Table of contents for July 2020 in Guide to Wellness (2024)

Home//Guide to Wellness/July 2020/In This Issue

Guide to Wellness|July 2020Your Partner in WellnessAS THIS ISSUE GOES to press, we are all confronting the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. While the outbreak evolves, so does our common understanding. But you can bank on the fact that CR is working every day to share reliable, easy-to-follow advice based on the latest medical knowledge from the most respected experts. You can access our ongoing updates at our guide to the coronavirus, at, more than ever, it’s important to keep your body strong and healthy. So we’re also sharing in this special issue the best nutrition advice and the safest, smartest solutions for restful sleep and a toned body.You can trust our insight because we’re nonprofit and independent: We buy all the products we test, and we don't accept any ads. And, as always, CR…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020CLEANING PRODUCTS THAT DESTROY CORONAVIRUSTHE CORONAVIRUS IS one of the easiest types of virus to kill if you have the appropriate product, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.“It has an envelope around it that allows it to merge with other cells to infect them,” says Stephen Thomas, M.D., chief of infectious diseases and director of global health at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. “If you disrupt that coating, the virus can’t do its job.” A solution of soap and water is one effective way to break the protective envelope. But there are other products you may already have at home or can buy in a store that will also kill the virus.BLEACHThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a diluted bleach solution for virus disinfection (? cup of bleach per 1 gallon of…3 min
Guide to Wellness|July 202010 Ideas for Easy, Nutritious SnacksWHEN YOU HEAR THE WORD “SNACK,” chances are you think about chips and cookies, and therefore believe snacking is something to be avoided. But eating between meals can be good for you—if you make healthful choices. And as you get older, you may actually need to snack to compensate for eating less at meals. “Medication, depression, changes in taste and smell, and a drop in activity level can all cause a decline in appetite,” says Lauri Wright, Ph.D., chair of the department of nutrition and dietetics at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville.When you eat less at one sitting, it can be difficult to get the energy, vitamins, and minerals needed from three meals alone. “Snacking—or eating six mini meals a day instead of only three—can fill in the…5 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Should You Try a Keto Diet?THE KETOGENIC DIET, which involves consuming very few carbohydrates—typically only 20 to 50 grams per day—and getting 70 percent or more of your calories from fats, has become the trend du jour for weight loss.But are there risks that might outweigh the benefits? According to Carol Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., M.P.H., clinical associate professor and director of the Idaho State University Wellness Center, the jury’s out. “We just don’t have evidence to say that it’s a ‘safe’ dietary pattern to follow long term,” she says. Here’s what you need to know.How Keto WorksThe premise behind the keto diet is that it forces your body to draw energy from the fat in the foods you eat and from stored body fat rather than from carbohydrates.Usually, your body converts the carbohydrates you eat into…5 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020SURPRISING SUPERFOODSBlueberries. Kale. Salmon. In recent years, these foods have been touted as “superfoods”—foods so packed with valuable health benefits that they rise above the rest of the menu. But there are many more nutritional superstars out there. Some—like mushrooms—may already show up in your diet. Others, like wholegrain farro, starfruit, or kimchi, might be new to you. And there are a few that you wouldn’t even think had any nutritional benefit (cold brew, we’re looking at you). Get to know these seven surprising superfoods:FIBER-PACKED PULSESIf there was a nutrition contest for dips, hummus—traditionally made from mashed chickpeas, tahini (sesame seed paste), lemon juice, olive oil, and spices—would win in the “best allaround” category.Chickpeas are chock-full of key nutrients, such as B vitamins, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, and…6 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020HEART-HEALTHY FRUITAll types of fruit are good for you—but most Americans don't eat enough. “Fruits contain important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and plant chemicals such as antioxidants,” says Lauri Wright, Ph.D., R.D.N., chair of the department of nutrition and dietetics at the University of North Florida.These nutritional compounds (and probably others) work together to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and control weight.And you don't have to worry about the natural sugar in fruit. The fiber in fruit minimizes the effect that fruit’s natural sugars have on blood sugar levels.Even people with diabetes don’t need to fear fruit. In fact, a 2016 analysis of 23 studies found that eating fruit, especially berries, lowered the risk of type 2 diabetes. And a 2017 study showed that eating fruit daily reduced diabetes risk…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF LEAFY GREENSMAYBE YOU’VE HEARD about food-poisoning outbreaks linked to leafy greens—and even have been tempted to cut them out of your diet. But that would be a shame.Nutritionists agree that the health benefits are substantial. In a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study that calculated nutrient density for almost 50 fruits and vegetables, 17 of the top 20 were leafy greens. Research shows that a diet that contains plenty of leafy greens is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, macular degeneration, and type 2 diabetes. They may also help to keep memory sharp as a person ages. There are several ways to serve up safer raw greens, and cooking will kill harmful bacteria. But it is important to be aware of the potential dangers.Leaf LessonsBetween 2006…16 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020How to Shop the Lettuce LabelsIn reviewing labels on packaged greens, we found a variety of claims. But not all of them are as good as they sound. “The government requires that labels be truthful and not misleading, but it doesn’t have regulated definitions for many of the claims,” says Charlotte Vallaeys, senior policy analyst in food and nutrition at CR. Here’s a primer on the claims we came across most frequently.Regulated ClaimsCountry of origin: Perishable produce, including greens, must be labeled with the country where it was grown.USDA Organic: To carry this label, greens must have been produced on a certified farm that follows defined organic procedures, such as not using synthetic fertilizers or most synthetic pesticides.Nutrition Facts Label: The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t require nutrition labeling on greens unless the packaging makes…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020The Safest Ways to Eat SaladEven though leafy greens appear to make more people sick than many other foods do, some experts point out that the overall chances of them causing food poisoning are still extremely low. “There’s generally a high level of safety around these food items, so we don’t want consumers to view these outbreaks as a reason not to eat fresh fruits and vegetables,” says Matthew Wise at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.But the fact is, consumers are increasingly wary. In CR’s poll, 25 percent of those who were aware of the 2018 outbreaks said they eat lettuce less often now than before. CR’s experts offer these steps to improve the safety of the greens you eat until the industry can make greens less risky. Cook your greens until wilted.…3 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020How to Choose Products WiselyIf you’re shopping for supplements in a store, don’t expect much help from the pharmacist or other staffers. That’s the conclusion we drew after sending 10 secret shoppers to ask about echinacea and turmeric in 34 stores (branches of Costco, CVS, GNC, Kroger, Target, The Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, and Walmart) in seven states. In most cases, pharmacists weren’t familiar with potential risks for the supplements on their shelves and rarely warned customers about problems such as interactions with prescription medications. A notable few did; when one saw the list of Rx medications our shopper was taking, he wisely advised her not to take any supplements without consulting her physician.Because the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t verify that supplements contain what they say they do or whether they are contaminated with…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020CAN CBD HELP YOU FEEL BETTER?A mother uses CBD to treat her son’s seizures. A veteran hopes it will help her wean off opioids. A dietitian says it helps her sleep through the night. Even a pet owner uses it to calm his anxious Saint Bernard. These are just some of the estimated 64 million Americans who had tried CBD, or cannabidiol, in the previous 24 months, according to a 2019 nationally representative Consumer Reports survey of more than 4,000 Americans.The survey found that more than a quarter of people in the U.S. say they’ve tried CBD—a compound in marijuana and hemp that doesn’t get you “high”—for a slew of mental and physical reasons. One out of 7 of those people reported daily use.Americans of all ages are using it, too. It’s most popular among…5 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020WHEN PAIN KEEPS YOU UP AT NIGHTWhat makes for a great night’s sleep is a highly individual thing, but there’s no arguing that a supportive mattress is key. Today, consumers have more options than ever, at prices lower than ever. And there’s less need to venture out to a brick-and-mortar mattress showroom. Many of the best mattresses can be delivered to you at the click of a Buy button—no hassling with a pushy salesperson required.The top 15 online mattress sellers, which include Amazon and Casper, made almost $900 million in sales last year—a 41 percent increase over the previous year. According to CR’s latest member survey on mattress retailers, the percentage of respondents buying a mattress online has almost tripled over the past four years, from 14 to 40 percent. CR members who shop online are…6 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020No-Excuse Workout OptionsThe right equipment can give you a leg up on your fitness goals. And if you can invest in a top-of-the-line model, consider buying the Peloton Tread: It outpaces every other treadmill currently in our ratings, says Peter Anzalone, CR’s fitness equipment tester. Designed to work with a $39 monthly membership, its vibrant 32-inch touch screen with a built-in sound system displays a variety of workouts, including scenic runs and on-demand or live video classes led by prominent trainers, overlaid with your statistics and a list of class members. (You can see the trainer but not each other.) The machine also uses dials, not buttons, for easy speed and incline adjustments. The running surface is made of firm rubberized slats, making it feel more cushioned underfoot to some testers than…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020How to Keep Leftovers SafeATTEND TO THE TEMPERATURETo keep leftovers—and all the food in your refrigerator—safe, the temperature should be set at 37° F. Bacteria grow rapidly when food is between 40° F and 140° F, so cooked foods should sit out no longer than 2 hours. Bear in mind that it’s 2 hours from the time you take it off the stove or out of the oven. So if you let chili or other cooked food cool down for half an hour before dinner, then leave it on the table for an hour while you serve and eat, be sure to get it into the fridge in the next half-hour.USE THE RIGHT CONTAINERSRefrigerating cooked food right away is a good idea, but if you just put a big pot of, say, stew in…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020How can I strengthen my immune system?Over the years, countless dietary supplements and alternative remedies have been touted as immune-system boosters. But at this point, there’s no evidence of any single solution—supplement or otherwise—for improving immune function. But that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do.Experts agree that a healthy lifestyle—eating a nutritious and varied diet, exercising, getting ample sleep, and managing stress and anxiety—is important for keeping your immune system strong.For example: People whose diets are low in iron; selenium; vitamins A, C, and D; and several of the B vitamins may have fewer white blood cells—our bodies’ first line of defense against disease. To ensure that you’re getting what you need, aim for as many types of fruits and vegetables as you can, along with whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and healthy…3 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Can a Healthy Gut Boost Your Mood?YEARS OF RESEARCH HAVE DEMONSTRATED that a healthy diet can help cut the risks of illnesses, from diabetes to heart disease to some cancers. Now, more and more studies suggest that food choices may also affect emotions—even for the 8 percent of American adults who report struggling with depression, according to data from a recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. “Research shows that what you eat does impact your mood,” says Umadevi Naidoo, M.B.Ch.B., director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.A study published in April 2019 in the European Journal of Nutrition found that people with depression who scored high on the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (consuming a diet rich in produce, whole grains, nuts, and omega-3 fatty acids) were less likely to have…5 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Conquer That CravingINSTEAD OF Potato chips TRY Air-popped popcorn and a handful of nuts WHY You still get a satisfying crunch and a little salt. And corn, a whole grain, provides fiber. Plus, the nuts contain protein and healthy fat.INSTEAD OF A doughnut TRY A slice of whole-wheat toast with 1 tablespoon of nut butter and sliced strawberries WHY Whole grains provide fiber, almond butter has protein and healthy fat, and berries add sweetness with fewer sugars than jam.INSTEAD OF A candy bar TRY Walnuts and 70 percent cacao dark chocolate WHY Dark chocolate is lower in sugars than the milk variety. Pairing it with walnuts (which contain healthy omega-3 fats) makes this snack nutritionist-approved.INSTEAD OF Cookies and milk TRY Whole-grain cereal and milk WHY Many cereals are fortified with nutrients such…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020WHAT YOU EAT ON KETOThe few carbs you eat come from nonstarchy veggies. A typical meal plan for Roehl's clients might include:BREAKFASTAn egg cooked in butter, with heavy cream, feta cheese, spinach, and mushrooms.LUNCHA green salad with avocado, a hardboiled egg, bacon, and cheese, with olive oil and red wine vinegar.DINNERZucchini “pasta” and baked chicken with an Alfredo sauce made with heavy cream and Parmesan cheese, or an olive oil and pesto dressing.SNACKAlmonds, celery and cream cheese, plain 4 percent fat Greek yogurt and strawberries.…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020ANTIOXIDANT-RICH COFFEEThe cold-brew coffee trend is still going strong. One in 5 Americans drinks cold-brew coffee regularly or occasionally, the National Coffee Association reports.Cold brew—not to be confused with hot-brewed iced coffee—refers to a cold or room-temperature brewing method done over a 12- to 24-hour period. It produces a more concentrated drink that's less bitter than standard hot coffee. When ready, you can add cold water, or pour it over ice.Like hot coffee, cold brew boasts anti-inflammatories and antioxidants: polyphenols (such as chlorogenic and quinic acids) and diterpenes (such as cafestol and kahweol).Studies have found that coffee has a positive effect on the risk of a variety of conditions and diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.Most people can safely consume up to 400 mg of caffeine per day; 8…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020THE POWER OF A PLANT-BASED DIETHow to Get More Protein—From PlantsYOU DON’T NEED MEAT TO GET ALL THE NUTRITION YOU NEEDONLY 5 PERCENT of Americans call themselves vegetarians, but more and more people are realizing the health and environmental benefits of replacing some of the meat in their diet with plant sources of protein.Numerous studies have linked diets that swap meat (especially red meat) for plant proteins, such as beans and nuts, with better heart health and an overall lower risk of dying early. A 2019 report in The Lancet found that if plant-based diets became the norm, it could prevent up to 11.6 million deaths per year globally and, the report stressed, help preserve water, soil, and energy resources.Ready to start eating more plant-based foods but still have questions about how to do it…20 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Salad SuperpowersArugulaArugula is rich in vitamin K, which helps to prevent osteoporosis and inflammatory disease. Like other cruciferous veggies (i.e., broccoli and brussels sprouts), it has glucosinolates, which may protect against certain cancers. It’s tasty in salads or sautéed.IcebergThough it ranks toward the bottom of the greens list nutritionally, it still provides some potassium, vitamin C, and folate.RomaineBeta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, and folate are its standout nutrients. It’s best in salads or on sandwiches that need crunch, and can also stand up to a quick grilling.Butter (aka Boston or Bibb)This family of mild-flavored head lettuce with soft, loose leaves doesn’t have quite the nutrient profile of certain darker greens, but 2 cups supplies 85 percent of your daily vitamin K need, along with some iron and…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020How Greens Become Contaminated1. As Greens GrowA Toxic E. coli is found in the feces of farm animals, such as cattle and sheep. Bacteria from the waste of animals housed in nearby feedlots can contaminate the water used to irrigate the field, or it can be carried by the wind and deposited onto the soil or greens.B The bacteria can be taken up by the plant’s roots as the greens grow. This means the bacteria can get into the plant’s leaves.C Wild animals or birds flying overhead can also deposit the bacteria onto the fields.2. When They’re HarvestedA Farming equipment that travels over contaminated soil may carry bacteria into the field.B Bacteria may be transferred to the greens by workers’ hands or gloves, by contaminated harvesting equipment (such as knives), or in storage…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020FROM WHOLE TO PROCESSEDDIFFERENT FOODS take turns being the dietary demon du jour, and currently, processed and “ultraprocessed” foods are the latest to come under the hot glare of scientific scrutiny. It’s certainly warranted. Research has linked ultraprocessed foods to a higher risk for obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Intriguing new work even suggests that they may actually encourage overeating, possibly because their particular mash-up of ingredients disrupts the hormones that control hunger, or it scrambles the gutbrain signals that tell us how much to eat. Some processing is relatively benign and even enhances healthy properties. But generally speaking, the farther your food gets from its original “whole” version, the less good it is for you. We’ve illustrated the journey of a few common foods from their least processed to their ultraprocessed forms…7 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020A GUIDE TO 10 POPULAR BOTANICALSBeetrootReasons for Use Generally sold as a powder that can be mixed into a juice, to improve athletic performance.How Well It Works Though research has yielded conflicting results, studies suggest it might improve performance in endurance sports, such as running, swimming, rowing, and cycling.Known Risks More research is needed, but there have not been major safety concerns identified with moderate consumption (2 cups a day) for several weeks, as is commonly recommended.Green Tea ExtractReasons for Use Mainly to improve alertness, relieve digestive symptoms, and promote weight loss.How Well It Works Green tea seems to make people more alert, probably because of the caffeine. There’s not good evidence that it helps people lose weight.Known Risks Drinking green tea in moderate amounts is believed to be safe. But green tea extract has…4 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020The Right Mattress for Your Aching Back (or Neck)Conventional wisdom has been that a firmer mattress is best for neck and back pain. In fact, people in acute pain find that lying on the floor can give them some relief.According to our 2016 survey of almost 62,000 CR members, people with arthritis, back pain, and neck pain were happiest when they slept on an adjustable air mattress like a Sleep Number, which lets users precisely control the firmness. In our 2018 survey of more than 49,000 CR members, owners of adjustable air beds were the most satisfied with their mattresses, and traditional innerspring owners were the least satisfied. This trend was driven primarily by mattress owners who have health conditions that affect their sleep.According to Joel Press, M.D., physiatrist-in-chief at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York,…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS FROM CORONAVIRUSThe novel coronavirus pandemic has quickly spread around the globe. The virus can lead to COVID-19, a disease marked by respiratory problems that are usually mild (coughing, fever) but can become severe (pneumonia, organ failure)—especially in older adults and people with underlying health conditions. Some of the best ways to protect yourself are by social distancing, washing your hands frequently (scrubbing thoroughly for at least the 20 seconds), and using a hand sanitizer that's at least 60 percent alcohol when you can’t get to a sink. Here are additional ways to stay safe.SANITIZE YOUR SMARTPHONE (WITHOUT DAMAGING IT).Research suggests that the novel coronavirus may survive on surfaces for hours or even days. So if you touch your phone constantly (as so many of us do), you’ll need more than the…6 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020When You Need More Help With MoodA better diet is a good first step but may not be enough. Periodic feelings of anxiety, sadness, or irritability are normal, as is occasional trouble sleeping or appetite changes. But if any of the above persist for more than two weeks, see a doctor, says Drew Ramsey, M.D.Start with your primary care doctor, who can screen you for depression and check for medical issues that may be impacting your mood, such as a thyroid disorder. If your doctor thinks you may be depressed, she may refer you to a therapist for talk therapy and/or to a psychiatrist to discuss medication therapy.If you’re unsure whether you need help, you can take a short self-assessment at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s website.…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Healthy Eating Tips From Across the GlobeAS MUCH AS many of us relish eating, it’s easy to fall into a rut and feel bored with our usual repertory of meals. “That’s when it’s time to shake things up and try something new and different,” says Penny M. Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., R.D., a distinguished professor of nutrition at Penn State University. For inspiration, look at how people eat in other cultures. By incorporating a few healthy strategies from around the world, you can improve your own diet. Think of it as a foodie vacation that you can take without ever leaving the comfort of your own kitchen.OKINAWAAim to Feel About 80 Percent FullThe residents of this chain of islands off the coast of Japan have some of the longest life spans in the world. One reason may be…6 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Enjoy the Effects of NatureEXPERIENCING NATURE isn’t just a good way to enjoy the warmer months. A growing body of research shows that spending time outdoors can improve your health and may reduce mortality. Even short nature breaks can be beneficial. According to a recent small study, people who spent just 20 minutes in a place where they felt connected to nature experienced a drop in stress hormones. And nature’s effects don’t require heading into the wilderness. Even caring for the potted plants on your windowsill may be good for you. Here’s more on why time outside is so important—and how to make the most of every minute.Mood, Sleep, and MoreWe often think about access to nature as a perk, says Peter James, Sc.D., an assistant professor in the department of population medicine at…7 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020ANTI-AGING WHOLE GRAINSMultiple studies link whole grains (which contain a grain’s entire kernel—bran, endosperm, germ, and husk) to lower risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Try working these five delicious whole grains into your diet:BARLEY: This firm, nutty grain is rich in beta-glucan, the same cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber that’s in oats. Barley can lower two types of “bad” cholesterol, according to a review of 14 studies in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Pearled barley—although it has had the bran layer removed—is still packed with fiber and other nutrients, but for the most nutrition, choose hulled barley. It cooks in 40 minutes.FARRO: This form of wheat retains a tasty al dente texture, even if cooked for a long time. The whole-grain version gives you the most nutritional benefits (but semi-pearled…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020ANATOMY OF MEAT VS. MEATLESS BURGERSTwo of CR’s expert tasters, Amy Keating and Claudia Gallo, headed to three Bareburger locations near our Yonkers, N.Y., headquarters to taste a Beyond Burger and an Impossible Burger. (Separately, they tasted an Amy’s brand veggie burger that did well in CR’s previous tests.)The verdict? Both are impressive imitations of real beef, but the Impossible Burger is closer in look and taste: browned on the edges, with a pink center, plus a savory, char flavor and a juicy, fatty mouthfeel. The Beyond Burger has a milder, charred flavor and a slight vegetal or grainlike aftertaste.The Amy’s burger doesn’t try to taste like meat, but it does taste good: a big mushroom and nutty flavor, with a crispy exterior and chewy grains. It’s also healthier, with less sodium, fat, and calories,…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020CAN LEAFY GREENS CARRY COVID-19?The risk of becoming infected with the novel coronavirus from any groceries is considered low if you practice good hand hygiene when handling them, says James E. Rogers, CR’s director of food safety research and testing. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water after putting away all packaging, including paper grocery bags. It’s probably not necessary, but if you want to go the extra mile, wipe the outside of the plastic containers that leafy greens may be packaged in with a disinfectant wipe before putting them away (or spray the outside of plastic bags with disinfectant and let dry before storing). Later, after opening the bags or containers the leafy greens came in, wash your hands again before continuing with your food prep.To date, there’s…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020FINDINGS FROM CR’S LETTUCE TESTINGIn spring 2019, CR’s food safety scientists tested 283 samples of bagged and whole heads of six types of leafy greens. While we didn’t find the dangerous E. coli O157:H7 implicated in recent romaine lettuce outbreaks, we did find that certain samples contained coliform bacteria. “This type of bacteria doesn’t make people sick, but it’s a sign that feces may have come into contact with the lettuce, and when we see it, it’s considered a harbinger of possible contamination with harmful bacteria,” says James E. Rogers, Ph.D., director of food safety research and testing at Consumer Reports. There was no difference in bacteria levels between whole head and packaged greens; packaged greens that were labeled “triple washed” had bacteria levels similar to those in packages marked “unwashed.”Worse: We also found…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020SHOP SMARTER FOR SUPPLEMENTSTHE PROMISE OF SUPPLEMENTS is pretty powerful: That they’ll ease your pain, boost your immunity, settle your stomach, strengthen your heart, sharpen your memory, and more. Little wonder, then, that supplement sales in the U.S. reached $46 billion in 2018 and were predicted to exceed $52 billion by 2020. In fact, 68 percent of Americans take supplements at least once a week, according to a recent nationally representative Consumer Reports survey of 2,006 adults.So it’s perhaps remarkable that there’s not, to date, a lot of solid evidence that supplements do what people hope they will. Manufacturers are not required to demonstrate to the government that their products are effective or safe before they are sold—as they must with prescription and over-the-counter drugs, such as Advil. People have long used botanicals…11 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020Lifestyle Changes That Work—Without the RisksPeople often take echinacea to bolster immunity and ward off colds or other viruses. They turn to turmeric to alleviate pain or to reduce inflammation due to psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. In our survey, turmeric was the most popular supplement for chronic health problems.Some studies suggest that taking echinacea might make you slightly less susceptible to colds, and preliminary research indicates that curcumin could potentially help with knee pain from osteoarthritis. But conclusive evidence that these products work is lacking, according to experts who have studied them and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health.There are, however, other, proven nonpharmacological ways you can get these desired health benefits.STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep nightly. This will improve…2 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020CBD’s Legal StatusThe legal status of CBD is still somewhat murky. Nearly all states have passed laws legalizing it to one extent or another. (If it comes from hemp, THC levels must stay very low—0.3 percent or below compared with the 20 percent or higher concentrations typical in marijuana.) And the 2018 Farm Bill allows farmers to grow hemp and legalizes hemp derivatives like CBD. The bill also removes CBD extracted from hemp from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of Schedule I drugs such as heroin, which the DEA deems to lack any medical use and to pose a high risk of abuse. (Marijuana and THC remain Schedule I drugs.)But on the federal level, the FDA still has reservations. That’s partly because now that the agency has approved a CBD-based prescription drug—Epidiolex—it…1 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020THE ADVANTAGES OF RUNNING VS. WALKINGRunning and walking are both excellent forms of exercise. Those who regularly do either typically have healthier hearts, stronger bones, and lower body weights than their sedentary counterparts. The current Physical Activity Guidelines, issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, call for a minimum of 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity. So does it matter whether you get those minutes walking or running? Arguments can be made for both—and which is right for you depends on your personal goals (and preferences) and your current fitness level.IF YOU WANT TO MAXIMIZE CALORIE-BURNING“The key difference between running and walking is how many calories you are burning—not per mile but per minute of exercise,” says Paul D. Thompson, M.D., chief…5 min
Guide to Wellness|July 2020How to Start a Treadmill RoutinePlan for the long term: Before you first step on a treadmill, consider your fitness goals, says Peter Anzalone, senior test project leader for fitness equipment at CR.If you are trying to prepare for a marathon, you may want to follow a specific training plan, such as one of those offered by the New York Road Runners (, and be sure to integrate outdoor runs as well.If your goal is just to move more, training programs built into your treadmill can help keep you interested, with simple programs such as hill training or workouts focused on different objectives, such as improving heart health.Set a goal for how long you want to run each time you work out, and try to make your workouts more challenging over time by increasing the…1 min
Table of contents for July 2020 in Guide to Wellness (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.