The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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ORIGINAL 13 INKED THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER TUESDAY JUNE 19 )S65 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ro own OomapondfnU VICTORIA Melbourne Jane 11 Tfa Aoerien Consul objects io tba proposed 4th of al dinner to th de lmtion of Atnerioai lodependiBM wlii will bo be pi irate dinner of a few Northern men Mr Hill of Melbourne tbe an hit dud on Saluiday An enquiry is going on as to the loot Steamer Ant The evidence abowi that the comps wu defective Messrs Spier A Pond ere orptizing fQ Opera Coapan for Australis A ae stein re jt Geelong end Melbonto leaves Londe i lira mosh Her guarantiedpeed is 14 knot? The Lady Drlingfcas sunk in th array 25 mikn bebw Ecfeica Dr trial ie commenced Ofieial infjriaation ha been recc ed of the appointment of Sir hn Manner Jetton to be Governor Uia arrival i not expected for a month or tfa The we Its for the Melboorw Vup will be known to night Thi Wonga the run fr Adelaide to Hobson' Bay in 41 hour The So ubiys ha arrived at Brisbane She lef Ihtivia on the I9th May bat Las no la er ewtee The irray at Eeboca i 6 feet 6 inches Bid at Swan UiU I IM 3 inches above the Jtnmer Itve1 Private letegraaaa from Sydney say that there i contifcratlrexcitement in the ttowej inark We lure Murrl tu to the 11th ry Tfu re twt mifir enough io exeeate ordJM on hand An advance of nearly £8 aadfcrsd on prraffs trfan the Elizibeth sailed Tfa import txarket is brisk Tiwre ra ne change in flour Tfa embrok ahirc' Californian tofast and the Lu ofGaskr' Chilian were tdH at fu I raa TortUrat ex Charlotte AodrMa 6 lOd waa Maw iaHfrm at 5 2 1 te I i I SugarsXrv advancing Sales cf low JtliowrTstaMV3 brown £3in bevrt A rrrt Hat lee ord Blackwaterfrom London the Elibetb'6sru Mauritius bailed Alexandra and CoerMg NEW 80U1U WAL13 8(jev June 19 are active The dapama'a cargo has Lsirel hand privately Tnere i condderaHe in breaditufc Sa' 'of Chilian wheat Io arrive at 6 6 I rvte advices from bMraio vi England to the 3d March report tin Prim a Donna end Neptune at Valparaiso I'e ilcnetu Merynd Sophie at Psraperv ube Enterprisr wa loading Australian freights fa high 3 fe 1'U being asked ioxr was scarce adselling at $2 lie so 4 PUBLIC TELEGRAM MiLRoraMBfnrpi" 1 Arrived st tn cl fle June IC 'Ebbeth barque feu tn Mauritius Yorkshire ship from Ixmdoo Jire 17 Inton Swedish barque (rosalratavi Wonga Wonga fawner from Adtlaide B'aekwater beftur 'fom London AJuneti de la hivierre rench jerque from die urbon Jet ediooner firm KecDotinril Baj General Butler hi frwrrt I rudun June IfJT'iouetrcbojner from Adelaide baited Jure 17 Ruahiur mad steamer for Sydney Muns IS Australis sehfatw fur Grey River NOTICES GUESTIONS MOTIONS AND OUDU1S THE WAu LEGISLATIVE Cnl NOA THE ATTORN EY EN BAL TO THI BDiTOA Sir The elegairt eduaion from tbs pen of f'snres peno weaut AG which oacupied A vemj of uur columns on bi douttlaaa been read with attention by die members of tba Legislature before whom Hu Excellency com tooled it to be khL I deai bon to the escesaivt modesty which throoghpot pervades lh remarkable Stale dommieut dea ttued uilea to aitooish lbs Judicial Com mines ot the Pnvy Council After expending mtkh virtuoas Iwiignatton npo Jud Bo thby devoted head for His Hnnor having Mr Swangwaya white defend ing three nnaooers fut their lives to take tbs obierfinn inat there was do Attsrney Gserai be proceed to aute that Hi Honor made a clear in according to Mr Strangware the credit of having Amt raised inch obje3 ion the point (Mr Boucam aayl had been rayml Bince Hu Honor Ant suptmtedU and then refers to Mr lx) we as having done so on the 3th rel ruarv isL in the case of the Uueen Preston Now when a young man suddenly finds himself fowled with the powers and digmtiea of a Munster of the town although it may le through tba process known as Hoiwoa ctraice awm tfoa of the attritmle of modaAy ia not only commendable btrtm Mr Boocaul raj we enDcct a disaetw beyowd hts yews ovnerwiae how are we to aMowrt orcutoKaDM io prarduni tbs fifes life nra for the laM 13 that the gtora bsneMa vbollr to Mr Low nght cf hirint MtoJr ins la IM aha there ww no Atontf Uerat ta Ml Ma Boacaat took the stmt eouna atoting that JbfeV if Bcb AlKTDtJ WWll NoTHTN 1 I'xpuiu Baca? move 1 lii there be Laid ou the table ad bs (Yuneil a return of ail tboms that iuve beet prpcu'ed from England by the Colonial 4e nnment their prww il di poMtxm tua abut mituter them ba liern cDlt Zealaod rl ewhcre utf Ike province la mtiiy have Icwuic Che pnipeity of pertou wUuae il in Uis laic volunteer forur and the actual 'uilier of niceaUe arms bbw at the UxGuVsru i The ('iiwwiMtbjtreR of PviCiC vari (Mr English) the dff meetog of thi (kiuncil dunngthe present arainm be Wednes day and rhurftdap cf each seek al Lour of 2 vC'iik in the alhn The of Public Wosca (Mr English) move Dial the ntaatlirg Orders Comm her for the preent eoaist the aiUit Mr Ayer Captun hap Mr butomar atd Mr Iktrro nh leave tn i utomuitaatewU) the bunding Orders Uucittitlce of the Bwuac ot As etnlAy' Tire t'utfMMNMiraii of irauc Wracx (Mr Eiialish) to ru ve That the PraaiUnt Mr Davaipgtru 1 Mr Rtnmey he the IJbrary giK Uce for this smion withower to act durm the vcesa and that such Oamarciee have poservto ouufer wuh any Library IXariiUce of lire Liu' A Aa Mtnbly' 5 The GwisSMfrtR ot TVBUe WniJtt (Mr Enjriish) move Hut a Pnntitu' emmittee he to all petition aar manuscript papers lat' on the id le shall be refared and who shall wrt every Tueadav as go lhae paper inC he voirionvf the ftomrstset ought wbepriiMjc" fi Mr HAtratoma "That an address presented to Hr Kjrvelfoecy the iovermrinVl ir requesting thu hewill te plaafed to cause cnpvMof all despatches at have i Ivtaren His brellency ami liar SwtcM'v of 'tae foe Ue Colonie i upt the sul ect the adminfstcat en of justice sa I tle cewtiwi in the rupreus court uu ttuufe be lZ upon the tame HtiUSK ty ASSEMBLY TtDT UJ5I 19 Usi 1 tr Wam he will ask thwfAuef Secretary tfUo Hlrthi 1 ranae id the Adar in rinKhutiir to Melrose arid Lurt Aui uta the money for whuh was vole in IfcJ Abo a hen the line will Leiv eoed between AAela de and Mt iruse AI wbehe line will bearngieted betreeg that 'tce watt rt Angu A Hog a KnaoL That be will a the Tiewrev (Mr DulaW)hv the hakscMheei and amkirenve sutciaeut iir the Uluru ending Marek i have uut hen wCsltsheil" 1 Hou That fo nd aak the Chief rkortary (Hon A whether the (tornmnest hare made any agwsrent or attract with the orpotatHiu Aifeiiiide for the nee of the Tom Mall buildings Lr ang and time and st phu rental ami firwu parucol purpose and uadere hat auiht nty Muii airtwvost Uf any) has made'' NetkU Mmw: 1 The QHV JHCTETABT (Ho A Bl th) to move That during thfe tenon the Krnrae meet on Taeaiay ttedueadaea Thursday ui rday? at quarter bef re A tf The Cito SacaxraRT (Hon 4 Blytb) to move lhal on Tuesdays sad Tnuradav Gsrernment Losioces taka precedence of all other buwarea" inar Jcvi None or Morrow Ifon sraaitoWATMtomove there be prepared aud laid on the table of thia ulse a plan ef theeekaod south elentjon and of live grouvt and vj other plan the iMNKMd new Tderraph diatom and Paetd uwetteer aiUi an estimate of the con of uch LiuMinr (the Pl" lin drawing) and lfljU fender be trailrd for mitl wuci plan aud estimates have bwtn Lud before 1 Uu ILaise'' mr imcaui mui oe naa some oiijectionv um once or i wc ucS tone mu mike on behalf 4 the prisoner in the Arm place I sion I received a poblcand immediate reply Axil be he notice I that the inor nation we drawn out in But I no tn slalft and repeat It now that the Court ixdiin una mor ai ludn the name of ft Andrews Esq Attorney reneral feel ng throw ut this di thcth that the WtTrmnfSisi General nf the province Gn that point he had in PoomMtet ieiur I lias treated the want of the hJ an sent rouo 1 to au os inauraoce uwca oe me snourn ne areded bv sa snosii tust luu uer ni: since the tr ibject hid a motive in view in seeking the renwia) of momma Mr Kanan esquired whether the bu Ming was these ones and a tliev roukl be adrantarouvlv the bresc to in the bands the enotrsetora ued bv the Corporuum he thought iliey swJd Tlie 4v after The Maw said ths tauliuif was not quite be left where the were for th present 11 there Utrdfr nhhed were any 4l h4ra in the licaJity a indic icd The Mount Mr RaPHttL sail then if it was not quits tfo hnuduherb Ailed upotfen vdHL a prixe of five nt hei the building mast be in the band of the The Town Clerk wa di octod to take nte dewraNe vhane s'ill iu Mr Raphsbi directed the attention of the ouncil toan olistnict on tb to iwn tv MtRINE BOARD reply 4f ent neWdeave the matter hen in i iwait N7 Doer scwiute wa wuray i MUIrwh Travem mme utthtn the thZlhetrfm oiid be le mto bread gn for them Im uscfvr twIcM to the xira i Lh 1 Ji 1 1 an 1 to the zi I I Uie hl of ail tbo hUlK imlaainnrd luent of wit LW fodmg rm aomsfung for fng u(1 the rovdw 1 uotm ndiZ KBCvi II jtn Mb 0 lll 1 tim fcriTniptl lit nf I litoc eirougb fee Ifctlaure that Utter days wfo" £tement wa! dul S'ifov with the cheap aad to would navshe I 'inch the Urtenuiwat forces rjethai the desertion nmn to ttw aubject RUNILLA AdcUMc Jam A i I teak m1 tn the wbial entailed msh'utr tmK wadMits ry Ir forc wacitne near them nail But it siHindanteiiigalee sual to unk there I Mghtoc nnMxUogs hre build 'hfoaa md My II uimeueoil wcenuge uinc inter mmoiMiirw iv bh Jiuuiu Hammer oas ossa Prerent His qrehip the Maros Vounaltore causing the itreovM 4 the stones Um hs vtenei iince ttetuidar tom with a (secession of Murnhv Raphael Rankin Hill inter Buadty thought practicable at the pstsvat me the frwty nuht unparalleled intemtty in the Pulafard and (Wtm year iuem wy of the uldet inhabiiaitt Between raMrt hat as mv a now published cem liaiPe to some little sion perhaps you sill allow us to add a fe wred of explanation 1 did not mean tn con ey that I hod any grmndsto eomplnn of the da ourteay of the Postmaster General io rwtal1y In truth 1 hare oerer writ en him nn the subject of our mail service but once or at twice and on one of three JUXTAUd I rom our own Uvrn Rc bht' Tint hie puatied to i sumin's JunelA Led bare Mr raser fo evening The IhesHtea' and al the War lens A te of ttiAiiki was awarded to Captain JfotP for ncupying tlic cluir during the abrence vt tie rresi leni Head a Treaurr tn nute forwarding extra provi Ke intend stronggs ut the running louoaarf Mt for he I liurats at mure than Agfjccitvul iMnnnPTS We have to ae knowledge the receipt of a hardvme UlutUifed catalrarus of uew and improved agiicnltural tuple BkWots and machinery published by Messrs Tr ford of Adelaide The work is wdendadly gut up and giree iUuatritiooa acd description! tf tray sort ct impteusent employed in agriculture UMd the auetit on whKb i ttsdue In ttw ineid tbs I'utilic Lire we tuay thank the Rtyuftr its recent kiv iqm aud expre a bpc lust they wiUleaya continued when Uwre ily demand them lure reprinted hue as toe) appeared ti special corrrepwndetii kfim al letters and may remark tefoure them (hit ibrv have atireitcil a large amount attention and been nal sub tuifcli luUnsL Us vu endorse hi asseverations that ho hoa not overdrawn his picture our prore and reonrc He has held the nitrror ap to nature very fauoiully tn the ha I In 'ce outside firewood iaysaftgr did out TheTwwr wk "tided xiat Mr Dufy had ottered to prroc to the re ahslf su of Hi Wordvc the Mav Offer Xr I tusyea iL arepted: prwttt to je placed iu Ahi ue Vumioft hatniwr (inwnl rwl th ASVVinAu i tot pk luinf kas hazl submit that tlmrt ru ao wk jk rr The Act under wh ch thi purported to he iawl wav No JO tee hmtbe idee occutmI Xo any om Iwfore and ha aiivtbing Lcti or cvtin jin answer returned cd l'briltan people Adelaide wli repc iv iu iocrs ea men of diurnanit aixl wish 'our iicasesu lxu iwn to puetenty with joniethm tter than st inn ur tresl iwentof Un fast fding rase do aouMtung for 'wvivresire Muiuti ur tflilO' dH death tegiatotad ia tbs Dwtnctof Adelaide dur ng the VMk mM BgUtrdsy June vure Births testa fcttlM Death Make lrnlMlL Totol MMnbAK MUNICIPAL council Motroar Jnra 11 Ent We lean that eur enterprising LostHiuan Di hl i ab ul cum nonce the ctectton a new mill adjoining til ittotia I'b itr Mui Mount Gaiubtr Hie mill will be five storey high and fitted with tire pail st Moue Wbrn th new mill i complied the old one sill turned into a tl ur and grain store The to keepa'rr't the timre and we ttu hi nlerpiM ul iu St Willi it fitting reu A Tbe Keguter ptupraud fur quick ram inunicalMiO eiwren Adc lai ie the x'lilb East is to put a small steamer beicu Adelaide and lau'pelr ILy hmnu ttic mu laiiici uteriamt between that rt and die win tone iu tba nub La Hu si heme wuud uier well but we tear die Inavj i tMie dl prevent its bemg earned out It would rrouire an eipeneirs steamer to du the work it ivu us cuuiprte in of ecunotnr and cumloil with (lie light and mexiniie Uall iLal auud be sufficient tor tire navigation of the Umkuiia llever A ta sell that all the pw iUe heiin tiiuuid laid fairly foloro the puuiK ouisclc we miuly Iwn Dial the tt one will be afop Honier Hufrh stem mote If thev mi erablc at fireL ey grave Ttwr the iiriMO'tn dure ntuai'i: jl Biistmw ii rriineu toniM tiil mmct Her? is a WretecUrr Je is th tun Is ttire lie Am sue who hm i a pai'licdf i a wasi fir inset art pohvc pnCcctar strort 1' mJr Here th ri'iuti are tteere tholjr eoii rcgat uatulrer aud tce I the locality of Lefave terrare and asked tut iu THE soHTH Kart ifttnoisL Mr Kahith agree! to the dreirabhne of I irm i wit Mount Oambfer ha boon ILO (rom our own (knc4 I IP fl xk to this dintnct ut plenty uf young grau siMth (italic April abuwws mixed The opening the com tn Colona A freshwa'er wni upply hs focti tmwlie1 a Mr Artmarong ha jat atai rainwaterin freahueas tti a It "prints out of 1 ire chalk Mr lieluker the surveyor wt by Govemmeit io run a bin Langes to the wealcm buUlaL arrived here a days tgu b) at once vHimeaeiiig He hoUH of sasota it and takink present favourable sa die hoe ihruu the li htonum this win er Hcr airluoui will have to carry water fr Ji a one port of the route for a uut 1A1 rndea In two indaice lately the commuting iieprwdatmiM Id first two la stripped a Ha Baker' run earning taaiketi duthea Ac 3 lay a for no Aue will incur a month' 1 AVPUIVTMXTIL Tcntfks rur Mme object 11 Xva Tho Txnut ind bearing SILW Ncld We are requested by Mr CLerlee TidcmaM to call attention to Thii Dm'i AixtiM 6ak of Hansooiums Piam Uoirwri! mods urniture and other Merchandise which wilt Ire bcid at the ffafemm at D090 Jot pmUotlin sdreruscipcot diric with verr nett ncJect and that the com plaint! which have been rent in over and over As we an tired of the neglrcf manner In wluch we are treated bj the luai cuuttactor a meuMwisl to ths I'uaLniMtei Gew 'ral 1 tn omshm ttgiiatute praying that Ufo Mutnu toik may be inad to du hi duty Ibe cral fsaling here is that a udc man muipye iM btlh the ('hue and Burr omtract be ab he forced to iarry out In agreement in a propu uiaruer ur aurue tuoBllMuur iDCUUingNnhei4 Adelaide taxVbMtA a 're were so nt Hi th re ataU Mere other iruorw Blanket are bnitl 1 pru ite I ttera itiicw flat fife and tN re waa twtetog re them aid I Lara nvcii Mm nnp ivmi rra Ibosn tefh'uv hi comsKMcx wfawe emaaotode ra twwi aoeU i nut enitaethtt to evry mo dun er wiorsM 1 bM 4 wu them to of AL starvation Wd of drunkennere a ill tfirere rah ainntig IMP'' had groeaeu onSbuTdawl and utol td Chri'lui iuau Nwlii well awe th die bl taA rilbe matter eteshw cauw 'ri MOVNT REMARKABuK (rom our own Corwsp mtenl Miirooc June 1(1 Since my last we hare had iu two little tabu acn which bare nr gol li arssa ia coming up all over the district hut tire add tiighta rttanl ittpnpnM gnatiy Die pwu front the bortliern and western rot a ar Ve favourable but I'ouiutt'M' to rrqil imre ixiu Lu "tart the feed and 1'ekina llxa gh ahdr way bsttet than ixiiiatloo is hardly tn be all urogivuing al present Dur oeighixjuiv Men tsirange and Ma rlv'tireid liani gum are es of saving some ImuIn tn the bill fuwii toast Mt thiuk fr this that we are nt iroj roe circum stances but we aie luipruiing aufl ere therefore hoping better tttnrs lb iahbourmg farmer are tuy ge'ntg in thi cti but tba township itself 1 lire essence of Juiih iu every LAW AND CRIMINAL 00UBT8 BUPREMI CUCKT LQUITY UDK Mud at Jvn 18 Bcf Mr Justice Gwyuae) Mre TBoMKUP Ths Attorney Genera) aud Mr Wap fee the piannff Mr Thrupn fur the Mendvnt Thi wm a ca tried under (ha following daw (No 1) of Act No IS of lrd: 'Ihe Bapreme oart rr any Judge thereeff may in any suit on the eqni ahk: aide uf the Court order that any wane joined in su case or any question of fact ariang out nt such i i'Ue or out ol any equitable procted OS 1 re awxmw gj UPIM latutoug wh every pngpecl fit a 1 rnm ion ought ro tm lc out of the Mtimiler en uirig year fir bal li ig a new rvodi'tice for the ilailnHir Mai'er Wallann he al present (tie Cu torn ll niov at: I the odieer rcudiug at the buck of the towruhtn It inhibit lull gdx and irfiauJ the revenue I thuuand pounds The s'stc a re rre of land with a view uf the harbour wa mt aside for tin purpose Itead the iTcstdcnt'fl report his visit of iu pec'iii to the uut ru Tn lie iprol aril forwarded tithe mcmlrersof the prior to next rnvctinc Real Trea uty Tlitt in future the 1 Secretory ill Ire hel 1 re mjiiSIc for the shpmctit uf store by the I Im ten Treasuy niinu Notire of time of removal of tuoonngt at Eiiiot to be ailcitd to three month Trcrury circular Requesting tlaieruenl Irefore (he 3M instant ork required inorder that lemisimi may be made Tmasury minute That the aMwtance of officer tt the Leach given to the lelegrsph office for the nmre eciitaias reporting ut arrival ofi wrla (he I odecior of tiu treasury mmu Nottang the quai lity uf sill iwwl lv the die ige viuies very much and srAiog it the oreman goes Hie Board any txidanslion TJte stated there were many cireuin warne connected with the deepening upcrat runs Muting the qaartUiy of silt to rar and the ore stall ai aide to answer auy qucatiuu respecting the iitn' Bead rvpft of oreman of Work that t1rT7 ton ult had been raised by No I Dredge dunug the week No Dredce wa expected to be launcboi in a few day an I (he 1iiiist rreomni timt it al once I put to auric in the harbour uunl September when die prevailing gales will be passel The HarirarMarter Port MacDonnell repotted exeracmg the lifeboat's ere and th I one ttic large moormg lys was adrift Tot replaced ih dh 1 cert th tte statuu' that Mr landaay con tractor far ertxtmg Go eminent shed was po ifi attend and sign contract Secretary to enquire when be will be aide to ttteud The Hoard Air If*ckhinton a I Irek and imnugraiiun (Rbcer Mr A I'rni ottvrcd £3 for nu'friil is rta! shrei ftacMMeiided Sundry routine matter were consider! and the Bwud adfeurtred citv i vnnsittn ifrrstltt kkta ski oaf atk A a ie (ty Mg'eyor and orcerwl to stored over 1 a fur ingfei in cunfermitv with Vie Susg'iog Unicra gu The wrt the (I tLine I afiuwwA'be followum JXiL KeM AAiO IU BL: cawnditura IK JJ jv rlrft £lMNXUt In the Aa Mr venMI aaa1eall? fhere to Lb a CMtatui vo'iiteott prrsiptitude with wlnfi rwediuu GEO LANGORD'A WTIX IDITOR Sr The Rew Mr Jtfien ha ffgr cated with I seal Mr itabert WhinhaiaacJaim to Irecon jad red a mart) A nt tipo I to dispMz the propriety uf Air Jcfieria a esiu qy or to Uf tntiig in dtsp tai arum of Ina i iayful yoisag' trie 'id ur MudKAatconcertiara or sofa i fa see aught Mat concern tax public gene Mr Jeffers La a perfect twfl to "gr ite WhUihaiu hard a warmly wt Irefore" i (ba le however tb: hug nugL have been i gwen with a little few entatiun Asuoeof ihtwe however who rfelikc praairalate a 1 object to at wnd by Mr A defin jngml( and chouareto Arem my uwanitnon at stt Mr hntiaiu'wta tt luord iw Me1 Jref ri' iif tateiu itr neccsaaiv to for that Mr Mfintum ua dt feather in thet hl and Mr W' altogether to wnuig 1 thi lttefcntiy ALre ner I tegtwraitradict Aa rers'a er Urt that the irvwruiwmi againtt Uilituhaai wm with mumsluik like coute 'ipt far frvu Iih ivm fiaK tac case the tetilm( wa reieared with aa icxmatiou ftut the Polra Mt: 'Crate that lut for Um previous ga 4 dura tr Ute affair might tear: been aunwg with very cnnMiuumcea tj hiui 1 taM' ion this iaMdu( that other yaonkr young meet iuy be te taM' fmtn iruitaUteii'r it ulius' in Mcad 1 in cn oarje) thereto by Jeff vctmu'I the prErAiu ill Court ik much Mr tehmham I uisgr th at no puUtt tttnpainy has bet 1 exprexse for lngruol tne It low winy fo ring to jniu rain uy lus owu ia lusti a wife a ung foimv ha treen cut 11 a Ired uf ra from wfe lie iny never rise again bv tte cowardly of ttuoe rufftagr fo this Ixicau dre Iiasuo ntug nd tr en 1 rt rettwa I Mi (IV rkALW had paid Wtt rent al three dara atfa trieM xked fiju niwn: ckuAjqt the lack store No admu a ta thru nafo to sue Iwk store (nl cwt umiier it to be iu Ri'O'Us street Mr Tucipp summed ua nointiogou that ihe painuf ia hi tail hd Jescnbrei th rore as have heen tf In Mttmithghep herd's MipwniaiMd ths ripenreof journey to A ielai (o prcaacato nilh Udl nt tm irom owlers Hay to an out ara ne hwr ne and a parcel cuDtaimngMure cMh ng for the slKpbet was sent by her A a she waa rm kfoll iw learm hst be aacanyiag md fin Jmg after enquinre tUt ita aribrrs and pulira Wert ou of the ray fuwc after and overtook her gave biff a hfow ou the heJ With waddr an I vude the parcel from for A nlusuatinr a cunuutemi in ihs nauve character may imn ti that mly three dty nr this anta cafoe up a settler who had uocasimi thM day tu tfcre ayourwr of sever miles hing fit ton WH' tected rite black ha wtitiM I swvai tier al cii and let iw urcunicucar When the ere iin lie found the Idk I a lAUlJuiiy utu pair of the hurry been unantiogly i were untouched and a fir fo brought in and cut up unasked Le coiruut this ronte ry it escape punishment flar the very severely to the struggle fayet two day after and i 1 decide hich i Die rm re 1 tooth or a suman's tongue jury auituca inesor queaiwaa ffiiil he tried at the ordinary rittings of the Court the trial of issues in vd case" The lull of compbint herein set out the following agreement between the part ir Jaiiuiry ih iteid Mr A 1 have this lay agreed to rent your preini and fixture in RttMlle rtreet lately uc enpird by Mil'er for the term of 19 vean from 22 id instant tlte (i'st four yean at Al lo per week payable weekly and 1 agree to execute a lease containing the usuU envenants to tnaure retair and ep in repair premise and fix tures not to rublrt or aasign without the coo rent of IxikHot'l to bay and taxe and n' to carry on any objectionable buuueat Joel I accept the within lerms Atexan'Itr Tfameon by Ins attorney Jaa The oeecnpcwuoT inepretmees pven is ute rwii was all the nrewuage ami shop lately erected by the defemhwt in Kuadie vtrest weiabaud and hrivmc a fr ullage of £1 feet thereabouts to Bandte atreet byadepthoflftfartorthereabouts sidav 1x rcseol Hi ri'ocJnp ths Maror Councillors Crook Moseley Jones Heck and Ihtrhcux Tbs I olios mg tender rua miiaing were areepted: Edwards's tender fi Nile street and Torrens square Macgra'Ji tender (or Gnnly street Die following tender for srread'ag metal were accepted: II Baker Iisgoriil ruad Ut pei yard the Mall t'kL iwr yard CheiryGuntiue street Sd per 1 ar Spencer terrace' 1 pet yard Kiuih Ami nttr llL per laid right' ten fir repairing of footpath in Clyde tnet nd the A iclile rai a trt accepted Town Clerk to writo tn the Central Itoal Ikutel and ask fur Hk ku of one of their roller for 10 or three dava Tbs t'iMKKtI intake the metal delivered by Mr Avliffe at the contract price Payment uuned adjoaned ridy June au bur and in setend lustauit the bag iiav aimed on Li 'flmn lty tt I pm uuteid of 7pm TLisuavery gnaim otivcuieiMe erun aislnn ifwraUii lc 1 Adelaide tn Lhgeuct fur her north an rx rei oy the next luurnitig'i mail NH unit tin cuutraetur ha latdy iretu in llie tutat uf Ji a uiigyiKl 0 ttic mails nortu of Chariton uu ta rai vak laatead a tour wfirtlc cun wyanct hmua cuuswfo injury to Icl crt and PakCLS lU dr ae postmaster could tell of a arvei vi puslafe ttvoil wliH'h le had to regum ai count of their havitg gg by Uia lueaw it tku tter the c*ntractoi i very ltllh probably Ire fined for hu and wv 1 In loeea Ute fare of a great many passenger under the Srrarnt 'trcumtatMA have 1 Clara uunnga 1 bate omitted to met i bll oeasiun lately ih mail fom ib arrived very late at mglif the driver ro 114 that the ty on hor dia kwnh Ha kU auiaiiahad been dcuuied four hour by the sm umi uf water Hurruck Creak which le 1 ua ut ct'Wa jin wa afterward proved to 1 11 imefafa eirion but liettier arising from Amcuta boy or the lore luailmau 1 iamm 4 It seems a great a four i 11 a lien tbe ntmi fc uu to the north allow tug auulherii ivr rettuua at ikautdul Valley tw daya boy I Sent on wiJi th nt Augu ta bog kcd there hom*o txi uae fie the a i 1 mg to the north once a fortnight iiiriead ol a week June id He have aLn huura' One soaking ram to ly whicti jy con tame memiry of the oidett inhabiiaitt Bet wren raaaet and sunrise no baa Ireen rmed no shallow pools of (tend ng satet of the thicluMaa of abort aa inch wil leqer lod t4 water in tula and taik i wa filled from a quarter tu bait an inch nek All our local reatlet know well the quag imr nn the reoula rowt at pre eut contawrug fire er six IndK uf bquid mwd are mfenBad fiHhY thi1 frartt WmI is ihat I at ett tuormng horseback attlwait permitting Ute horse to sink them in the blest degree The after th Itutt are tngm and The Mount Gsmliiar AfHAM fVasb lfl pnte of tire guineas lq an emy on Die moat uesiratse lumige mat can ue tOrcteu tn the mode of dt)tiic of Ihe waate lands4 the Crown tn the prvurnx 1 1 South Austral He tut no doubt nuy person will give the rabj ct their conaide ratkMi an some may ue 10 compete tor tne png has bowiver been pointed out that the mailer ut yet rather vagutlj put ly the Hub fotCALfktt'RTS 4iAingv uf ihe al Court of Adelaide ull dMsoktioo) will held on Thursday iae fur tu KBcal hi praise Cottt or tlUmpet them forth tc imf io uif md 1 subwr itonfir ljuip would lw at kett a credit! Ie to the eniuuiui! ty aa a taudu CuminiM ai'iiu with Whiaiutir ain birA'e Aifetatue 1 tfe finished skta tiLlirif nvir Vw in Bto ra MW ra sire The trott raid (ht huildmg had heen cert 'fled fitr and would shortly come into the hands of the Cbrta'tuinn Mr RlKAWtaid thM if the building wtottill in the hand of the builders it hl nm been banded over to the Corwation it had been he emil 1 understand why lhev should mure: but he did I nm see why the puldic funds Mfiild charged 1 with anv part of an exene whteh ought properly 1 to be defrayed by other part Mr Laski thought that tbe poitne hl expired the Cbuncil ahoul I take the matter of tn 1 surance thexr on hands He asked tie amount of the latinaurv Tne (igRU iau ittwmiwiitw were to be han ied ovi to Jiy or Mt moved that the Town Ha Ireil hng 1 be insured in the mill of gjiisxk and that the 1 matter be left in the hand of Hui Worship aid the Town Clerk 1 The wv said the architert were uf the opinion that the ainmint ought to be increaed to about Xlltltw RAXtnt moved that the amount le flA'W Mr Raphau coni leecl al'UMi to be sufficient for all pttrpnaes and that if they went beyul ibis sum they would only be fcelutf the insurance offices Carnet trnuc rrntCLBt Mr fTTHm who had fo en Kiwctafly WTOtnnnetl to attend the meeting nf the Council in conr q'tence cl the frequent complaitit* hi bn conduct a licensed rarman was seven I reprirraii'k by His tVpwhipk who detailed the cirtwmrtancea under which complain'a ttad Iwcnmale and O'Brien' dhw'q'teiit brhavtnir He ttd the Council hsi res Ared to grin him another npnnrtnnkv only tu vniuluct nimrelf pro perly and if he should be found at faiM again to Tefowhima'ic nce Mr Brien thanked the Council wl pmmtaed that he would give uoesneof cotnunt for Che future ontursrerxct rom the for tvt irv infixing the Coun cil that the tovrrMwtnt had urec to Tr tbeir claim nn account of wa'et fortht City lU' The thank of the Council wrte accorded to tbe Government fin their ta tltti in the matter rom Macfarlane t'n Glasgow re snecting the otiWr the ncil for six unnvla ati KLallnr that th Itccn 'ipel also directing a'Wirion to inprevr manufactures rom thy Di'tnc) Cotmcil of Hm lmsreh re questing Wat a culvert insteitd of a drih dratn might he road now tn entir of formation to the Nn th Ie' irfo Station Remtrin to to tnplte! Wi'h: the Ditriertticfc of VliMhMreh to psv one half of thework tom Dean A lauton apph ing for the te tne nevshrep nniket when erected rtvonrf seninrhy of occum ton and offering to pay The cost of erecting omre Referred tothebublie WwkCnrtxXtce rrem Hr ght agetit fiw Ihelltnrrnal ire' tfflee stating that the trnarfl of theoflee Jinn freqin ntlv Murdained of the 8'innvanrt of the cab ataud in front the pvitnenl in Vimti to tbit in the rentrr tbe rr aJwav UKd asking that the loconvcMence octasroned might be nbtiiied Referred to the Public TVorks Contutittee in nector tn Wpnrt rom Peny Well surrllos fhaflty p't at the opetrintn on the East PkA faht sb wild I painted wfc'ce (ut the prewjtrtion iceJcnt on dark nichtu RequetfT crunptied rmu fe Hark reqrwnmt that tht Garlener might ht instructed pttfi! trn a at The corner of the Grer hill and Nitchwn road Rrfewid to the dtTa: wsfa 'Committee Gardener to attend teWr Adnrea PrAra attention tn the had state of that portion of lit roadway in Arretreet nptrtefirre ExArre 1 to the Pubhc Work Oniwnittce EH WoMHtP wtthed to call attention to 1 merer nresaingrewThe t'ouncil with regard of Ae toST'ath fere main streets vuld Ise iathmrellection of tne t'ouncil that heTad taken wSafikie of a revywt Act to obtain power to flag few rtrtts rle hfe taken oni awn trouble mitevastrer knd bad found that in frwit of a ngwtt nf bnmo places in liunffte rtreet of the kL wealth fetfcen nothing barhren ure ewlrrtf rendering Hie footpath jrtsdol puaashle and the pnwwra aa in their hkrna do such wvyk ai half the ee il a for tia aimed to qwrtfe whether they should tsbq'try action in nfererv thereto Me also rtfyeu tae enclosure tm the tfoswmnent wall Nwtn Vrrace and fires attention tawe unsighll fiirtre if the ferv am nd the ptetation He bnen stated that fifte ttavernroent were willing tn han over toietorponuwarand on an sttnito aeing givsa nt an pay "the cn i of ere ung tAavr Pence and hrsoigying thee mure Mr RAmsu shonght ths 1 the Owwifnad several tiaewnrewd th uk ter the i reertrnrut should take the mitiaSlreMep Mr ('Akwt 'toU8ht the uld thwaVfrf to ihe Govetnwst for their which he regurfai mi kiudame it would wn nut the orpnraan coanyexwrHawjiall Lrcawte when the crirt ef tm nronnff ttoefeaae Ac wa wamunicatel tetacm thrv would le resdv to rfefvw the expense Mr PfiMtras thouthc fer Haphvel had mi unterod therm uf kbeTer which UvUwonfil lw accepted Mr Htsnwr remaritH Cha the Cottnefllaf ontevaal grMir urged unwt the ifoverawresK tbe nei Ms it et hawskriMie iklA Sttlafino saw ind wow tha diev ha I ra a hlw sl olw he thought kwkfol lewtnbrav I hv the rwiwd 11 a ariT'j Wi1 Rut Lay Oer tn aeepted aodfeanks ten IcrHfe the POLICE COURTS Adrlam Mvwat Jtnnt IM (Before Mr 8 Ulfome PM Walker upafiaad 10a for being drtBqu Norin terrace ILefcJlosiugpetww west charred as idiedte oraarly or not 10 emploreirt sufficient to eoaur the neu of honest rifteaas Aif V'Ctuaeli Jaefi larreaer Rvbrrf Henry and A'Aura (adwta Tbe several iefndants called wit ses who give evidence sufficie 4 ituce the Ht Atges and they were duAuased wiih a caul ton ineaefi cum Mjriun Mr'arf ut the Mount TJIy Mioieg and Qaartz GntaJiug Cumpanv was chanted wi refusing to pay Charles Heath labourer due him a for one week' rag' and 42 2a autntitory dis missal without a week's tuxice IMendan pleaded not guiky and wx defended br Mr r'obioMQ Cuinpfomant 00 whose feduff Mr Bunder appeared itated hia case st kngth nes es tre ded ou both fidd After a ptto tracted and patient hearing of dcpositiooe of a sotncirhat cmilrsdict ry character the tfeudaM made a statement to the effect that in consequence of the disobedience and absence of the iefendant from his post there was a waste of quickadver and other damage which produced mitatiorc penwtal euofitet and ted to aumtaary doniUaai of tbe com plainant who was proved to have improperly absent three quarters uf an luur Mr Bondey and Mr EoHnsou having severally ad lrehcd tbe Court Hi Worship exprreaed the ofuniog that complainant bad inmned summary diamiMdnd tberefore ordered piytueM of waffct for fne week only wiih the Court fee £31 matt 'rtteJTTh he umxta mr A litt IruiL'ht up the' rei irt MfoLuM Ihatibe Uica'dtMHiwtota Iwfittakjp as parted out WiU shelve and uk pc iKuuze it tomiidc Ak the geuGtwea'a clcaL sxni WM shelve aud peg rtiahato idew tetrad pine 4 that Um Mayor be eectMuted if wnMUhfe to liAVCl the tre urete IreuimAM the Zcom fish LwiQget) nude foe qrauneou dfe to Ire teUC for out of die owu HalfTwr Tteeiyyart waaad yte KtafSOSM 4 Tbarapct of ihe Public Works CjBurittee to June 15 aa uad aa lagg iqgjRntg wiUum TW flty Sur veyor lufacmed your Givimittce that Jm Work oraiplaiaed of for the Manager of ttre Etokmal Bank haa Loec attended and that ja no worre state now Stun alien taken up Morney raeot J'raukligoireet not foot Cnnmiuee teoasMBud Mr ritafrlrih to be ttrroed that the abwe ia a privte street and Dug ukfie owuers mater AppiKjttoHXo have the stew OUde in the usual wg it wiU fo attended to Vaugh lerhouae our Uut uniUee receaa mend that the VUf Mtnreyor to instructed ia addiutn to having tfo uter tara repaired Io place iron shutes sod pwsts whep re juireL "Rupfle strect north kour IXxumiUae Approve at delaying till firthtr ttHUmcted tbe BMttif the proper drain' Report adopted HILL CGVMirTkC Tbe report rf ihe loan Hall (JmstnittM to "th MBe wm read a under and ari' ted Tbo Severn appacatmtu (x rcutuig tbs Hall MRffif iMM PAtoJ tl raw 1 ''not That Hug be allowed the 2nd 4 an 1 4ih Vburcb To be alkiwcd IrXh and Iftb July fry a sv red concert Muchell Tu be allured the 23tb Jmy fur a util with anteroom AtMrJian To be informed that they can bare tbe Hall fur soiree at the prig before named per night I Ibu the la ge hall and anteroom he Allowed to the Mayor for a iMQuurt on tte Pth Mat aod the Ball Committee the 2'nd for their use those occasions 1 1 the olvuids uf the Town Hail that as the caterer will require the preserrt Cuuodl Chamber on the Ixb or um in pteparigf tor tbe banquet the Mayor be rv jurated to hold the mu CouQcd uiLDg in the fosn 1 Uetk's Office Ordered that a Kook be prepared the Town Hall letting Day 00 which tbe HUI is i gaged to Ire entered therein and all accounts to le pre paWfera foe one nighi) Person engaging tire room to sign lb book Moveable The Committee having bees Monneff tht thm were no lender (r the Wontun to give toe 'tder to 1 tnt bmldtrt tLs Halt au tut may be ready fur tbe iM BcimH adopted oracna' gsoan nTbe fortaifWy report from the Puk Ix Rangrr was rand and referred to toe Pubhc WuTU COttBittMe oTHa rsnnm 1 Mr kvoer tated attention to a great eyesore i rtfeh tXMfod ifi lbs lUp ffi heaps swore ia and lU we tn Pveiac uf the kd store and there a evidence LfiM Lire gat of the pnvateremtreere never doati with lirThotn Uli Beriliu fl Mr Wv wuf there were a amhr of rare which he Hugh: jiave quoted hm fa did jot con sider it wmih while taking an time in foitre an It waa dw front the plaK fi's ll tmi promii Ire Jay pad and the fieirenption be gave of them wasprceisdy the same tom oonta''d in the fixoM fogae it was dear ebst under rtevs the dmctiCtMi my premiats Rupdla ariy iara axotw ami wa Ke lak store wece tu lie regarded as in Kun die a'xeet even had toewqrd referring to tbe recci orjipney of Mr ffiuk not been introduced Tta reamed coanrel alluded to co*ke upon Lutel tongni quuled Htoun Hibott ft Jitr NaBlf He umpired that a dectae should Ire iaread to i tti'wr at once wHbcur referent: to the ull Otter Mr i'M ihe umpteen poierti and Al I His Honey did not conridar (bat that cure helped Mr Thrtipp st all At preaaut hi opmiun wa agatnrt the def aidant Imt be vould Imk carefully jtto ihe caes Mid see if that wotfe al'er hi view He was rather CtmuraMe to the defendant than agaxrt him if te could gia a in bis fevovr Mr Way raid he muld hare been to pro duce ctidcnpe to rebel much of wbt had been ured onplantiti'a behalf had he not regarded it a irrelevant His Honor said at all events liia tn'od ru even between tire parties Judgment deferred The ull Court will not sit on Thurslav next it on Tuesday June fti to hear motions for naw trial It wii alto sit on Saturday June 23 using the Last Day of Term LNJOLVENCY eVURT af*ckDAT jrvi Jc (More His rnor Mr ConunMi iner Downer) re Thomas Martin an adjximed appctM tnsntto tnrrender The insolvent did appear bat th tfficul Assignee said it was proposed by insolvent's brothers to make an arrangement with the crfelitora and pay them 20 in the pound In the meantime he would ask he an adjournment The eae was further adjourned to Monday July 1 at o'clock re William Dnrke of Kwundte sbneDsker an wijoumed final bearing Mr Begot for insol vent Mr Purker lor several creditors Ihe accountant' report waa read ra UDkT: "Tbt debts on tba schedule amoowt to AM3 IS lid the ea sra kMn valued by iaaolratt at bok debts amount 115 IS fid' total £US Ilk dl Retireated deffucncy £139 ta 5d Tbe schsiliite contains an account of the insolvent's KWdSsa i and the hooks ffive bo utfonaattM to ths ftaden lo are engaged iff farming punaita 1 iueoircDt traoreawos mfo be has tiwM iil afford them macb fioa tuwx hall nrmmAjrnt Mr Rara tn raM the alter relative the The Mat 'K reported that the period for which stones had vlready been referred to the li the Town Hall bad been insured tn 000 had Works Comtuitter who had given it much Ume nearly expired and remarked that if toe matter and attcntin Their dc'enuinatimi that waa left to himself and the Town Clerk as on the I nothing sbool I be done in the miliar at present late occasion they would probably socceeri in I and a it was state! that the City urv vor ul i effecting the insurance at the lweat rate They shortly requite the at jobs foe Hk that mmou had rent round to aU tbs Insurance Office on the should he abtded bv It a inosii that biu den tuutecr ufl anl rritay the 2Itt aid je folio ifg ms a list of toe cMMs aeK'i wn tux! Thcuday fogg St To AgiM at 10 o' Inck tbe fonuaJU itNSATtarikD JVfctsuBTa Mnblcsor Gryll for deisgduii coati Macgeorgc i Marlin ti ircuviuiT ne uarritc Thomson ZttTtXPED CACteM Bmutln lieL hffir 4 'xrfl nH Krvtoraa OtokV ronrihr Onus Bretutigham tfcnu jifuct Wvuy Jnrt 2i To appew aids o'clock in the faaraotio Anderton ilonqyr Pywdl thilk ield Tafir Mann aud itemfoy arr hhadrad Moulden Simpson PloUer Brux Parker IraeiDM Turner Brtk Mur and had much cause toropovl bin tfir lutejiy of tua i ttataiter He ua Mire efim iImmv parent who nt their children uiwht dn with the cutaduit expa'taitou that they would nt only recent a refouatmt bat dial ciicy would have before there the adiautage uf a giro! example He thowfo tau ibe who educated the tteuiggene rolux to totter requited and ere entitled to Ute aaiue reni Jneruliori as ihi re ciined in4hr teoiiUica ui buMne or professions in ihe uuilyutg disuiris it wa Marccly possible to uu the cbillien etbeieutt) even witii the i wasait akl tot lliu a reason why they ahoiMi titalcsiour mon earootly to maintain a Jiigh UMterl uf educatwn in Adelaide that it juifa bcta fctoly ra i upon ie uuntry li'tratK Tue colony had I th ro stood Jiuh in gtsteral rstimatMJi for intelligence and hr tesjed ibat thi reputation would te fully kiaintaiUMl in th future Ttovri intag winch would si'dae to ito yuuth uf the colon) fruiua stood mrly odneau re was very great They could tiot to uer emited for tne want uf llcue Mvanmmcatol mu be fully cmnperwated lf greatest ore an diligence in after life duty khould thefeurt endeavour to prepare the nwng i rrnersuua for tto butleof Lre an I hend sir hi young frauds juu cannot too lllffnir rftNlffi Cw UppMtUUJliCS Jou fof rr a ra 1 Mr Haft in his report exprere Inisali fac iiHi the iWieraJ pro re nude by nearly the whole of hi pupd dmmg the pan half rear several uf whnu riu diiuuutod ttu melrta byready perreverauo isxutar attendance and Hnct attention to t)k The bratKiies of eduiaiiua had received a Utct a hare( aitenta a ponble In ariliiuetic Mid and T1010 i rfiuaiticd grrat readme and tffirtency and Wud fck ar I laaie loi done Wfll in the secondyfer1 and fomg lint great progress Much atuiuUou had ien tti cn to conpiiuuu Ihe more uccetul lo 1 ln If and Ahlon in tto taiu! Vi second class In Uta to hrrtrlaa Ashton had wed earned lire tre piue anu lie liad great nruficienc in thpt ttlbjret 1 he content for the ecnd prlJe lay 1 1)dta SmiUh and Bag lAlertua He vtraldire i drawing da tncnae numtor ttaiitf11' Ms migbt le mtu sifatote raal'y induatn Mia he wvubt partnularj i Aahton whose dote attatitioa to hiffZ With iuw yrng uretx II te'Kirxacm reported the result of his ex iUunaUui of the German class He auted the puptis tod dirtingtutoed themselves by in duuryauddeMBlteutam and a they had al DrRtkfeffta ih i 1 i Tkt7 rnenttuoed JtefuUogiMracitatama ffc were then given tn hccitation "Tbe Belli uf rafiUAg Adien'ure fXncUicw) Tempter recite 'Jta (Heber) Arertr reedition The Night before Waterloo" (BtruK Beaucbupp debate Wm olw a riinrere Mant Marters liuer Aahtnfl lauipfe? iilff and Aah'nn readmit bcnxtge arl Maro Didrani rr ftu Italian Ute Athenian" tewros A Mw: iftitauon "Aidrea ttoUpuan Mututny I i'rcild retito ll Egyptian (Mt UJU JG lla fic eficutino ni swarded to (f Ashttui tot it rtotcri If Mr Itath that the Sintkruin tn award the prire had ni eralite difimiry ia detenu mug toc tar ua ure menu of Ashton and Husky The )v Mr Asttruk ttito duLibute the pr aes as follows Iteifenw Prito A EiuEmIi Pnse Gould cert Ecate enwick wnung Pnto Pappin certificate Could Arithmetic aud PrucG Kw certificate Ashton history and Gould i certificate enwick Latta Ashton tf) fe Oaefor tifi ate Templer and Huwwy Cotou fr Prut Tempier certificate Ahtoft Hreond (dam EngtoTi Prue Vfi wnting I'earev certificate handeraon AntbmettcrPne Pearoy certificate tt Loiiil Hilary Pnae Moms certifirate Wbmilh Latta Prue (H Ashton 2 Goyder: rertifi ates Bag and lmith Vredud a Brewer certificate Goodall Generalpravemcnt Pn Humley cartifieate i Third flm Reading Prise Wagner Wriung rue BuahelL Amtimefic PriS IfeS champ Prise unitor General Impruvement Priira HyandJtrReiJiy Mapping Prue Ashfon Ofnamentai Pen BMg mp Prtoa Huwaey Drawiig noe Hurt ym dosed with vofes of thanks 0 the Uiaiman three cheer (or the "ftiHi ra and Ito uag deaoMtniiMM fur Mr Bath i amyirnne occur uirevri rwi letict until time after the agreewwet ha1 beeniryd Trier t' possession nt the prendre aa app ie i to Mers Gay A or the key uf the ii of the tore aorraabl hi they agreed (rive upwi as they tad time fiw rera(r their giL butwcqwcwtly however the Men hnt' attorney waited the plamuff ftiidfe the tint time tnfaWWMti bias that ttiM A jKni of the slid store was rdi include in the The promttea loio aeuet! ctnostr a memtof ut that 'toeietv deli buck a mot pleasing lector femperanre and Sodeues cm (ur tuwualdp is faat itupro hsvng nearly completed a btuldhf foteodad Msgeorra tnjr have also been erect! Vt Mr Jiwm Smith No doubt uuv their vakc MadhauodiLgtl' nt tkm fifflgff The batchers here are near stood tiU it Icing octi lo imuas tr oo prire icutt our fimtr mill bu Twramrtfrd wk bat only be fur a abort lima a foMt band ia smalt and the faratera are di toiachaS to red sltbough (her a go 4 qWJt lr sta hand at whm ttoy de 4 Wk hive had since Pnd i i Broking rain Ths ooutry todMltotfperaL ua Hut il re lx I agreed to let Toe prayer of the ud nch swii I pwfi' pefimaneef tbe agreement a i Et titAi ni" ib bttmurt ntnn vw ntikPBss i wrai mue iw wt lukea rjr share of both oiirxtvca butte tire right ufr md Tosits a i bridge wnn a tew mire or a xnnt efficient mxd rvice three tnae a week with aeconinotkrion for eight pas renger tn winb share It the kind rerv that the rehl from their nff'erafe and foully trie rw public buildiars rlx and other re rjre wifi admit i i ts hard to we there things wilu a lew tv tea of us and pr up with out gnimblitt in wifftvrwith onr arr dirfwM neglect Itax tin wrt all In the porti of niyduttes I 'fu nHve to call tbe sire ntiouf lie Vctori ut vnreriit'W matter vnetc I tf iwk interfereicr is rvjiAWd an 1 where my pin is likely he of Such ugge vlw ay well re'Vil I ac itnmcliatrii mJmi tu oU in iritai i the roae eV iy departmet fftt tu South Autratai the caret dittcre iL If iwritel rat no a al la Iff J3 U4 VtaCQ Ml IK bC tbe matter Mr Cahlix called attention to an irregularity in the creetv of reran laht to nw budding opposite the TowpHali M1IWV irc KlCilWUIl llie IxHinal toan olkotnirt on th i i i maocr io yei camvi muiuii ru fuwr" Ma i been placed there Wnb tbe off Um prue the Club anwnnroa tot tne reception of the tefu frvu drama the I tenus J( cotuttivu iukver bid sown ha mirtvtaiM A vha 11 ji it a a i i 1 4 ITU uc Ull'lCI toto that its proper place the ftk Land be espreaaed a hope that it mu hl le removed thither Tne altcnti 4i uf the Qty Surveyor to to colled to tbe above matters AnDHl'l T'l kXCtLlXVCT It was remlved on themottoi of Mr tlut an aldjcxs a dd to prepared by a (tarn mittee appointed foe that purpose fin prcw utat on toHt Excellency un Ocdireodav ncai Ue occa sion of the opeaiag ut the Town Hall Tire I'uuncil then adjourned to tint day foil night THE A' CIDKNT SDiEdA BAY to to Uirtok Sir ce a lonuuunH'mion ina latasumtor yuar sigmd A totcr uf lloekuiily" who came it from the Gasfer ttsnge aret tv the letter mptetao hkdy tottwslea i Ue u'dic yon wul uv me by gtviagLl a place A your columns In the tirp lace the Jury fftdnet find that they snptMwed to be that gfehn A'sg Ac kit that it a the body of oue of the (our rueu drowneL There wi evt trax to shuw whs the man name but there was cfear evultpt to hie being owe af the men Tiuc jruae tocntifiv i the foffy ttertr hafeig nown the nuv tire man With regard 1c rhe tto Gawler Rafepe arecimen of ba parity bar in vie the pofae saltogether tieqTanteff Tw of tire un fortunate man found in a deep vfcaaut o( Ute it wire fa sdnm ed rita aavne nun eujJ u'e wildy it ugt excepting I by eceroeal I he wty tmoperatStre ycould uldant aty xitatary aanretaaue a tel na 1 1 suppose no power A offer anv reuiuureah'roi Ifi oUvn to help him ii uch case be ff a tall that hi power frat hkxLed tto U1 cave thrcgi which iheboi ital been washed recurely wiuilscge stones readfto burial aeretee rtag the reyjiruL and then nep 4 them up with boards which ire secured withstcie and then cox arid all cp widieartb Asujtbcjurt rf kiior wtodi states that ghe trooper toroed Abeauras to throw stone tae body 1 cas only thpl i Merely tbe namg to perron torb xne when he es ploy an idle bear is rafcavuuriug to injure thecluractar of a umw vtooffid the he could mvz the circumrtAiuxq and when to Jo inakea slMcnent in hie totter wfiwa are nut beyond cootrattottun late ir fix Tux owrari thi Jcit Btretlf By Junefi iwtfi A MALI OR TtuTlTY ths rnrrox AmaM Lto many wntera upn fhe subject of a proper pure to amthlre market pailupa afew line from mu wfio been a lafaman in the taimton markets and caw form on ida of wbat ireqnirel may nmteaansidtredoutiffgtocr M't people idea nf a market is an enclosed building very ispcusMe ii'te 1 up with shops stall Ac and course wMect to a heavy Ntual The orponuion of Adrai'fc built a market tutue Lit tn this ty mmy yean ago and it proved a failare and wnyf The mwto wa Iredt to ace chanted a high rent The grower found no accoiu rn riattaa to 'ran act lreuiw a with the wholesale buyer i the market place ao to Moper) al the eroten uf the ran where the wtotade buyers followed him and the public finding liute produce to etei from tn tbe market unrltogly followed to hart terrace all grumUmg at the orporatten Market pfeot uirin hccommoJation are Ito growers the wh towle buyer towkcie ZtoprrCii whoif1 purehare whole meet eyh oilier easy of ingress aud gre aud covered from the sun and ram httoale market is tin doubtedly Vretmia vquare from ta central puei tiwn many road diverging therefrom wide streets and luutpatlia and no expense required in laving on gas or water All that is roqurTO cbver the present paths with dauff atone and pitch pave the roadway say six feet tr the kerbstone and cover with an iron rwuf commencing at tbe walettrouyh apposite the Local Guin amtiuung it on the weal side and also on the graaa arown sooth side of tbe rood tbrougb the square and it eouid be extended along the other as the ie Mifficient accom moffation to the few houn it i required peraAoenl buildings need to be erected and if the marks drosa it wffi give time to the twWic are abroad I mffimd 1 tort tmpMMd tou much upon your MltraMa mnararam tnla taswara Isaaa akalA ut vra ilk accnfffanraith('nntffl Nu Hi Thta Irie'ty uJII Jml Mctfe Horrent X113 Miyet435 IX awil ane A 'opri 7 £P4 (aecnpteS per wiwkra ivltnsriii irem H'ontrir 17 outit £fe i eMrib: larthew J1 rang Mnriitt ATI IM Mr ES0 uirel rd tee Surreverhy Sa iders fnr cMtai work in cr et iT' toiurot ta en eal'vl fae Tbe Crt to fyor atateff the wnrtw a heng proceeded ah asfal aiw iblc and Mata ou a tfee prcfo'aiiote were cuoietatoil to lert would A six itcd tfes umplction ol tireWHO nderw ra xing in vraiou wee i tndrvtaw il to tstttnnsi th txiwer to xct the matttr Ttnv' ti ruiu i lire applicafrute which were in rumtor ttombee of Tows Hull Portra ere then cat mmL (hi ttoiw round of vwi the war rodooe 1 to 15 ibesid to soul enUy the raitaat hr fcotieen Kelt andG Geare Ltor ff in all eroic vote for 'uriner an for ke latter Mr jJeare am ihertfege: Mfeatfeour rreaptodent of myopikm abute the clucatiun qwsttun bud hardly be re verted to tore fur ti a feast is tut a griavanae of which our district hastoeanipiatnreire than ipher parts fe ihe colony Bra 1 may ay tliat I bare felt it feevnlv Irecaure of being so far from She centra uf authority and as euurcb tarown upun mv own source in trying 0 raise tbe 'ttcattuuaf standard tore What small efforts I have made bare not ln without a mraaute of AKCesa bd toeusm would lute been tw asarat were tk I il ika St IU UIIVUll WW wonnieM ai a wi Mda tbe maratt Ua uncli I would av that tbe separation raoswiert died out to a very great toteot in ww Uvit iiuwnitueiit is doiui aeff wbat A pro a i nW ASN MP I ffilBl ffitffii ffi MianS feeling ff at: oanrw to the peaerhd character of 1 South AaaUala Irnm tire South East to the enlasg bejun i ta ifffiutr fnrtmretal inm ure fa truth we uta qu tto steady nreuitr of i' cofeay which ether 'Jr pn veerieit ulff contrast it favourably wni si Aitrtraks Jurt now I believe th hoD are being drawn closer than ever afc1 provided tlie disirut is worth keeping and tnde with Melbourne destroys I may to kfrr 1 am fir kc TEfiiTO: WOODS June 9 I sboujj like to add tbe name of those settlers la ihe dirtrict who have ffirtmeultoed themaalvea stove all where in their care fi tto an I theie unfailing kindness to them They Meara Itawwin Bonney and Method in the Tatia Mesara Henry Jone James Hunter and Audrtk Watson fir the nut the di the enquiry Into his affairs aonteaplatod io the oStn clause of ths lurotvem Act" Insolvent examined hy Mr Pvker taid be had kept no arenunt of hia rtioiii as he did net think they were required Hi wife bad burnt a Daraber of receipts andinvoicw abt tbe tone ff hi inenlrencv In answer to the tffici xl Aaignce be raid be was tot batoraas ia Hindfeyretreet before be went to Kapuedx When be left Adelaide lor Kapunda hi natalities were about A UJ amt hiasst 'stock ae 1 furniture were worth aomething oer Hi buaioesa would have prowl a travmg one if hi creditors haff left him a little raster Kelly apprentice to insolvent examined said he remembered insolrent going to town before the bn iff went tu hi Luuae On that evening one ride of leather and a put were taken to JaiMs Raffin' There was a great deal of sole leather at Bourke'A but be saw none of removed Saw five trunk uf boot that came from town sent hack a few day before tbe bailiff exme Thomas Johnson wholesale bootnukrr Addanle said insolvent did not owe him more than £50 when he went tu Kapunda thred him A2ri eubaeqaently for goods for Kapuwla Be membered the meeting of creditors Accord ing to the statement of insolvent the estate ihnwed nearly SJa ia the pund The creditors requeued him either to deviant himself insolvent to whkh he aeeraed to have seme ubj tinns or to give a guarantee for Its in the pound which they were iliiag accept John Bean said he saw the insolvent on the jfth ebruary and questioned him rate hi position Insolvent told him hi suck wu worth £jn that he had a god many book debts: and that hia lubilitiea were very trilling He alm tai that their account ('lews Benn's) of AlnQ was the only one of cneqoenc Mt Parker then charred the insolvent as follow: lhat tnanfvpnt in contempfotina of insol vency and with intent to conceal the state of his affairs destroyed writings and documenta relating to Ms trade and dealing Secondly That itivT vent dratroyed uch writings and documents onto to defeat the object of the law of in lvncy Thirdly That the uwulvent contracted a debt of195 with Meaar Bean Brother hy fafafy pre tending that be was olreL ourthly That insolvent In ebruary MM obtained for toarnnee the aatd deH to Merar Bean Brother by false proteAce ifthly Thst inolient contracted th debt of to Mewr Hean Brother and a detA of A3u Ifa lOd to Dench and I'o without reanenalde expectation id pur ulent ixthly That insolvent within two mouths of hi IniwJveiictfraodulendy made anv with onei4eot leather Seceidbly fifixm insolvent with intent to concrsl trie true stake of hts affairs wtl fuUv oniiUel keep proft book of account Eighthly Thai itntJveM kept his bnks inioer fatly nejtlKratly and farctesalr Ito official Asrgnee ped thef 'r ecoiid sinh revewth and etgl th charge Mr Bagoc appltei fie an alMiriitwe4 to consider the charges and the meeting was adjourn'd to that day weak at 12 ud rk re Ourlrs Wedge late of Hoile's Plain carter a Lrt hoteug Nothing was done hi Ihw case Is re Eugene t'nnin late of Ctefri licensed vxtnallcr a first hearing BeH wpvap inw 1 xri Ie sroig iee and a preihpiriary order uf bMr maintenance wa made The meeting 'Jieu Otofcl In Attlmny Inglis sat Adjotfimd final bearing ft Mildred tor tbe bwolvenL Oie ac countant rt wo read Iheddiu vn the seta lule am tini ra £1 SM 7s 7L against this Mes i A Taaxie MD lime rivhzcd and divided nong certain creffiTOrs kfSR 1 4 2i hilanri £10o I ts 5L The ehrtevtit to be col lected 4ikiu bad on doubtful febta £391 Id three horse rpwrtag neur Pon Anguwa £15: sgreement 10 patalMse secthn near Port Aupttea nn which the Irwdventhre built valued at IU total MMit ffihra IT iff Total defi rtencr £4MI jefe 44 fee inMttrt inform me thtvbe gave up hu iriw at Port felgiuta on Sep )t and Mr TKwe uiwJeujok to wind up tri 'tlair but wrtbu rcquiri'ig Viv iusolveut tu otee an amigtMireo The krelahle estate fcffecte I by Me Comic A ik and duinbureJ wnmrsi certswi creditor het several creditors brving be hitt wt eta getter one of themed the iusu vsr and foruril him to pettlnwhe ('urt brinks aattain no inform teum a tn the nttoUent Th I ttfiriffil iMrsraa a bran sdlCtlulffi VffiribWllHv Tk Mfet klUi ffit all a 1 I 41 iixdrent to AiaLliargodfum hi hah ill as wa neitssaqrfre hmi to otetw bow thee trad hew incurre i invoer that ffif'JiM might ha wn oppirtuaitv irdging HrtCwr to had heenfowd into the hy mrafmferu or otherww arl as intolveot's 4 nsks did a show liw rw ajfre or eipewbawMtbey had wrwauaof luarmlfum them tbe wu uf insUrer cy Mr Mridredsrould submit tbabtt wa sitcbM While a mmerop ateii b) the Act liradvent feed given all the Verna tion Mrafwneoafo orspecting hra otofe he had ore fr in Keow of In took fo amne tiiiiA anff fee had bsoacut to grert esperre and incopuip merely suit the orawtrirerce iff thuae wta had them to tend them to tow He thouhSvas a hardraxe to piieffi iht fcatuina tionagaiu as thacwtail been great nunrbervf temo anffiihere was ure ts uptKe tnodrau and three were only twe 'ar three cretaterwwko hail naatome in to tak few ihare of tbe at Port ff ugut There 'ha I heen no otter: to ap rac anything irapr pre in tn cmvtakt "Messrs Tara tol nut ewe ami ho cmwdMk itoy kad wo for aomworod what ln'OlvritiadtonoM0rl collect Iim ororts wand pay hisdahta lhairiaidwnt had atteoda tv un lime to traas's required and the iwvtiur had Ixien adywnm from times tune it wu Wet li tor tnasfeent to llmon nuttersx titiwMd Assignee that the repooteffiailpiurniBera' had been for tk tuaulvehk hiutorffnd with pect to Mo Tareie not comrarkraardtomfkiae tie PtraHicnderatand that could net blame thwn Tuetr bkviurImirazu root three other creditaKrae it all the tonr firthem It would rather have teen for Ums upponj who liad been da red of the beioffut 1 Honor the tind cfarar the Au reiu the tnaolvem to give tbe mceenry feriiwM lothoaecw ntantresreeliog hi erau and fa ty to dmouc er the whcroa ut of anv paten 4c ami said that urc Me contained list th debt and1 the name penen mfelMA and ho the hod ifoue fill 10 ffivtag rhe on il Assignee would rau I auto? Hut then wu tw ariancewhst lefim tto iu a it 11 udi iramraaii ur'i anti trsraM raH to a a une the cnl Akunct? as bi whethena Mobeut bad made a fell ff wlmurer rn um jt ti Honor said rf ttore liod I uwt in ie muni 01 im accountant nopcuuar tliai he woui' have anenttiw it in the rei rlart there was twuggetwn of anvtlima tto: i bara ter ie the ret rt The 1 1ffiii' A' nee said Uirtouuntwtuil baveifiled a balmre toet had the iuniveM siren him (be material and he o1 a tattanewabeet watjiled was iim ut a positateta approach te Ctairt and hr hie final examrsvm L'tild lt wss ilrae he must dfcltue 14 ciatnine she menlveiu Era Honor thought mk ilra nt was ia a pwitrou 1 cntnJol him to a fur a Utieaie Tta official Aosigoee a ked His 'iluoritn arerve tbe point fr tbs Mipteme Court aa tn wta Gier tbechfclule well cotiM ilated aivl whether tbe caecuuMi cm ttioM a lMlapcj abei being tiitol a he iu oatiafied tto ease would form an important pc deiit Hi Iwr ssid kd Ix en already ilraaoa 1 that bedule waa that of tbe omcerof Ue urt and tart the uweia it Iu sub ent wo ffeo examiopff Irr His Har and said he cumuteiuvd buiwa wiih a opital I ffa lro it tin Ira 1 tfcrtffi 'Tk 1 aosscj prA a aaw i cMittatteU werv for kilJel tn tat bud ra raw WW axil riiPAWP lGt dlffinmn Rl' Jxm deal rar in iteetjdenflicvp ami kt)j up the buses DreraU of hi uim to the boao and ilapprinJ toAy In detfca 1 Scpaemhetawheii 1 gave Ul ffdihbed aakod fa a aceowk fan urt hcalc MUiirnl said he liad no 'li stion to aj Cc insolvent rile UMerstwra tbe tte rt refused tu gtoene th raint Hw racnoraa he bad aheadsa(rraed lw upinfoo agwirtUbit lie had rifffi of appeal hiaffauB Ha ien at thero ma no ppNte'o awujfosfee mad eat a seceoffcfess certificate STREAKY 1HY rom ua Bay June IL lam now tuppy to report tba this strict in common with other faalitie baa beea visited with beautiful rains which have bad the effect of changing the araecl of surrounding country from IrarrenoeM to verdere Ihe lambing ie now iu progress aod ae the rnung gras is everywhere growing beautifully nope arc entertained of a guod return the 3rd iaatant infamation waa brought io from the Gawfer Range dial the nmatus of the tata Joint Edrawnaca liar at length been fotmi They wete discovered by anne natives at a ilce about Hi nilca nortb crat of Yaidea near Lake (fairdwer I am not in poxesaioa ff full particu lar but hope to be in Ume for my nest of Routh ct the to to such the SOUTH EAST Beraon" I allude to the cw nf the Qteenv I Netberh" reported tn tbe Brpisftr of 1ft 1 Mar TO TW1 torroA 1WI (at wnich date Mr did not hold tror could I nave no doubt that your able cmpnn ive I the remotest i lea uf holding the office ffeot to auhstantla It curit In his account of my o' Attorney General fur he was not an MP 1 cwveisdion with him at hit recent visit to Penola titeli anu ineu ikijr nn nww air uustiip Gwynoe and of Which the fottuviug is an ex act Before this prisoner who was arraigned on a charge of committing wilful and corrupt perjury at the BuTTerne rart iu ths of ttegnu Cora awl Ixre'n on ebruary II had pleaded Mr Baueaut said he had some obiectfans to nor haff ta aut honied anv ie to faK tru tin gur il leeii ctaaad IruitMoti iMgteffavc been ebc red ly tk fa 'Jr WigreU wd the re wnen be ao lot a leninl ff aA unt hap Ak oitainel sbmw to the ro the private ao I adng toe Twn street Jwl die tersun xupv mg Ute shopr hwl li the ptnuie roaffsa (rave praaaa 11 hi fcMii 1 tt 1 I 1 tn wri to in 1 Hardei ii over th keydche sl uil Jwtali: rh UMj a udli street tbe day uin vhvhrtje agreeiMKta' as signed tetiot give jriraHif 1 the lire tra kstMK nurdid ileptagt ak fa tom iou or mvlc thing with regatd 10 tt rijjxir that nidi the had atouiatnuu li after hu fee 4 put rti paawwsrr Hmi wmiaw kVd fnt ttv 1 ihcilhmm ota give plrtMff poMeauon of ihe fr nt toap Lvy Had a ecoMiatiiin with Kr in of ciivermua 1 he had bad ill Mr Gar Aed 4 a rTuar dy ra my pfae ra ruuj WwJ KSTito tnueh lnm uM I for hr iuu tinnrMaoMir wh tro ta 1 ra fa there were iffra kete but ttov aX Mr hnfar had cuff ttai at Ube front here Another uatuu Ttoraat dif ago slid uh ma lira fijm to iJt i trawtaiti luintendrttwM'lKMtthlievw and I r'kr I 4dL iigta hna linelAli onie rera to bi Irmin uraiuv and tbe tt oughi that had fo i i od fir liimssJ a all 'Oute ilk ftei hlJ LaVtartiBtawwt wl mnie sf iu 1 coffin ulMAc allowed hrt CJXol 5 (fouff te kra Ux were at Ifoto (Mild fe hivcrv covering The hnemrueut wouid tat pay fa it uor kunnv' Ito in an a Llrra 'nine hi mta I friiat notu the haiffir fo: tfoUeuiuicutuf mure urilasff Md the iioiicraedfn piilht litut and of asking fa oni a of i'4rviion ial justice was done in dq xUeion 1 j3ve even rule for the lance ut any UeainMU 4 eom piling aod ull if more moment to uauic menti otd a Judge Tlieee orcum I'nKrt nrm di ier a tne from compering aod wo venture tu Mgget to the Club the clpouencyut making ronicwml mure dtflii tc amngeiMftta in lh mailer Some ate woiutig tu kaoe vha aretolw the Judge I dor deciding lo eomaut ihemmlw tLe late uf entiira an eaJ on kindly a qinstiiKL They reqam guara itet of lair piaj anl impartiality before provro lmt aud a strongly urge lb Cleb to publi the tru of Uic Judge in order to mart tlie case Due uher uf ths ntaite khou be noiueL fiy i Cctuig the true alluded to the armer' Club deliberately too dilira" 011 moat vexed qucwtiun That the intent ia a we a certain bu wool guarantee have wc that uu this lopu the Ciuti i'l oeff be divdvd and feeling rairad uwngl its members 0 the ptjudnw 4 the beet lutereota uf the Cubf A tart wvk remarked to be ellcctivv the Hub niurt te otnaig an! united and anything which would ten I todivid or eeakeu A alMiuld I a adeL buuie wul i uvtented from jotniug it they have any rtaoou to tbink th lul 1 ued tr political purpc an! therefore we wiHild rather the pnu liau been uttered by the i itMu'y Li luute tic hote I publication by tbe Ciubof tke nature of Judge ol the eraar and fiinln putirulai on ihe vuojvct wdi act Hi matter quilt rtaiit Nrderd Ths RE tot" ami ihi iu Easr Tlie itk 4 artrafraa Arowier ha uf late leva ffung good rvitx to lit cause uf tne S4h kart tor both tbtough tbe tellers 4 nimtri tforve apondent and article iu il editorial column it la diaan aUctiimn to it am and wivucauffa ir atlvnlio 1 to il claim A i broadly dated to ur ci'Hieniiwrru) inc uauicx aa been neg IrtteJ lfcje it was mA known Now that it i Iiimwu and known to te out uus whit leaa worthv than it watmert fneoda represented it fo'i Ue da) uf neglect and turn recognition are emk and that heoxfawat wtule it will not i' J' 1 rricrrncr 10 hi ifcihi i a ul4)8 Uie'fUfltt VOuf*ckIUS 4 II fo? attou arn'A he when tore am ted to him KSfa ftufeyA Bmkieyl tit ttai rr utaainitig VS Ires haa srLo i 1 iraorn 1 alwys aided to tbe utioto tC Irsfciwer towJLd 1 lL? will he ri duutaito th I tare strong rwl the ton Vraortan mpathfa II mou 4h take them aa i Te ewfenree h'tfi alate uf totting IWe am fatfret i fattu the only om how have beard 4 I '7 tta Srcirt''iai movement vm taiur'wd at it PllW' kt back tow? TaSK unt Tra irietm i dJS ffiit va to trifled th Iwm free to care rUte back taoroW' Ktoto: tty Mr Way Had prenitees Uor IBs Honor remarked tn Mr TVupp tbsc tie frultynf fa tatottoti wan Thalthe premweereore desenlied ue intuited in fiwrefa ttrtet a to ni tmn ahi fa nul extend back' 'he whole ffotoi 4 the acre to rea in the to 1 tr erwrinuwtattoii with mr HorkyuuUie sebrevu are! we all tbtofal lhattoj weight of nrt ict'irto and ttie ual mrluetioc rfir i tarlrlj with the 4a'j SewcaaUe wtMiil tin vtiiiffh turn th ffinak wto th tiin couie fawt atmg the earnest 1 tadd rhhly the mown lercrdrom Mr HranJkwty on thia ffijd ithXXLJ' fltKraiiy breatoianlovrAtor wn he wa tt urge's tauat i hit way to ihe Maurama gwrirg hi view tbr I evidence MiPrh mtttsr slwa ing lore imtrartuul the niuremaor I Mfaevfae Le to lie qoentk id 'eel the cratrrw was the lfo remarked Shati emleoce srarrd be very goto the object vm reform the a ree i mentunffi? ground sf toriteke heforaatto rt iff fot tty Here howrer the tasgnue the agreeftsen wa plain rnami es in Eumlfacirtiet lately ipied by not tle Mnruea a thevto after Ml Mto left but itooig hia oeupaniw Mr Thrpp snbmitod ttart an ambiguir wax Alut 1 kauld oiitna for one far cue kSS saryi 1 ffiave seen amoag these hrtaoras A tru ea 1 i wrer tneni dying of tar thr uaanfin Lhit? 01 'warion radiin a stout a tbre uf abundaiMierau uv tHunsyi have aeen tteinn cuiroled ta 4nmt thsthara'erad chat Uw be aa i iiiiiiirinrrrniii foleaaewrtain i remiw yne pianaxx aowl to lei om have rter irfaMj i 1 iter irucn Eiinotoarera the 1 Unwofratenng ititctoawnient Here xuj no wu ii vj unbc feel tin Gat kriw were in wraaatoni thegKierentf the fwk rtr i M'rec Ho A romab JccuiHfd the era rm shop Lm lle wa fciai tned AD fa tell Whs Jia nu let to fay A Son I cannot kelp Uiinking that Mr 1 'ia ha a good deal htn YmrmtrepjiIcnt ray that fel a re at all ftra trait thi i a reev way of putting it I rdiiiit that I have felt rare nay exa peraied at tunes at the shameTol nwodri of tht ttu pott rt portion the' m' white our neigttnuur wHi mr well treated wu ace Pennla onk icvcn from bta riry of the Cvfouynff we are thus in twetie wtrti the finert uorti 1 rsf lift nr ia lit iirrnT I our neigniwKirs uea mat tow ana ncn reus tlh 2 7 i vMor4ood bv the rertiff The issue raised for consideration wa whether her not the prenurei nerrttt' 0 iw teime I included stee portion nf led io tn i of ihe plninttR Mr Milter the frevner occupant ut thereennreawaMcalle amikcred that he had nl poKCMian (4 the trti'n4 the back More hM abutted wi Twin strevt aai was separated fmu the irctrsrea terminating at thr end of tn of lL fat by a private roadway ur tuck yaA which it appeared had rates that aUhongh auceassfaa always olAwnmhle by wtdieu Mr Thetpf' arotr I ltiit there were tiro fe tnenta xtie ttetf irtron 4 lira iropertv the 1 fftrt LlM it wftj raffi 2 ro Ira Lti rvu I nnmv nauh tw aibl 2LL eLu tw ml stance ve iu) hints vrm This to tbattfa hack infi4s tiff in Kurwlle atrwt hut in Tw'v street ad tliafe tlieiftnt ti a reawrawt re wn lyrLfcr conaiructnra uf agree ment ihe lack fare wa not indudiwL (tie alm expanrn a eua panron between the de faTTZ lt'e Uie partrw it rftfoS Australia hwt their the tekepto be fa more iffictot nra a It better lh tht ir mntints tn cimai ferable damage tn wet vreaiher: and finally that the tine cocaomed in ths jnirney hai ieen rot'culouly exewsaive tlf fie rirnra nf all the to la tfa ffoatmaater Genera! hv len aware for nearly two years at least and thoagfi hare hevd from hira from tinn to time he intended te retueiiy them still hi ti ns have not pai ei the way tu any thing hetti or thoe res I repeal the feet iiu is verv rencrai in im inrinct inai uic row 1 mvterGeneral has treated to with diacwnrey rtUfajS an! ha i renomly damurid our interests hy lhe IWvt nreierting them I refract from giving wraeof the the retrena whuh hare far i aligned fa ihi Men Prig Watt dehy hat if any one te ettriou to wfatmae J' jSm rene a an exeu I ivnld refer him to tfa rih red Tlwnbet acted nn dispute between Mmra Hutchiwn and ferarer hllf 7p21rhe veil aa to the erects o( a stock vant TC fadTwintedoutto him the tore A lhesamcttmelmutcanditlyrtafethatntot "PWm' imjfcreements he faen efftoJl tfa rfath fitorn ninl advice nms Mr Uras hra cm ifa srerealrwementfoneil fat th fa iraW to to I nto Uie Vft'H UiMId nrrftlErfllLlilffi Wltn VB4fi vVASTUllkd wa are received by the uirtA hiei the nadinrfawuh which ant hmt eff improve 01 J1 went Vtaiikfitlly adptL Ure WmarkabJe ue wt1 rioritrM the Meliamtne mail re vi to uur by Mvlter nor i i 'Ld anyihmg occur to durturi fa wix AND MEIICANTILK CHOGL The half yearly dtslrilmuni at prurs to the pupds aitawditw Mr Bath's lmuuonl et nn diraeA strrat took place on Monday in the Tcwipefaace Halt Tyutesiree Besek the clidilrc there were in aUendaaue a considerable nurnfat at iftrif parents and friend Mr IL unfa a4 utweMUntly the Itev Mr Ashton pMBidrL There was a considerable utn ure wrst drawings iuap an 1 apeauuiii ut peararanrite ottaarteiL iudKaltiM ttic respective uttMwn nu i tie pupil in tn mv arts Mr ra opened lire prateedtagt by stating that nr ban very great iileaMtre in fanig preeui to I frf vffin IA? Kith in hi tin ru art mt ta Mesero Tittafoti and I a' suu wntiih general edwcati of tkr vreuih of the colony lie ha1 ktioau Mr of lh2 which enacted that any person might fa again signed by tbe tno it fluenti ol residents ay hia trial on an information in ths name bv en sca c'y lioBmired with niwe than an anff hy the authority of Her Majesty's Advvte i koow ek nvnt I can ay fon that the inter or Attorney Genera) io reality the Act re be i th district and Adelaide Iras been bad been cinplied with Her Majestr's ariy cnpvff by the nrraent mail ar angemeute AttorMy General wu aa officer vrii known co th ut ir paraenew traffic Hm been at the mercy uf the gentleman who at present lid I theuttie reiy pr ctoie eeoiictwen wno uare urxen remainng hx yean at £1 faing Sir RiMinddt Palmer Tbs Act did not ay wthmrt anr iiw i teriiccoff rt aud thus i YZL the Attorney General of Australia aort Wl the di trct to immense inconvenience Mere imu ao sort) pm'ra flien he had to submit that the conveyance tiram have leti wora th it the Act 1 'I ol 152 wu ultra irA and repie Pott subiecUog the mail bag and It a a Lra raraa! na ri fcraWre (raw ma JuniitO Sis usni ro tngitsn legiMinnn inter mat wu hecessar fafore a msn wo put on his trial for the ntlence charged agaiat the pnorer thiu a Crand Jury tknald yfarrtt thrir jindina in ihttrain tAneeiinrliKiaAotiUftVMt tkt daltc of' tke enlona ns rnner fo ahtr A'miuk legula'ion and di tueay rate tku lucent "His Honor think that the prtfrer coo structwi 4 ffi Act i that the Att eircy 'ieueral of niglaaffvltotild have hi name ttitreuuceJ tutu th infomftaon! Rnaeaut Yes There ne rtf ojieerat fke A 't'r tiy ij(uml qf kfrOelfi Hi Honor Then it must be in the name the Attorney General 4 Engl md or one ml that therefore ttieie no iufonaattuu fafore tfa Gumt" TH Attorney General feetags on stumbling acre that unlucky cure lr midnight search rov hve been fayund ead rance! Pun aliment erwm'h Ths whole care rppear at page 474 Oincd Paper 1 12 at i Ho ug'v tc stand le lysi'U wuh the the tt rirey fane ol tiriday iiiragrrph 11 May I'u'i) whitercr lu'ts may hare originally been vttek h'Htrrer th as to the force of the Led Act MtlMrwmg the Attorney Getters! Ie Ly inforita'ions" Ac Ac Ac shiub further ntth that Mr wscwt I mean tlu Mr It the Atio ney General thi gfas the Ju lgr a wigging hh "iu wn aiktencr' and winilsep bv staling that be ton hot arrive at Mtydttier ionciUM tltxa that fits Honor a influenced hy the kire expressing a delifarate centererpt for the (Vdorntt I endwure which paraaff tfo Act No In tefereeff But hear what Mr Kiurairt 1 treat the Attorney Genera 'thn time said Then I milHriit tfa indfotmnt is fal oa ai nitor other irreguiaiities It iocs noturtkr nly ar out the chirge of per ry Il is laid trider lfa i 'oiMolidated Statute which i intewkrl to aitaplify the indK taient svd lastt tkrtt thrw Rn tii'rt mere jmuro li IPtirliamnit raar 4 vn iw (( and had tra rdy tu uts Mm lot Honor wi not call upn me to these pntwta tength now ai I my tui nv iHatrwtiom hue lv night and thevinia arc ver mpnnu 4 I would wiili in hare rarcui reserve 1 fa the farrtit of the prisoner 'Ihe Drown Soiicitor As rn rirgniiM estated it support of the oKjecteiws 1 spprsfa idnone rarawy rebut their Mr nu On two of tire paint I haw the authon'y of the leiroed cnlfapic of the Jelae now pre idmg uer this own: there are also ochertgrraiuls for myutfacrirfra IhGwvri Ire ajfficwt answer to the alior aiid pithy wtotva liuria mv friend Honor It i unfortwtr in this esr that nJ objections rest taken befas me whwh 'li ght have beta afe ew many vesra agj before my pre lecesmr The Chief Josterr sir Cqiark t'ouforr ut fare for years and heard iHfofliistion filed by a oUetuau who at any rrae was generally replin' trfa AttortresW'eneraJ uf Ifa Province sit Ifoopvr asrrted in preparing ihe CowjMbrirud Maiotes end lie trs them a law fa vrral years ai scenic! toffwk that th Parlma'tmt had pom to pass ifo a rinding this the fa tne ratohtohed prcc dure uf the Gunn 1 should with eat deal of tatti fence deciare mi fa rair of th net vou Mr Bu ui take 1 do ot Wy Put ttmt I'iete is a prer deal in it bui ae 1 have rems krt the eocrej billowed by yvaleceMorsraafa same ihak MirHUed nor aud I nut thfarftw tbink it ie proper for me ituuedialcl) tane fleet tuffie points you far raised but it you think thy arc wirh arcutar I shall rerae them fur tbe pinion of uij teraoad cuHeaguas mi in the nraniwhile I kitail ev ecd with tint itt of tne sue" I will fa observed fat in ad lit ire an the point ihr there wo no Aua aey Gcnera t'r iioucautusteuded that tfa Act fire the Afaute of Grand Junes No Itiof isS was faro mcs and repug bm bi the Euirtishiav fevalbl Parnaavntsf Nw ruthority to pw buttite lifci' I ftney I anra he rigorous eve nf ihe uiviairer faLight fa fejks on this pK un: and ou th After thi 1 or ihe electors of Vest Adelaide a have little ii nnprovemca i their repre wative and wdLffml "that nefaer judicious fcaffi hlt'L Huff Mini itttt ra axre loraral 1 'P rsiaitt IV W4 exirected traaieUte brawurakfe and learned heewre: off hand rar porafole fBrUcmaii istce'retonleirt ttas ofad to ab I am Sir Ac I uat 4 tne natural in a district Wre'i 1 ARGUS nT ciuiscieirtnraaly fat a num bde" mA! ugl wlim kdliril4l A IW poor saraasa after Ireoae lrra Ie I inddiausid pljiitd wiiathod tarenrop' rented Mr 'I av otceil to the vffnce a Ireing cun J17C ration 1 walk IkJtaa'k raflra hm arora a ra 1 raraw a tv retail Mra ir ul je tom fa agreed ti teke a note of ifa gizrtnt fur Mr fanfiL rXaininatran tVifaM pointed mao (itte piaintiji tfa fadhem line' the pretuiresir I Sral 1 WS I I for rd 1 hto rlnaJM rt llnv a rta tijk su re fbe ago 'h lira IraV f'soaw fe raraM rara nr nuutcil out IltaHUr met iUKs U'i ra ib to point nut tfa ide houbfoc fatweeu mm iuyittij Ind nt grai Ure prelaws to dn this 1 1 Lta sue him a fca raira' ii thpraiftohMif 75.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.