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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 4:36 PM Local Time

Romain Lewis Captures First Bracelet in 2021 WSOP Event #76: $10,000 Super Turbo Bounty

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The 2021 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Event #76: $10,000 Super Turbo Bounty reached its conclusion on Tuesday, and out of 307 bounty hunters, Romain Lewis came out on top to win his first WSOP bracelet and a $463,885 grand prize

Lewis is a well-known player from Latresne, France who has over a million in career WSOP earnings. He has come very close to a bracelet before with two second-place finishes and two third-place finishes, all in 2018.

He discussed how he has grown to appreciate the moments where a bracelet is a real possibility and how good it felt to finally finish off one of those moments with a victory.

"All the different deep runs I made a couple of years ago, I was so happy with those results, but when I looked back a few years later, I was like wow bracelets are not that easy. These spots don't come that often. It's been a ten-year dream and I put a five or six-year objective to win one and for it to happen now…it makes me ecstatic it really does.

Event #76: Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (USD)
1Romain LewisFrance$463,885
2Aditya AgarwalIndia$286,705
3Stephen ChidwickUnited Kingdom$200,598
4Uri ReichensteinIsrael$142,840
5Barth MeliusUnited States$103,547
6Dario SammartinoItaly$76,442
7Yevgeniy TimoshenkoUkraine$57,489
8Haribhai GopaulUnited States$44,060
9Rainer KempeUnited States$34,424

This victory is extra sweet for Lewis as he bested a field littered with some of the best no-limit hold'em players on the planet.

"A tournament like this, with so many really really good players, [you have to] run really well at the final table when it's so short-stacked, it's just amazing," he said.

Throughout the day, Lewis was bolstered by a boisterous French rail who screamed at every pot he won no matter how small and even broke into song on a few occasions. When the final card fell to secure the victory, Lewis went over to embrace the mob as they swallowed him up.

"We have 30 or 40 really close friends from France supporting this whole series. Every time one of us makes a deep run, there are chants like as if it's a football stadium and brings out the special elements of the WSOP which doesn't happen anywhere else."

Action of the Day

The day began with just seven players and all but one had a short stack with the ever-increasing blinds. The first victim was Yevgeniy Timoshenko, who hit the rail in seventh place when his eights ran into queens.

After several jams without any callers for an entire level, the next player to fall was Dario Sammartino who was eliminated in sixth after he lost two all in's to Stephen Chidwick.

Barth Melius was the next to go in fifth place after falling to Aditya Agarwal's flopped ace to crack his jacks. Uri Reichenstein would be the next to follow him out the door as he too was eliminated by Agarwal to bring the field down to the final three.

Three-handed play was short-lived as Chidwick lost a big all-in to Lewis to be left very short stacked and was then eliminated shortly thereafter. Chidwick, however, did have the distinction of collecting the most bounties in the tournament as he had a stack of about fifteen, far more than any of the other remaining player.

Heads-up play began with Agarwal holding a 2:1 chip lead on Lewis but on the second hand, Lewis would double up. Agarwal fought back with a double the very next hand as the pendulum swung wildly. A few hands later, Lewis collected a huge double to leave Agarwal short when his pocket fives held up versus two overcards. He finished him off shortly after to collect his first WSOP bracelet.

Congratulations to Romain Lewis, the 2021 WSOP Event #76: $10,000 Super Turbo Bounty champion!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:53 PM Local Time

Aditya Agarwal Eliminated in 2nd Place ($286,705)

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Romain Lewis jammed from the big blind and Aditya Agwaral called with his short stack.

Romain Lewis:
Aditya Agwarwal:

The board ran out and that wrapped it up for Lewis and Agarwal fell just short in second place.

Romain Lewis18,420,0002,740,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (4)
Aditya Agarwal0-2,740,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (5)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:47 PM Local Time

The Back-and-Forth Continues

Aditya Agarwal raised all in and Romain Lewis called off his stack from the big blind.

Romain Lewis:
Aditya Agarwal:

Lewis was ahead with his made hand and the runout gave him the pot with a sizeable chip advantage.

Romain Lewis15,680,0007,230,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (7)
Aditya Agarwal2,740,000-7,230,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (8)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:40 PM Local Time

Level 34 started

Level: 34

Blinds: 250,000/500,000

Ante: 500,000

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:38 PM Local Time

Agarwal and Lewis Trade Doubles

In the second hand of heads-up play, Aditya Agarwal jammed from the small blind and Romain Lewis called.

Romain Lewis:
Aditya Agarwal:

The flop brought a flush sweat as it came . The turn was the and the river the to miss Agarwal and send the large French rail into raptures over the huge double for Lewis.

The very next hand, Lewis ripped from the small blind and Agarwal called it.

Aditya Agarwal:
Romain Lewis:

The flop came to give Lewis a straight draw. The turn was the and the river came the tp give the chips right back to Agwarwal.

Aditya Agarwal9,970,000-2,830,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (10)
Romain Lewis8,450,0002,830,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (11)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:30 PM Local Time

Stephen Chidwick Eliminated in 3rd Place ($200,598)

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After just receiving a double-up, Stephen Chidwick was once again all in preflop from the small blind and Aditya Agarwal called from the button.

Stephen Chidwick:
Aditya Agarwal:

Chidwick was behind holding an over but couldn't find a cowboy on the runout and he was eliminated in third place for $200,598.

Aditya Agarwal12,800,0002,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (15)
Romain Lewis5,620,0002,185,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (16)
Stephen Chidwick0-4,950,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (17)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:24 PM Local Time

Lewis Decimates Chidwick

Stephen Chidwick moved all in from the small blind. Romain Lewis took his time in the big and checked the clock and his hand a few times. After about a minute he called and he saw the good news.

Romain Lewis:
Stephen Chidwick:

Lewis had the dominating lead. The flop came the turn was the and the river came the to leave Chidwick very short stacked.

Aditya Agarwal12,250,0001,650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (19)
Romain Lewis6,650,0003,215,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (20)
Stephen Chidwick950,000-4,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (21)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:19 PM Local Time

Level 33 started

Level: 33

Blinds: 200,000/400,000

Ante: 400,000

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:18 PM Local Time

Uri Reichenstein Eliminated in 4th Place ($142,840)

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Uri Reichenstein raised all in from under the gun for 1.9 million and Aditya Agarwal called from the big blind.

Uri Reichenstein:
Aditya Agarwal:

Reichenstein was ahead but Agarwal held live cards and connected with the flop.

The turn left Reichenstein needing an ace but the completed the board on the river and ended his tournament in fourth place for $142,840.

Aditya Agarwal10,600,0002,350,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (24)
Uri Reichenstein0-2,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (25)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:08 PM Local Time

Chidwick Finds Another Double

Uri Reichenstein moved all in from the small blind and was called by Stephen Chidwick in the big blind.

Stephen Chidwick:
Uri Reichenstein:

The flop came to keep Chidwick ahead, the turn was the and the river the and Chidwick gathered in another double up.

Stephen Chidwick4,950,000-1,870,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (27)
Uri Reichenstein2,200,000-400,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (28)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 3:00 PM Local Time

Level 32 started

Level: 32

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 300,000

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:56 PM Local Time

Barth Melius Eliminated in 5th Place ($103,547)

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Action folded to Barth Melius who raised all in for 3,965,000 from the button and Aditya Agarwal called form the big blind.

Barth Melius:
Aditya Agarwal:

Melius was behind holding live cards and the flop did give him a Broadway but it also paired Agarwal's ace.

The paired the board on the turn and Melius needed a queen on the river to stay alive but the completed the board, ending his tournament in fifth place for $103,547.

Aditya Agarwal8,250,0003,650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (32)
Barth Melius0-3,550,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (33)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:43 PM Local Time

Level 31 started

Level: 31

Blinds: 125,000/250,000

Ante: 250,000

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:43 PM Local Time

Dario Sammartino Eliminated in 6th Place ($76,442)

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Stephen Chidwick jammed from the small blind and Dario Sammartino called.

Dario Sammartino:
Stephen Chidwick:

The flop turned the hand on its head as it came to pair the side card of Chidwick. The turn was the and the river the as Chidwick once again got the better of Sammartino in a preflop all in and this time it ended the run for the Italian pro.

Stephen Chidwick6,820,0002,550,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (36)
Dario Sammartino0-915,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (37)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:38 PM Local Time

Reichenstein Secures Double with Kings

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Uri Reichenstein open-jammed under the gun for 1,295,000 and action folded to Aditya Agarwal who called from the big blind.

Uri Reichenstein:
Aditya Agarwal:

Reichenstein was ahead with his made hand of kings but did have a sweat as the flop paired Agarwal's queen.

Luckily for Reichenstein, the board came running on the turn and river to secure his double-up.

Aditya Agarwal4,600,000-4,150,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (40)
Uri Reichenstein2,600,000805,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (41)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:30 PM Local Time

Chidwick Doubles Through Sammartino

Stephen Chidwick jammed from the small blind and Dario Sammartino called from the big and the cards were on their backs quickly.

Stephen Chidwick:
Dario Sammartino:

The flop came to keep Sammartino ahead. But the turn was the and the river the to secure the double for Chidwick.

Stephen Chidwick4,270,0002,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (44)
Dario Sammartino915,000-2,085,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (45)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:21 PM Local Time

Level 30 started

Level: 30

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 200,000

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:12 PM Local Time

Yevgeniy Timoshenko Eliminated in 7th Place ($57,489)

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Yevgeniy Timoshenko open-jammed for 980,000 from early position and action folded toDario Sammartino who called from the big blind.

Yevgeniy Timoshenko:
Dario Sammartino:

Timoshenko got his chips in with a made hand but Sammartino woke-up with a better one and the runout made Timoshenko the first causality of the day.

Dario Sammartino3,000,0001,070,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (48)
Yevgeniy Timoshenko0-1,065,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (49)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 2:01 PM Local Time

Shuffle Up and Deal

Play has begun on the final day of Event #76: $10,000 Super Turbo Bounty

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 11:13 AM Local Time

Winner Will be Crowned Today in Event #76: $10,000 Super Turbo Bounty

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The final day of Event #76: $10,000 Super Turbo Bounty gets underway today, November 16, at 2 p.m. local time. Yesterday's Day 1 saw 307 bounty hunters generate a $1,941,775 prize pool, and today, seven players will be playing for the lion's share of it.

Starting the day off in the top spot is Aditya Agarwal, who bagged the biggest stack by a wide margin with 8,750,000 chips. Agarwal performed solidly on Day 1, continually adding to his stack throughout the day, to sit down at the unofficial final table with the chip lead.

From there, he ended the final level with three eliminations to increase his chip lead; Agarwal hasa 55 big blind stack to start the day. Agarwal has his eyes set on gold and has put himself in a prime position to get it.

Barth Melius sits second in chips after being the only other player to bag over 3 million with 3,550,000 in chips. Sitting behind Melius is the only player at the final table who already owns some WSOP hardware, Stephen Chidwick, who sits third in chips with 2,600,000. Chidwick will be the only player looking to capture a second WSOP bracelet at the final table, but it won't be easy as action will be fast, and he sits with that stack worth only 14 big blinds.

The rest of the remaining seven players are all accomplished pros who have millions of dollars in live tournament earnings, and each is on their quest to claim their first WSOP gold bracelet.

Final Table Seat Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountsBig Blinds
1Aditya AgarwalIndia8,750,00055
2Barth MeliusUnited States3,550,00022
3Stephen ChidwickUnited Kingdom2,270,00014
4Romain LewisFrance2,050,00013
5Dario SammartinoItaly1,930,00012
6Uri ReichensteinIsrael1,795,00011
7Yevgeniy TimoshenkoUkraine1,065,0007

The returning seven players have secured at least $57,489 but have their eyes set on the $463,885 first-place prize along with the coveted WSOP gold bracelet. Action picks up from Level 29, where blinds will be 80,000/160,000/160,000 ante.

Final Table Payouts/Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (USD)
8Haribhai GopaulUnited States$44,060
9Rainer KempeUnited States$34,424

Follow PokerNews as our Live Reporting team as we will be bringing you all of the action until a winner is crowned!

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