The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (2024)

Red Cross Worker is Honored Novelty Races School Sunday FONTHILL, July 16 A distineLive honor has been accredited Mr. Goodbarne, prominent Red Cross vorker during the war years. on recognition of her outstanding work workroom chairman of the Fonthill Branch. The Ontario division of the Canadian Red Cross has awarded Mrs. Goodbarne, with the Badge of Service untiring efforts in the work of the Red Cross since the beginning of the war.

Upon receiving the badge Mrs. Goodbarne graciously expressed her appreciaion of the faithful services of the workroom committee and all ers and for the loyal assistance of the supporting units. Mr. Frank Warne, lately returnad from overseas, and Mrs. Warne of Unionville have been spending the past week the guests, of Mr.

and Mrs. H. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs.

George Kraufman, the Misses Joan Kaufman and Betty Chappell and Jack Kaufman have returned from spending the past week at Sand Lake. Diane Olley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Olley is convalescing at her home following a serious operation ip.

the Hamilton General hospital. Miss C. Jenter has returned home after spending the past few weeks with relatives at Niagara Falls. The 'Sunday morning service in the United Church was in charge of the Rev. J.

W. Hedley of St. arines. The male quartet, Kenneth Wicks, Erie Wilson, Billie McClelland and Glen Haist rendered a number with Mrs. 'R.

H. Sanderco*ck at the organ. The service next Sunday will be in charge of the W.M.S. when Mrs. Bowman of St.

Catharines, the district president of the W.M.S. will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Howse son Charlie and Miss Jane Turlong of Otterville were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

C. Horne. Mrs. Geo. Burton returned to her the Welland County Hospital where she has been a patient for the past few weeks, Mr.

and Mrs. G. Brain and Mr. Lester Brain and sons Keith and home in the village on Sunday from Larry Burlington and Miss were Shirley Sunday Wilson of guests Mr. and Mrs.

C. Horne. Ronald Melnnis. Donald Disher, Arthur Keeling, Ralph Stallwood, Howard Terry and Howard Wardell have left to spend week Beaverland. annual picnic of the Fonthill United Church Sunday.

school was held at Victoria park, Niagara Falls, on Wednesday afternoon. Races and contests were conducted by H. Klager and a softball game was enjoyed during the afternoon. Results of the races were as follows: 1, Wesley Killins, Judy Klager, Nancy Dickson; 2, Beverly Howell, Vivian Haist, Muriel Hilliard; 3, Laverne Klager, Reggie Smith, Frank Davison; 4, Jimmie Bench, Sylvia Haist, Marjorie Wildwood, Marie Barron; 5, Barbara Esseltine, Emma Haymes, Ora Hollingshead. Jr.

Girls, 3-legged race Sylvia and Vivian Haist, Marie Barron and Muriel Hilliard; Sr. Girls, 3-legged race, Ora Hollingshead and Emma Haymes, Barbara Esseltine and Norma Sim; boys' 3-legged race, Laverne Klager and Reggie Smith, Frank Davison and Billie Sharp, Dennis Barron and Robin Barron; ladies' shoe kick, Mrs. H. Haist, Mrs. H.

Smith, Mrs. H. Klager; clothespin drop, Mrs. H. Wildwood and Mrs.

S. Klager, tied. Supper was served in the south pavilion under the convenership of Keystone VINELAND, July annual Sunday school and congregational picnic of the Vineland United church was held Saturday afternoon at Victoria Park. Prize winners in series of novelty races were as follows: Beginners -Betsy Dustan, Patsy Pearson and Larry Rittenhouse; primary girls--Marilyn Upshall, Helen Perkin and Muriel Edwards; primary boys--Billy Brunton, Douglas Pearson and Dennis Rittenhouse; junior girls--Elizabeth Patterson, Bernice Perkin, Marie Stoner; junior boys--George Creelman, Jimmy Gee, Gerald Pearson; intermediate girls. Lucy Eborall, Glee Upshall; int.

boys- Haruo Oikawa, Harry Brunton; young peopleMary Platts, Howard Culp; farmer. ettes adults--C. -Jane J. Mackilm, Pearson Julie and Murray; Godfrey. Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Shuert of Kitchener were -end guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Elvin Shuert. Mr. and Mrs. George Hambleton and son Andrew left on Saturday on motor trip to Glengary County where they will visit relatives. Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Van Haarlem and daughter Shirley have returned McVAN'S NIGHT CLUB BUFFALO, N. Y.

Now appearing in person ROCHESTER Famed comedian of the Jack Benny ek Strike" N. B. C. Program 3-Shows Nightly-3 9 12 2:30 Opening Monday, July 22 Mischa Auer Direct from Hollywood A A A A A A A A A A from a vacation in the Muskoka trict. Recent guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Cook included, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kohl of Richmond, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Hammon and family of Peoria, Mr. and Mrs.

H. J. Johnson and Mrs. F. Decker of Dunnville, Ontario.

Mr: and Mrs. J. E. Culp have left on a three weeks' trip to visit friends in Tulsa, Okla. Mr.

and Mrs. Morris Martin of Waterloo, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fretz. Mrs.

Alfred High, Jr. entertained her sisters and friends from Kitchener on Sunday. Celebrate 36th Wedding Anniversary CAMPDEN, July Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Selby were host and hostess for the brothers and sisters and their tamilies who had gathered to honor their father and mother, Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Wood, on the occasion of their thirty -sixth wedding anniversary. Tables were placed on the front lawn and delicious dinner was served by Mrs. Selby, assisted by her sister: and sisters-in-law. After a pleasant time the company dispersed wishing their parents many more happy anniversaries of their marriage.

Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Grimsby, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Misener on Mr.

and Mrs. Murray Barnum and family, spent Sunday at Niagara. Mrs. Lloyd Hansel returned to Kenmore, N.Y., after several days with her mother, Mrs. Dreier.

Miss Isobel Morton is visiting with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Moyer, Grimsby, visited with Mr. Orlando Moyer on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caudwell and son, Kenneth, spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Boyer and Ronald of Welland, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell. Mrs. Sydney Moyer, Mr.

Harley Moyer and friend Hamilton, visited at the home of Mr. Emery Moyer on Sunday. Miss Sylvia Lane, St. Catharines, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. J.

S. Garrold. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Pierce and family of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tallman. Mrs.

Kenneth Carter attended the birthday picnie supper at Hamilton on Sunday to honor her sister, Mrs. Wray Honsberger, who was celebrating her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Chudzik baby, Grimsby, visited with Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley Grabosky, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. George Smith, Mr.

and Mrs. Clar. ence Smith, Mrs. P. Mulholland, Miss Colleen Midwinter, Mr.

Mrs. Joseph Smith and son Billy and Ray Henderson, all of Hamilton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith. Mr.

and Mrs. Arnold Misener and son Bobby left today for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ashur at Calstorville. Minora Blades SPEED UP SHAVING Minera gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades.

It's the quality blade In the low price field. Fits your double-edge razor. 4 BLADES Minora LADES 10: Vineland Fruit Grower Died Monday VINELAND, July 16, David Sloan, 54, prominent Vineland Station fruitgrower, died at the Hamilton General Hospital on Monday morning following brief illness. Mr. Sloan was a well known social and community welfare worker, member' of the United Church and former president and secretary of the Men's Club, as well as president of the Bible Class.

As charter member of the West Lincoln Musical Society, Mr. Sloan was prominent in the activities of the society, serving on the executive board as representative for Louth township. Deceased was raised near Toronto and as a young man enlisted in the first Canadian contingent to go overseas during the First Great War. Showing exceptional aptitude for military affairs, Mr. Sloan was promoted to the rank of captain, and was awarded the Military Cross.

He is survived by his wife Ann Miller, five children, Dorothy, Allen, John, Kenneth and Marjorie, all at home; also his mother, Mrs. William Sloan, two sisters, Miss Mildred and Miss Margaret Sloan of Toronto, and one brother, William, of Toronto. A funeral service will be held the J. W. Buck home, Beamsville, at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon.

Interment will be at Vineland cemetery. Bishop to Confirm New Candidates July Bishop of Niagara Diocese, Rt. Rev. L. W.

B. Broughall, will visit St. Mark's Church on Sunday, July 28 and will confer the rite of Confirmation on class of candidates. Mr. Wm.

Coulter has returned to Toronto, Mr. after and spending Mrs. Alec the Hawley. weekMr. and Mrs.

Gordon K. Masters of Toronto. were guests on Saturday Dr. and Mrs. D.

C. Masters. Mr. Ted Curtis was in town from St. Catharines on Sunday.

A short concert by the town band preceded the Sunday evening singsong and was much enjoyed. Band. master George Willett conducted. The soloists for the sing-song included Mr. Leslie Raven sang "Land of Hope and Glory," and "Beautiful Dreamer," the Doyle sisters of St.

Davids, who sang "Bells of St. Mary's," and Councillor T. A. Haines. The program had to be cut short owing to the rain.

A camp for cadet instructors will open here shortly. Mrs. Richard Rundle and the Misses Wilson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson in Toronto.

Stops Skin Torture -ITCHING -Almost INSTANTLY A Simple Home Treatment, Stainless- -Greaseless Acts quickly to ease itching and Irritation of Eczema Rashes, Itching Feet and most common externally caused skin troubles. Economical- -only few drops re quired at an application. Promotes Healthy Healing. Money cheerfully it you are not satisfied. Get original bottle EMERALD OIL today and so and directed you'll be prised delighted.

HIT1 HI WORTH GLEN FORD TODAY ONLY BROCK NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKI 3 DAY SHOE SALE Thurs. and Fri. Women's White, Beige. and Colored Dress and Play Shoes Any heel you desire. 1.00 and 1.50 50 pair MUIR'S 345 ST.

PAUL past few days at the home of Carl Beckett and family. Mrs. John Borden of Truro, N.S, is spending two weeks vacation with Mrs. Bruce Lilley. Mrs.

Gerald Barker of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clarke of Buffalo were weekend guests of their mother, Mrs. Harriet Bea. Donald Camp suffered an injury at the Standard Steel plant on Friday, when a steel plate fell on his foot.

fracturing three toes. Mra. James, E. Thomas and infant son returned home Sunday from the Niagara Falls General Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. David Babbing of Taylorton, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olsen of Northgate, is spending two weeks with the former's daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sernick and family.

Birthday Party for Children CAISTOR July 16-On Saturday afternoon ten little friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Springsted in honor of their son Billy who was celebrating his tenth birthday anniversary. After a program of games the children enjoyed luncheon including birthday cake. After Sunday School the Abingdon Young People's Class enjoyed picnic dinner together at Kinsey Beach.

Mr. Calvert Scarr and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Packham were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. T.

F. McKinnell at Binbrook. Mrs. James Theaker, Provost, and Mrs. G.

A. Hildreth, of Grimsby beach, are visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. James Packham. How to Combat RHEUMATIC PAIN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric acid, a blood impurity that should be by the kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, cause discomfort and Treat rheumatic pains by keeping kidneys condition. Got Dodd's Kidney Pille.

help kidneys get rid of trouble-making and excess what Dodd's 137 de TIVOLI AT THOROLD A nuwn for great shows and big programs at small price TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY-TWO EXCELLENT FEATURES Its the most mischievous and hilarious situation' in NOEL COWARD'S Blithe Spirit in Blushing TECHNICOLOR Res Harrionte Constance Margaret Rutherford Tangier Maria Robert PAIGE SABU Preston FOSTER Louise ALLBRITTON "AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR, COMFORT Summer Wedding at Pt. Robinson PORT ROBINSON, July 16 The Port Robinson United Church. Was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon when Ruth Elleen McDonald, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bea, became the bride William Albert Balille, only son of Mrs.

Nellie Baillie of Port Robinson and the late William Baillie. Rev. W. E. Long officiated.

The church was tastefully decorated with blue delphinium and carnations on high standards and baskets of pink roses and fern. Given in marriage by her brother, Arthur Bea, the bride was lovely in street-length frock of white silk jersey, styled in panel effect and shirring white short sleeves and neckline, her shoulder, length veil of white net was arranged with white gardenias, she wore white lace gloves and carried bouquet of white carnations and pink sweet peas. Her only ornament was string of pearls, the gift of the groom. Miss Mary Neill as maid of bonor was attired in a dress of blue eyelet, with short pink veil. Her colonial bouquet was of pink nations and blue sweet peas.

Barbara Baillie, sister of the bridegroom, as bridesmaid, wore dress of yellow eyelet, short blue veil and carried bouquet of white carnations and pink sweetpeas. George Costea acted as best man. The ding music was played by Mrs. Jack Curtiss of Niagara Falls. N.Y., and during the signing of the ister Mrs.

Herbert Arbour sang, Love You Truly. Gifts to the maid and maid of honor, were pendants. to the best man a silver cig. arette case. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Carrie Mae tea rooms, Welland, for 55 guests.

Receiving the guests, Mrs. Gerald Barker of Toronto, sister of the bride, wore brown and white silk jersey with tan and white cessories, and Mrs. Baillie, mother of the groom, wore navy blue crepe with white dots and white accessories, both wore corsages of Amer. ican Beauty roses. Later Mr.

and Mrs. Baillie left for a wedding trip to Parry Sound. The bride travelling in blue butcher linen, with white trimming, white hat and blue coat. Upon their return, they will reside in Port Robinson. Mr.

Charles Tweed of wood, has been a guest the -Prompt Efficient ServicePHONE 409 PHONE Mac's Taxi Owned and Operated by Returned Service Men WE TRIED FOR YOU-WON'T YOU TRY US? Weddings, Out-of-Town Trips, Funerals -Lowest Rates 24 HOUR SERVICE --24 OPEN A AIR Public CONCERT Thursday, July 18 P.M.MONTEBELLO PARK This second concert sponsored by the Physical Fitness and Recreation Committee of St. Catharines is designed to give you good, healthy, cultural recreation! A splendid program has been arranged. -FEATURE ATTRACTIONUNITED STUDIOS STRING ENSEMBLE DANCING COMMUNITY SINGING INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS SOLOS CHORAL GROUPS Admission Free Everybody Welcome! Allanburg Personals ALLANBURG, July 16-Mr. and J. Lawson, son Paul, and daughter Ruth, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of their cousins, Mr.

and Mrs. G. Batty. Mr. and Mrs.

M. Crooker and Art Crooker, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crooker of St. CatharInes, spent the week-end at their summer cottage at Port Weller, Mrs.

C. Eller spent the week-end with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Murrell of Wellandport, Mr.

and Mrs. Archie Mandonal, Mrs. Mandonal, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weller of Ridgeville were Sunday guests of Mrs.

C. McPhee. Miss Pat Vinall of Brantford was When Tired Out! Sick! YOU NEED MORE LIVER BILE Science says two pints dolly, yet WHAT get only YOU Liver bile helps digest food and provides your natural laxative. Lack of bile causes indigestion, loss of For tone up your liver and get needed bile with Fruit-e-lives. Canada's largest selling live tablets.


and Mrs. D. Lampman, Mr. and Mrs. D.

Lampman, and TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1946 I son Donald, of North Pelham, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chambers.

DANCE NIGHTLY ERNIE 13-PIECE ORCHESTRA I Midnight Dance Every Sunday Modern Ballroom Good Music Lake Erie, 8 Miles from LONG BEACH Pert Colberne, Ontario HE-MAN of the HILLS! The big-fisted big- hearted here of Dogpatch now on the SCREEN! Lil Abner Al Capp PLUS SWELL MUSICAL COMEDY HIT SHE RIDAN, MARTHA Coming! SHOWING TILL WED. TOWN" HITS BIG CENTRE terrific "ABILENE action thriller BETTE DAVIS PLAYS TWIN SO SHE'S DARING She plays DIFFERENT GLENN FORD. them sensationally! DAME CLARK WARNERS' I NEW TALKED-ABOUT TRIUMPHI "A STOLEN LIFE" WALTER BRENNAN- -CHARLIE RUGGLES CURTIS DIRECTED BY BERNHARDT FEATURE AT 1.40, 3.43, 5.46, 7.49, 9.52 LINCOLN HELD Today Thurs. OVER! IT'S RECONVERSION Johnny CENTURY 20. Flying FOX RICHARD CRANE Plus MARTHA STEWART Carole Landi: Allyn Joslyn "IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN TO A DOG" ROMANCE! As three ex-aces zoom to adventure through peacetime skies and find romance under a peacetime moon! Comes Home FAYE MARLOWE TODAY ONLYCluny Brown Capitol A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE.

The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.