few more tears escaped.

Gran Torino’s lips twitched up a bit at seeing his former student and his successor. One for All users were always close, sometimes the predecessors acting as parental figures to their pupil. Turning his eyes to the ceiling, where apparently everyone agreed to look when addressing Merritt.

“So how much more of this? Because I highly doubt the entire show is just going to be painful memory after painful memory, especially for the brat.” Oh, that got a few unimpressed looks from the group, including Toshinori. However, it did get Midoriya to give a little less of a wet smile.

“Hm, well, it’s mostly only the first two episodes that’ll be painful for Midoriya,” Merritt’s voice explained. “Don’t get me wrong, several others will be getting some painful memories dragged up, but these two episodes are going to reopen several old wounds that have yet to heal. In fact, it won’t be until the end of the next episode that things will start to get better.”

“Can’t we just skip to that then and spare Midoriya’s feelings?” Kaminari asked. Several other students were shown nodding along with him.

“Because without context, some things won’t make sense, now will they? However, if Midoriya wishes, I can provide something so that he doesn’t have to watch.”

“Guys, i-it’s fine, I can handle it,” Izuku said, trying his best at a brave smile. Instead of being reassured, his classmates gave him worried looks, and a few tried to reassure him that he didn’t have to. “Th-though it would help…”

“If you had some idea of what else is to come?” Merritt’s voice sounded patient, gentle, for the first time. At Izuku’s nod, a sigh sounded out. “That I can do. After this will be a set of three flashbacks, with the middle being the visit to Dr. Tsubasa,” at this Izuku grimaced. Oh joy… “After will be what happens under the bridge, with the episode ending after you asked that all important question on the roof. Next episode will continue where that left off, and go all the way to when someone admits that they were wrong.” Now it was All Might’s turn to grimace. While he had not been wrong with what he had said to Young Midoriya about being a hero without a quirk, he still regretted how he said it, especially now that he saw what had happened before they met.

Izuku took a deep breath before nodding and the show started again.

On screen, Izuku was shown to be boiling over from Bakugo’s statement and about to finally take on the blond, only for all of that anger to vanish when Bakugo set off a series of explosions.

The scene cut to outside the school building, where Izuku was shown looking for his notebook, all the while scolding Bakugo in his head.

“Idiot! If I really jumped, that would mean you instigated a suicide! Think before you speak!” Our hero, who cares more about the consequences of someone telling him to go kill himself than even contemplating the idea.

He notices the notebook floating in a pond, being nibbled on by some koi. He reaches out to grab it, quietly reprimanding them for thinking it was food. As he stood there, looking at the now scorched book, the scene blurred out and a young voice could be heard.


“Aww!” all the girls and even a few of the guys cried out as young Izuku slid out from behind the door.

“Deku-kun! You were so cute!” Uraraka exclaimed, looking up towards her friend. Izuku meanwhile was trying his best to hide himself. All Might just chuckled and shook his head, rubbing the boys shoulder. It’s a little weird that the skeletal grin he had was becoming less and less creepy.

“He’s even holding an All Might action figure!”

“An All Might fan since day one.”

“Aw, is that your mom, Midoriya? She’s so pretty!”

“What’s on the computer? You sure are excited.”

“This explains a lot. Excessively hitting the back of the chair with the head must have damaged the part of the brain responsible for basic survival instinct.”

“Eraser, please don’t pick on the kids.”

“Jeez, you’ve probably added ten thousand views just by yourself, Izuku. It’s too scary for me. I can’t watch.”

“That was an old video,” the narration took over with the camera moving to show the video little Izuku was going to be watching. “A disaster that happened a long time ago. The video of a hero that debuted right after that.”

“Wait, are we?”

“Yes! Oh god, I remember watching that video so much when I was a kid!” Several cheers of agreement sounded off around the room.

“And I thought I’d get away with not having to hear that laugh,” Aizawa deadpanned, watching as a civilian was freaking out over how little time it took his colleague to rescue so many people while laughing.

“Midoriya looks like he’s about to have his first or-“

“Never finish that sentence, idiot. Especially when it’s related to a child.”

The room quieted as All Might loudly set his foot down, smiles growing while Gran Torino and Aizawa just rolled their eyes at the display and looked over at the very flattered skinny version of the man on screen.

“It’s fine now. Why?”

“Because I am here!” the students called out in time with the video. Laughing with each other as little Izuku went on about how much he wanted to be like All Might.

“Um, does anyone notice the look Midoriya-san has? Cause I really don’t like that look.” Kaminari said, pointing at Izuku’s mom. All the students watched as the scene changed, Izuku wincing as Dr. Tsubasa took center screen.

“You should probably give it up.”

“Well, that was blunt,” Jirou commented, everyone else too stunned by the whiplash.

“That’s… Is something wrong with him after all? Most of the other kindergarteners’ quirks have already manifested…

“He’s the only one…”

“Excuse me, but you’re fourth generation, right, ma’am? May I ask your quirk?”

“Yes, of course. I can pull small objects to me,” Izuku’s mom explained, demonstrating on her son’s action figure that he dropped earlier in his shock. “My husband can breathe fire.”

“Well, there goes the Dad Might theory,” Mineta commented.

“Wait, all of you actually thought...” Izuku asked, his voice trailing off as he looked at all his classmates.

“To be fair, all the evidence did point to that being the case,” Todoroki stated, while several of their classmates were shocked that Midoriya actually knew about their theory. He himself still had doubts that the theory was disproven, but he didn’t want to accuse Izuku’s mother of adultery. That was something the sh*tty old man would do, not the person who raised the person who was practically sunshine incarnate.

“Todoroki-kun, I already told you that wasn’t the case at all!”

The adults themselves were of no use in this situation. Three of them were poking fun at the fourth’s misery, while the man himself was trying to figure out what was going on.

His students that that he and Young Midoriya were… it did make sense from an outsider’s point of view, and he’d be lying if he said the idea didn’t sound appealing to him… But the boy already has a father, one who probably cared deeply for him.

Next to him, Izuku was quietly freaking out. Yes, he knew about the theory they had about his relationship with All Might, but he couldn’t exactly bring it up with the man himself! Plus, something he would never admit to out loud, he was scared of All Might’s reaction. Would he laugh about it or would he just shoot it down immediately?

Izuku knew all he was was All Might’s successor, the one to carry his touch when he no longer could, but that didn’t stop a small part from hoping he could be more. After all, the man had been there for him more in the past year than his own father had his whole life, and that meant a lot.

The class pretty much ignored the two crises in the back to continue one with their own theorizing.

“Okay, so All Might isn’t Midoriya’s dad. Still doesn’t explain the quirk,” Kirishima stated, with other members of the Bakusquad, as they’ve been calling themselves, nodding.

“Yeah, last time I checked, pulling stuff with the mind and breathing fire did not combine into strength augmentation,” Sero agreed.

Honestly, several more would have chimed in, if it weren’t for the very loud “Ahem” from overhead. The students settled quickly and returned their attention back to the screen.

“Normally, by the age of four, he would have manifested one of those quirks or some combination of the two.

“In the past, when the superpowers first started showing up, the results of an early research study were published. It became common practice to see if the pinky toe was missing a joint or not. When parts of the body aren’t being used, they’re deemed unnecessary. People who didn’t have the joint were thought to be a newly evolved form.

“You can see by looking at this x-ray that Izuku-kun has two joints. It’s unusual to see that these days, but that means that he has no quirk.”

“Wait, so that’s how they tell if you have a quirk or not, if you can bend a toe or not?” Ashido asked, turning back to the teachers. Mic and Aizawa just shrugged while All Might was quietly nodding.

“That actually explains a few things,” Todoroki commented, his eyes not leaving the screen. The class looked to him, hoping he’d explain. Thankfully, he picked up on that. “According to Nee-chan, before Ryuuji-nii-san and I were born, our brother, Shoichi, was diagnosed as quirkless as well. After that, my father would occasionally be shown occasionally checking both of our toes.”

“My cousin’s kinda the same way,” Kirishima chimed in. “I mean, he’s the one who’s quirkless, but after his kid was born, he’d be seen playing with their toes, wiggling them. He was actually the one that figured that they had one of those non-visible quirk when it seemed like they didn’t have one at all.”

Izuku looked at his classmates. They had just heard the diagnosis, they knew he wasn't supposed to have a quirk. But they weren’t reacting. They were talking about the signs of it, but in a way that didn’t suggest that they thought that people without quirks were weak, a burden, useless. Then again, all of them had seen him use a quirk. Maybe they’ll leave as soon as they realize where his came from.

A quiet piano played in the background as it rained outside the apartment building. The scene cut to show young Izuku’s two All Might posters, barely visible thanks to the light of the computer. The video from earlier could be heard.

“Okay, that is probably the most depressing I’ve ever heard All Might’s laugh,” Kaminari commented, the other students around him nodding.

“Often, we will find that the world around us mirrors the darkness within us.”

“Oh my god, Tokoyami, can you please not be an edgelord right now!”

“Mom,” Izuku spoke up from his chair in front of the computer. His voice was shaking, hard. The video was paused on the hero’s famous smile, a small amount of blood trickling down this temple and cheek. “He saves everyone with a smile, no matter what trouble they’re in. He’s such a cool hero.” The chair turned just as the boy’s mother took a step closer. She stopped, tears visibly welling up in her eyes.

“Can I… be a hero, too?” Izuku asked, pointing at his hero, tears on the brink of falling.

“God damn it!” several of the students cursed as they watched Midoriya-san break down, apologizing to her son. Those who were able to keep from crying look to the boy, who was back in his little cocoon, only his face and one hand visible. The hand was clutching tightly to Yagi-san’s shirt, while the man had his arm wrapped around Izuku, pulling him closer.

Toshinori himself couldn’t help the stab of guilt. No, he didn’t know about the boy’s mother’s reaction to his question, nor was he wrong, but dear god that didn’t stop the guilt from what he told the boy on the roof. Yes, he eventually changed his answer, but he still said no at first.

“No, that’s not it. That’s not it, Mom. What I wanted you to say back then was…”

The scene cut to show the middle school Izuku just about to step under the bridge.

“Wait, are we not going to find out what you wanted your mom to say?” Satou asked, turning to Izuku.

The green haired boy shook his head. “Probably not yet. I mean, someone did eventually say it, but it was after…” he explained over his onscreen counterpart’s pep-talk.

“Huh, I wonder who could have possibly told him the right answer,” Aizawa spoke up, sarcasm dripping off his comment. He side-eyed All Might, who in return gave a shaky grin. Well, he’ll find out soon enough, and hopefully won’t have to strangle the number one hero.

“Hahahaha!” Izuku gave his best All Might laugh, not noticing… something congealing behind him.

“Haha-“ The boy finally picked up on something, as he cut off his laugh and turned around. His eyes widened as he took in the large amount of slime growing right in front of him.

“A villain?!”

“A medium-sized invisibility cloak…” The villain’s voice came out bubbly, like he was speaking through some kind of liquid. Which is actually a very accurate description.

The middle schooler’s legs finally started to work as he turned and started to run. Sadly, the villain was faster, and leaped at the boy, encircling him and stuffing its slime down all his air holes.

“Don’t worry, I’m just going to take over your body. Calm down, it’ll only hurt for about 45 seconds. You’ll feel better soon.”

“Okay, that looks f*cking terrifying, and we’re just watching it. Midoriya, how are you not freaking out?”

“Hm? Oh, it was scary, yeah. However, right now, I’m trying to figure out who was scarier, him, or All Might pretending to be a villain during the final exam,” Izuku admitted, shrugging. Honestly, compared to Stain and Shigaraki, the slime villain wasn’t that scary. He wasn’t as efficient of a killer as the other villains the class has encountered.

“All Might playing the villain? Now that must have been fun,” Gran Torino commented.

“Both boys passed,” Toshinori stated, trying not to look at his old teacher.

“Not without Midoriya getting another broken bone,” Aizawa added. At the boy’s protest, he continued, “Though that one was because of the teacher and not the problem child himself.”

“Eraser, what did I tell you about teasing your students?”

“I- I can’t breathe!” Izuku internally screamed, claying weakly at the slime covering his face.

“You can’t grab me! I’m fluid!

“Thanks for your help. You’re my hero. I didn’t think that he’d come to this city,” the villain explained while on camera, Izuku’s struggles were visibly getting weaker and weaker.

“My body… there’s no strength! Am I- Am I dying?

“Somebody! Somebody!”

“Now where’s the one that was chasing the villain?” Aizawa asked, his voice absolutely terrifying. Just then, a flash of electric blue light streaked across the black screen. In response to Aizawa’s question, the man in question just pointed at the screen.


The manhole cover soar into the air, catching the villain’s attention. He turned, before expressing shock at whatever-or whoever- had just come up. The camera panned around from behind the villain to reveal a very familiar looking muscular man.

“It’s all right now, young man,” All Might spoke, stomping his foot down and standing tall. “I am here!” rang out, much to the audience’s cheers. Yes! Finally!

The cover hit the ground and the villain snapped out of his shock. He swung out a whip of slime, which the hero just ducked under before charging forward.

“Texas Smash!” the man cried out, throwing his fist at the villain, the air pressure generated scattering the villain and causing him to release a barely conscious Izuku. The boy had just enough to recognize his hero before passing out.

The scene then cut to Izuku, on his back, with a tanned arm smacking his cheek quickly and repeatedly. “Hey! Hey!”

Aizawa groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “That is not how you treat a rescued civilian who fainted.” Did he seriously have to explain that to the NUMBER ONE HERO?! As if to piss him off further, both the man in question and Midoriya held up 3 fingers. So he had used up all his time chasing a villain and this was how Midoriya found out? Dear god, why was the man trusted with the care of children when he couldn’t take care of himself?

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” All Might said, apparently ignoring Midoriya’s obvious, obvious freak out.

“Sorry ‘bout getting you caught up in my villain fighting,” the man continued. “I don’t usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place.” The hero laughed, with several students joining when they saw Izuku’s face.

“But, you were a big help. Thanks!” The hero then held up a bottle that contained the green slime and two floating eyes.

“Hey, this may seem like an odd question to ask, but did anyone notice that the villain that attacked Midoriya kinda looked like the slime one that captured Bakugo a year ago?” Sero asked. Murmurs rippled through the group of students. He wasn’t wrong, and several, mostly those who saw the news footage found themselves agreeing. Both Aizawa and Present Mic eyes were growing larger as they listened. Meanwhile, the two who knew what happened were trying to look in the opposite direction, and Gran Torino was sitting in his chair, rubbing his temples.

“Hahaha…” Izuku started, looking only at the far wall in the exact opposite direction of his classmates. He then gulped hard, his face pale. “Sorry, Kacchan.”

It took a beat for Bakugo to realize what Izuku meant by that, and after that, the only thing stopping him from exploding on the poor boy was Kirishima literally holding him down, and Merritt’s gag held firmly in place. Everyone else was just looking at the smaller boy in shock.

“To be fair, it wasn’t all Young Midoriya’s fault,” All Might spoke up, looking just as uncomfortable as his student. “Most of the fault lies with me.”

“We will be discussing that later,” Aizawa states. “However, right now, Merritt, may I please have something to write on and a pen?” The requested items were popped into existence. The disheveled man grabbed them and immediately started writing.

“What’s that for, Aizawa-sensei?” Tsuyu asked, tilting her head to the side while her finger rested against her chin.

“Since apparently the five who failed the final aren’t the only ones who need remedial lessons, I’m making note of who needs to go over what.”

“Is that really necessary, Aizawa-kun. It was mostly-“

“Shut it. If I could, I’d be doing the same to you,” Aizawa said, pointed the end of the pen at Toshinori’s face before he went back to writing.

“Oh, just leave him to me,” Gran Torino spoke up, immediately sending Toshinori into a panic, his body visibly shaking. “I’ll make sure to go over the lessons he apparently needs a reminder on.” Both homeroom teachers, current and former, exchanged very vicious smiles, which honestly terrified their students. Even Mic was a little unnerved.

“Yes, well, if you want an accurate tally, you’ll want to finish the series. Good news is that there’s only a few more minutes of the episode!” Merritt chimed in before starting the show again.

“The number one hero… All Might… He’s the real thing… He looks completely different in person.” Izuku’s internal fanboying concluded with a close up of the sun shining off All Might’s teeth.

“Oh, right, an autograph! Where should I-?” Izuku searched around him, trying to find the appropriate place to have the autograph, ignoring the backpack on his shoulders. Finally, he saw his answer.

“In that notebook!” he exclaimed, seeing his burnt and waterlogged Hero Analysis book that he dropped after being grabbed by the villain. He opened to the next available page only to see All Might’s autograph already covering both pages.

“He already did it!” Izuku then started bowing frantically to the hero, his head just a blur as he thanked the blond. All Might, meanwhile, watched one, not even glancing down as he pushed the bottle containing the villain into his pocket.

“It’ll be an heirloom! A family treasure!”

“One that’ll be passed down the Midoriya line for generations?” Merritt said. Apparently, that wasn’t supposed to be heard, as they quickly followed it up with, “sh*t, sorry. That was a joke on how All Might’s voice actor in the English Dub also played Major Alex Louis Armstrong in both versions of FMA.” This satisfied the children, as those who actually understood the reference were very pleased while everyone else just accepted it and moved on.

“Well, I need to take this guy to the police. See you again on the other side of the screen!”

“Wait, already?”

“Pros are constantly fighting villains and the clock,” All Might explained, stretching out his legs.

Izuku took a step forward, but no words came from his mouth. “Wait… There are still… things I want to ask.”

“Well then,” All Might started, before bounding into the air and raising his voice. “I’m counting on your continued support!”

There was a slight beat before All Might finally picked up on what was off. He turned to look over his shoulder, and sure enough, there was Izuku, clinging to his leg, the wind pulling at his mouth and eyes.

“Well, that explains it,” Aizawa said, making a note on his piece of paper. “Midoriya, 5 days. 4 for getting in the way of a hero doing their job, and fifth for grabbing onto the legs of someone who could easily leap several kilometers in one jump.”

“Yes, Aizawa-sensei.”

“Let go of me! Your fanaticism is too much!”

“I-If I l-let go now, I-I’ll die!”

“That’s true.”

“Well, isn’t that a familiar scene.”

“Gran Torino, I was not that bad.”

“No, you’re right, you were worse.”

“I… have… a lot of things… I want to ask you directly!” Izuku somehow managed to get out while his face was being pulled off.

“Okay, okay! I get it, so close your eyes and mouth!” Izuku immediately followed those orders, tucking his head into his hero’s leg. All Might himself moved to get a better hold on the boy as he looked for a place to land. His other hand came up to his mouth as he coughed.


“WHY IS ALL MIGHT COUGHING UP BLOOD!!!” the students exploded.


“Ahem!” Merritt’s voice rang out. Instantaneously, the students settled. “Thank you. There’s only a few more minutes in this episode. And then your questions will be answered in the next. Think you kids can wait that long?” Not wanting to upset the weird being more, the class just nodded.

Izuku was shown to be extremely shaken up by his unexpected flight, his lips dried and eye lids pulled back. All Might, meanwhile, was not looking at the boy. “That was scary…”

“Good grief! If you talk to the people downstairs, I’m sure they’ll let you down. I am seriously out of time, so I really must go.” All Might started to walk towards the edge of the roof, never once turning to look at Izuku.

This snapped the middle schooler out of his trance. “Wait, um-“

“No! I will not wait!”


“You should probably give up,” the doctor’s voice echoed.

The boy’s outstretched arm started to retract as his mother’s voice was once more heard apologizing to him and Bakugo’s earlier taunts following shortly after.

“That might be true. But, even so, I…” Izuku clenched his fist, his shoulders tense. Finally, the boy found his voice again.

“Even if I don’t have a quirk, can I become a hero?” This got All Might’s attention, leading him to pause before the guardrail. “Can someone without a quirk be like you?”

All Might turned to look over his shoulder at the boy. The boy who was tense, as if preparing himself for the answer that could build him up, or tear down every hope he had.

“My meeting with All Might… This miracle… At the time, I couldn’t even imagine how much it would change my fate.”

The scene then cut to a drawing clearly out of the now damaged Hero Analysis, though it wasn’t one of the currently active pro-heroes. Instead…

“Hey, isn’t that Midoriya’s costume?” Ojirou asked, pointing at the screen.

“Oh god, you’re right!” Hagakure quickly agreed. Now that it was pointed out, it wasn’t hard to notice the similarities between the drawing and the suit.

“Uh, yeah, Mom saw that sketch and made the first version of my costume. After it was destroyed in the Battle Trial, the Support Department decided to keep the basic design but tweaked it and added more support,” Izuku explained, his head no longer hidden under the blanket, instead just resting against All Might’s side.

“Whelp, since this show is following Midoriya, we can’t expect All Might to stay out of either the opening or closing,” Satou joked.

“Mm, yes, one stable of both the openings and closings will be at least one of the UA teachers in each, though one of the endings doesn’t contain All Might at all,” Merritt chimed in as Izuku was shown running into the dawn. “That brings me to another point, from now on, so long as there are no objections, I’ll be skipping both opening and ending songs, unless there’s a new one. It’ll save you kids time, as the show doesn’t get evolving credits.” No one seemed to have any objections to that, and went back to watching the closing.

“Aww, Deku-kun looks so happy, playing with your All Might figure!”

“So cute, Midori!”

All Might, however, noticed the sock on the younger Midoriya’s foot, and recalled to earlier during the flashback, he only wore socks when at the doctors, not at home. Guess it makes sense, as very few like reminders of how they are different than everyone else, especially in a place of comfort like home.

The ending continued, showing Izuku continuing to run, though did change it up a bit when he tripped and then started to wipe away some tears. The entire time, the sky continued to lighten, though one star stayed bright and visible the entire time.

Two pictures of Izuku with tears running down his face were shown, one clearly from when he was younger, and the other far closer to their time. Then the screen cut to one last shot, this time a trail of footprints running along a path next to a clear beach.

“Nice to see that even in the ending, Midoriya is known for his crying!”

“I’m not that bad!”

“To be fair, he has improved a lot in the past year,” All Might attempted to defend. It didn’t help much given that the class has already seen the Midoriya tear ducts in action.

“I’m more curious as to why Midoriya was shown running along a beach,” Yaoyarozu spoke up from her spot on the floor, next to Jirou.

“Ah, that’ll be shown soon enough,” All Might explained, Izuku next to him shuddering at the blur of those ten months on Dagobah. “Actually, now that I think about it, that might actually give Aizawa-kun ideas either for community service or punishment for you kids.”

Aizawa’s eyebrow rose at that, and went even higher by Midoriya’s protests.

“Not again! Yes, it was good for muscle building, but I was sore every day for ten months!”

“Yes, but how much of that was due to you just over working yourself?” All Might countered.

“What, Midoriya!” Iida immediately jumped up to start scolding the boy. “You must be careful when you are doing any kind of training, as overworking yourself can be just as harmful as not pushing yourself, if not more so!”

“Yes, Iida-kun, I know that. I just didn’t have a lot of time.”

“It doesn’t matter! No matter how pressed for time you are, you should always take care to make sure any training is done safely!”

“So,” Kaminari cut the class rep’s lecture off, causing him to turn to scold the blond about manners, “now that Iida’s entered mom-mode, shall we break out the snacks and take a break before next episode?”

“Yeah, why don’t we do that. I mean, the sooner we get that started, the sooner we can have our questions answered. Especially since I kinda doubt Merritt-san and Yagi-san are going to allow us to interrogate Midoriya about this.”

The class quickly agreed and dispersed, most heading towards the snack table, and some the restrooms. Even Mic got up to stretch his legs while Gran Torino went over to scold Toshinori for all the stupid things he did as All Might during the course of the episode. Aizawa worked on the calculations for the extra remedial lessons, as well as started to think of lesson plans for them.

Secrets that May Save the Universe - Rey129 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.