Admin Admin Number of posts : 163 Age : 36 Location : Philippines Job/hobbies : Webmaster CP# : 00639156217370 Registration date : 2008-06-07
Subject: The Sony Playstation Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:30 am
The Sony Playstation... There are so many things we can say about it but most of you know about it so let's just go to the specs & emulators.
* Analog Joystick * Controller * Memory Card * Link Cable * Mouse with Pad * RFU Adaptor * Multitap Unit * R3000A * 32 bit RISC processor * Clock- 33.8688MHz * Operating performance - 30 MIPS * Instruction Cache - 4 KB * Data Cache - 1 KB * BUS - 132 MB/sec. * Data Transfer Rate (DMA TO RAM) 150 KB/sec. (Normal) 300 KB/sec. (Double speed) * Maximum Capacity - 660 Megabytes * Features Audio CD play XA Interactive Audio * Control Pad Two control pad connectors Expandable with multitap connector * Backup RAM Two removable cards 128 KB Flash Memory OS support for File Save, Retrieve and Remove * Serial Port I/O Link Cable Connectivity * Main RAM: 2 Megabytes Video RAM: 1 Megabyte Sound RAM: 512 Kilobytes CD ROM buffer: 32 Kilobytes OS ROM: 512 Kilobytes * 24 Channels * 44.1KHz sample rate * PCM audio source * Digital effects include: Envelope Looping Digital Reverb * Load up to 512K of sampled waveforms Supports MIDI Instruments
The Sony Playstation
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