The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 0 4 4 4 4 4. i. THE UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1950 27 WESTFIELD DUAL PARKING METER CO. TO GET CONTRACT Municipal Commission Votes to Buy 341 Devices for Business Arca Westfield, May 22 The Municipal Parking Meter Commission this afternoon voted to sign A contract with Dual Parking Meter Co. of Canton, for the purchase of 303.

one -hour type 'and 38 two-hour type parking meters for installation and use in the business area. tale Sealed Coln Boxes Wanted The action was taken with the stipulation that the company furnish coin hoxes. for meters which can he sealed with then metallic seal rather than supplying the exhibit -type, unsealed coin box. A representative of the company conferring with City Clerk Harold Whittemore, commission chairman, after the meeting, said this stipulation can be fulfilled. The contract form for the purchase was approved last month by City Solicitor Hugh G.

Flynn. Fenton Gets Car Contract The commission voted to award the contract for purchase of a four-door sedan to the William H. Fenton Motor Sales of this city, whose bid of $1759.50 WAS the best of, three. This vehicle will be equipped with a heavy duty generator to care for a two-way radio installation later. The vehicle will be used by a police officer, yet to be named.

who witl have charge of serving and col have charge the serving and collecting of monies from the parking meters. The Fenton bid was accepted was explained, because the type of vehicle it will supply will be the same AS the Police Department's cruisers and so. all vehicles will be standardized. Also Present Police Chief Allen H. Smith.

William J. Chapman, George A. Byers and Ralph A. Prince, Public Works Board chairman. were the other commission members presented.

BUTTLES-LIS Westfield, May 22-Mr. and Mrs. Orville C. Buttles of West Becket and this city today announced the recent marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret P. Buttles, to Joseph Lis, son of Mrs.

Sophie Lis of 14 Miller St. The ceremony took place Saturday afternoon in St. Joseph's Polish National Church, Rev. Albert S. J.

Tarka, pastor, officiated. A reception followed at Brookside Inn, Southwick. On return from a trip to New York the couple will reside in 148 Meadow we St. Miss Julia Lis, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor, while Theodore Lis served his brother as best man. Mrs.

Frances J. Baker of Chester was bridesmaid. Usher was Frank Dekarskl. Born in Collinsville, the bride attended Chester High School and was formerly employed by White's Quaint Springfield Armory employee, Mr. Lis is a World War I Army veteran and was a prisoner of the Germans for about four months.

He served with the engineers, paratroopers and the infantry. DELEGATES NAMED Westfield, May 22-Seven Westfield Business and Professional Women's Club members will serve as delegates to the annual State convention of the Massachusetts Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs at New Ocean House, Swampscott May 27-28. Miss Dorotha L. Rice, president, -Miss Wanda M. Paye, Mrs.

Ann L. Van Wart, Miss Gladys C. Dewey, Miss Mary A. Davis, Miss Alice R. Avery and Miss Clara S.

Avery. MONTGOMERY HALL-TINNET Montgomery, May 22-The wedding of Dorothy Sumner Hall, daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Hall of Montgomery and Wendell Tinney, son of Mrs. Ruth Tinney of Westfield took place Sunday in the home of the bride.

Li Rev. Kenneth ond Congregational Brochure Westthe Secfield, Rev. Simmons off Southfield The maid of honor was June M. Hall, sister of the bride, and Robert Tinney attended his brother as best man. Junior attendants were Donna Edwards and Leland Tinney, niece and nephew of the bridegroom, and Sandra and Gerald Spencer, niece and nephew the bride.

Mrs. Samuel Adair, Jr. played the wedding march and Afarian Bodurtha sang "Because" and Promise The couple left on a motor trip to Washington and will reside in Shak. er Westfield. RUSSELL GIRL SCOUTS WIN AWARDS Russell, May 22-The Russell Girl Scouts who received awards at the Court of Honor Sunday were: 2d.

class badge, Martha Cowles, Sally Frisbie, JoAnn. Britton, Mary Ann Zielinski, Alice LA Bombard; housebadge, Florence Boyden, Lilkeeper, Bombard, Lois Wehrley, Patricia Gates, Rose Mary De Coteau. All of the girls received the games badge. Mrs. John Sharkey, school nurse and Dr.

George Wager, school physician, will he on hand at the Russell Village School, Wednesday morning at 9 to vaccinate all preschool children who are intending to enter school in September. There will be A special business meeting of Russell Mother's Club Tuesday at the village school at 7.30. All members are urged to be prosent. Water Commissioner Charles Peckham has announced that the town is being furnished water by the auxiliary wells and that the resevoir dam is under repair. He states that persons must conserve as much water as possible until this repair work is Anished.

Watering of lawns and gardens is forbidden. The VFW will meet at the post Tuesday night to complete plans for Memorial Day exercises. JET -PROPELLED DUCKS Some ducks must have long runs over the water surface before taking tc. the air, but mallards explode out of the water high into the air as if aided by rocket power. SENIOR REGENT CONTEST ARISES Women of the Moosc Nom- inatc Officers Westfield, May 22-Mrs.

Jeremiah C. Murphy of 54. Washington St. and. Mrs.

Clarence F. Burlingame of 43 Montgomery St. were nominated for Women of the Moose senior regent tonight. Election will he June 12. Mrs.

Dion Is Regent Mrs. Ann lion Is currently the top officer. Others nominated: Junior regent, Miss Marguerite Boyle; chaplain, Mrs. Dora Hall and Mrs. Mattie Renaud; recorder.

Mra, Mary Bard; treasurer, Mrs. Mario Couture and Mrs. Abby Morse. Mrs. Maxwell was -chairman of the "Hospital Guild chapter night" program at the Franklin St.

home. Candidates were voted upon And A PROCLAIMS FOOT WEEK Healy Westfield, of 65 M11l1 May 22-Dr. local Joseph chiropodist W. who was recently named chairman of Massachusetts Foot Health Week sponsored by Massachusetts Chiropo(dists' Association, was present recently at the signing of Gov. Dever's proclamation on the subject.

proclamation reads: future of our Stale renters around the health of our adults and children. "Healthy well-cared for fert are essential for the stability and propress of our Commonwealth. "The Chiropodists of our State realIze fully the importance of good foot health for everyone. They are also cognizant of the value of foot health education and the importance of regular and adequate professional care. "Therefore, I Paul A.

Dever, Governor of the Commonwealth of MAssachusetta do hereby proclaim Foot Health Week, May 20 to May 27, 1950." BREAK AND ROBBERY PROBED pushed their investigation into one Westfield, May 22 Police today major break and robbery and two attempted breaks, all committed during early morning hours today. Burglars broke into Westfield Laundry, rear lil 43 Jefferson broke open an safe stole approximately reported. $100. Police The Chie: atAllen H. Smith tempted breaks he reported were at Holcomb Motor Sales in Free St.

and Sears, Roebuck which fronts on Main St. Chief Smith. Capt. George T. Ilickson and Det.

Patrolman John F. Tuohey are investigating. Chief Smith belieres the safe breaking was done by a lever and not explosives. He said the combination had been broken off, the door pried off and the inner lock drilled through. SCOTT CAMP 'NEEDS UTENSILS Westfield, May 23 Westfeld Girl Soout Council discussed plans for Camp Mishqua, Girl Scout camp off Loomis at tonight's meeting for at the YMCA and issued an appeal donations of: Cook-out equipment, can opener, bowls, silverware, plates, cups, large frying pan, cooking pots.

camp grill, long -handled broilers. and wool yarn and material for the making of puppets. Receipts from the cookie sale were reported to total $741.27. Number of boxes sold was 6789. Scouts planning to march in the Memorial Day parade will meet at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church at 8.45.

Brownies may join the parade as it passes Kane Park or the Atheneum. Representatives of Fort Meadow and Prospect Hill Schools attended special citizens school safety study committee, meeting tonight. at No the official Intermedi- report has yet been made on the proposed use of "safety sentinels" in highways in front of schools, Chairman Merle F. Miles said. Representatives of other schools will appear at the June 12 meeting, after which committee will present various suggestions and recommendations to school authorities for action.

E. Mori, 21. an Amherst College student from Vineland, N. this evening paid a $10 fine for operating without a license. He was apprehended in Route 202, Southwick.

by State Trooper Chester Ruszcyk. RESERVE FORCE FULL Westfiell, May 22-The police department reserve personnel was brought to full strength tonight when A SHOWMEN, JG -The "Feeding Hills will sing "Barnacle Bill" during the Wednesday evening minstrel show of Fr. George M. Fitzgerald Circle, Columbian Squires, at Westfield High School auditorium. James kneeling, directs a little pre-show vocalizing toward Richard Karakla, -extreme right, to the obvious pleasure of: Left to right, Edward La Rock, Robert Gravel and Robert Liptak.

the Police Commission named George E. Goodniss of 13 King M. and Robert D. Stone of- 7 Crown St. as reserve patrolmen.

Chief Allen If. Smith announced the appointments, effective A8 ol 12.01 Tuesday morning. Both are World War lI veterans. Goodniss stood Arst on the list and Stone was second. The Are drill for volunteer firemen scheduled for Wednesday evening has been postponed to June 12, date of the next regular meeting.

HUNTINGTON Huntington, May 22-Charles Vogel, blood donor chairman of the Huntington Legion Post. was, roused from Thursday midnight by a call for donors because of the necessity of R0 operation for Richard Trudell of Chester, formerly of this town. Vogel obtained the services of George Besaw of Lee, and Harold Aldrich, Robert Beliste, Joseph Fouli. Paul Duga. Nolson Jolly and George Moltenbrey, all of Huntington.

Trudell was taken to Noble Hospital, Westfield, weeks suffering from pneumonia. He was transferred to Wesson Hospital this week for an operation. His marriage to the former Abbie Willey of Chester had taken place only three weeks before he was stricken. Edwin Griffin, service officer of the local Legion, said 10 more donors will be pledged at the Legion meeting Tuesday evening. High School Notes The entire senior class of Princeton High School consisting of four pupils, who became acquainted with the members of the local high school senior class during their trip to Washington, renewed their here to friendship they came attend the high school play "The Happier We'll Be." Miss Janet Heath of Main St.

was hostess to Miss Margaret Rogan, Miss Sally Caron entertained Miss Ascha Graves, Raymond Crum, was host to Forsland and Donald Sandstrom Kenneth, Richard Dangill of Woronoco. Because of local school kept Saturday to make up a day lost of bad weather, the Princeton students were able to visit classes. The Huntington seniors hope to repay the visit and attend Princeton high's graduation exercises: The honor roll for the last marking period follows: A honors, sophom*ores. Florence Church, Warren Packard; honors, seniors, James Hoey, Kenneth Brown, Richard Dangill, Dorothy Mason. Evelyn Dunn, Janet Heath and Mary LAGoy; Juniors, Myrtle Wood, Norman Beals, Nettie Pease, Anna Mae Foull, Gwendolyn Frew; sophom*ores, Edward Porter, Ernestine Perry, Bryan Wilcox, Felix James; freshmen, Beverly Hayes and Theresa LaGoy.

LEGION ANSWERS CALL FOR BLOOD Donors Found for Midnight Emergency Westfield News Briefs Westfield, May Nyctos Club members will meet at 7.15 evening at the YMCA. The regular business session will be omitted. "Short golf" will be played at the Chanticleer course, Southwick Rd. Mrs. William Allen will open her Southwick Rd.

home Tuesday at 2 to First Methodist Church Sunshine Group. A "White elephant" sale will be held. Marine Corpa League Auxiliary will meet Tuesday evening at the YMCA. Plans for entertaining the Hampden-Hampshire Association herel 011 June 20 will be made at the Tuesday meeting of Lyon Post, Women's Relief Corps, in the VIW rooms. Eagles Auxiliary will meet Tuesday evening in the Bartlett St.

hall, Several members of YMCA Auxiliary will attend the 62d annual Women's Two-state Conference in Northfiell Tuesday and Wednesday. Allan Urquhart, boys' work secretary of the local wil lead. a panel discussion in which Mrs. Edgar MacDonald and Mra. Walter Rodgers of the auxiliary, and John Moltenbrey, JoAnn Stein, George Harking, 'and Diane Russell, Westfield Iligh School pupils, will particinate.

'Others to take part in various activities are Mrs. Charles C. Me. Pherson, Miss Elizabeth F. Hopkins.

girls' work secretary; Mra. leolyn F. Speare, Mrs. R. Firtion, Mrs.

Wililam Farr, Mrs. Robert Snyder, and Mrs. C. Henry Klaubert. Central Baptist.

Church Women's Fellowship, at A meeting at 2.30 Wednesdays A afternoon round At -table the discussion church, on 'Our Women's Fellowship at work for a richer, fuller church life." Officers of the various Fellowship groups will take part. A Abort business meeting will ba conducted prior to the Aviation students from Columbia, studying flight instruction at F. W. Wiggins Airways a.t Barnes Airport, will present the Rotary Club program at its Hotel Westfield meeting Tuesday noon. South Americana will relate their Impressions of this country, tell of their native land, and sing some of their native songs.

Paul Brodeur, District Officer Of Masons, Honored at Deputy Grand Master Given Jewel by Agan, Inscribed Watch by Farr Westfield, May 22-About 150 hers of In the '18th Masonic District attended, a testimonial dinner tonight at. Second Congregational Church conference house in Paul E. Brodeur of this city, district deputy grand master. The Sponsoring Lodges Sponsoring lodges were Mount Moriah of this city, Springfield and llampden, both of Springfield, Mount Orthodox of West Springfield, ington and Federal of Chester, William Farr, Mount Moriah master, presided. Master of ceremonies was Mayor Raymond H.

Cowing, past master. Archie J. Agan, past district denuty grand master, guest CLASS OF 1895 PLANS REUNION Nineteen of 28 Members Still Living (Pontius, deceased), Miss Ellen E. Snow of this city, Helen F. Sibley Mrs.

Francis) of Pasadena, May E. Noble (Mrs. Clinton Lee) of Springield, Lucia I. Noble (Mrs. Avery, Alice Parker (Mrs.

Albert Smith) of this city, Beulah Lakin (Mrs. Percy Gates) of this Miss Harriet Gillett of Springfiela, Miss Bessie Maie Weaver of New Hartford. internationally recognized artist and who is making the place cards for the reunion banquet: Alma Higgins (Mrs. E. D.

Cady) of Huntington, Harriet Gladwin, wife of Dr. Collins, of Philadelphia; Elizabeth: Bush (Mrs. Charles G. Smith, city. Robert Grant of Montclair, N.

deceased), a Miss Alice Bradley of this Daniel Bush of Norfolk, Harry Taylor (deceased). GRANBY, CONN. AL SPONSORS AIR SCOUT SQUADRON Melvin Bernhardt Named As Leader Granby. May 22-An Air Scout Squadron has been organized under the sponsorship of ShannonShattuck Legion Post. This is the third and senior group of Scout activity and boys 14 years and over are eligible.

Westfield, May 22 West-. field High School Class of (1895 is completing plans for its 55th reunion at Sheraton Inn at 6.30 Saturday evening. Nineteen members and wives and husbands are expected to attend to take part in the informal program of reminiscenses. The class numbered 28, of whom nine are deceased. Tho class has held A reunion every, five class years members since its were graduation.

former Mayor Harry May B. Hewes Putnam (de- of this city, ceased), Della Cross (Mrs. Charles Hayden, deceased), Bessie Steimer (Mrs. Harry Scott) of this city, Mary Snow Mira, Robert C. Parker, deceased wife of Judge Robert C.

Parker), retired School Supt. Chester: D. Stiles of this city, his twin brother, Charles Stiles of Yonkers, N. Y. Francis R.

Parks (deceased), Dr. Edward Smith of this city, Harry E. Scott of this city, William C. Shute of Denver, Walter H. Sanford (deceased).

Minerva Blair Melvin Bernhardt. A pilot in the Transport Command in World Air. II, is squadron leader. Serving Jon his committee are Edward Mahl. Navy navigator in the war and Carlton Holcomb, who WAS an Army pilot.

Willard Kellogg is in charge of social activities. After the meeting of Day Star Chapter. OES, in the Masonic rooms Tuesday evening will be demonstration of aprong And silk clothing. John Fox is chairman. Miss Arline Ruth Mooney has opened an office for the general practice of law in the Professional Building on Hartford Miss Mooney, daughter of Mr.

Mrs. R. F. Mooney of Loomis is a graduate of the Granby schools, Mount St. Joseph's Academy in Hartford and received her M.A.

degree At St. Joseph's College in Hartford. She has an degree from Columbia University. Spring Glen Association met recently in the summer camp of Mr. Mrs.

Allyn Wadhams on Old Simsbury Rd. Refreshments were served thy Raymond Horn, Donald Flannery, George Greese, Edward Mahl, Paul Huntington. Odd Fellows Building Association will serve a strawberry shortcake supper in Odd Fellows Hall June 9. Ring Mountain Hunt Club will observe its 10th anniversary with a picnic at LaPoint's Grove on June 3. The program will begin at 3, with supper at T.

W. Kenneth Avery, is at U. S. of honor a past district deputy grand master's jewel. An inscribed wrist watch, the gift of Mount Moriah Lodge, WAS presented to Brodeur by Farr.

The Guest List Among the guests were: George W. Gray of Springfield, past district denuty and past junior warden of the grand lodge; Harold F. Hartwell, past master of Hampden Lodge and past diatrict deputy; Alfred G. Phillips, past master of. Hampden Lolge and past district deputy.

Letters ot regret were forwarded by several other distinguished Masons unable to attend. Entertainment featured singing. dancing and violin solos by pupils of Mrs. William Brewster'8 school. Naval Air Test Center in Patusent River, where he is an instructor representing Kaman Aircraft Corp.

GOP DELEGATES ELECTED Helen Clark, clerk. BLANDFORD GRANGE TO MAKE GROVE WREATHS Workers to Meet in Hall Thursday Night Blandford, May 22. Members and Granby, May 22-About 70 attended a Republican caucus at Memorial School this evening. lowing were elected a8 delegates: State convention, Mrs. Bertha W.

Colton. Mrs. Kathryn E. BurgeRs, Philip E. Devnew, A.

Chandler Ryder. nates, G. Ray Smith, James G. Schnell. Congressional, Francis B.

Allen, Maurice Gilbert, J. William Holt, Mrs. Lilly Goddard. County, Henry Shenning, Mra. Polly Hall, Mrs.

Grace Kellogg, Edward A Mahl. Senatorial, Milo Griffin, Mrs. Annie Crouse, Mrs. Mary Mitchelson, William Colton. Fred.

Kendall was moderator; Miss friends of the Grange will meet Grange Hall Thursday evening at to make wreaths for decorating graves of all veterans on Sunday. On Wednesday evening, the men will meet in Grange 6.30 after laurel. interested in gathering laurel or making wreaths welcome. The PTU will serve a public supper in the cafeteria Wednesday at 6.30 prior the business session at. Mrs.

Wesley Blair heads the committee. The public is invited to home talent program under the rection of Mrs. Lee Wyman in Deane Hall after the business meeting. Blandford 1g. proud of the three young men who took part in Valley League track meet at Westfield High School Saturday for each placed first in his respective event.

the high jump Joe Wallbank cleared bar at five' feet 10-inches. Bob Binder tied for first in the pole vault and Duane Wyman was a member the winning team in the 880-yard lay. Robert Schoales and Arthur demonstrated basketry weaving at annual county 'home economics day held by the 4-H clubs in West Springfield. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Arcouette of Russell Rd. were their son, Ronald Arcouette, seaman first class, who is stationed at Newport, R. and two of his buddies, Jon Germaine of Indiana and Dallas Hughes of Georgia, both seaman first class who received their discharge last week and left for their homes on Sunday. Mrs. Gladys and son.

and daughter, Sandra. of Russell Rd. spent the week end with relatives in Boston. Recent guests Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin Anderson of Woronoco were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maddalla and daughters, Judy, Gay, Lois, and Lynn, of West Sand Lake, N. Y. In A return game with Woronoco, Blandford won by a score of 10 to on Sunday.

VACCINATIONS WEDNESDAY Blandford. 22-Dr. George Wager, school physician, will be at the school Wednesday morning at 9 to vaccinate any child against smallpox who requires this treatment. All children entering school for the first time in September must be vaccinated present a certiAcate of exception. Parents planning to have their children attend the clinic should All in the blanks taken home by the school children or notify the principal, Miss Marguerite Hall.

According to a Twentieth Century Fund survey, some cities have a much (higher percentage of slums than others, Just before the war, San with 12.1 per cent of he in Francisco rated better than others slums and blighted areas, whereas Mobile, Alabama, had 56.4 per cent. Closer average were Jersey City with 21.3 per cent and Portland, Oregon. with 17.3 per cent. PLAN BOYS' STATE TRIP -Richard Wolfe, left, and Norm Cass of Southwick are busy making plans for their coming trip to Amherst in June where they will attend Boys' State. Both are pupils in Westfield High School.

7 P. OFFICERS NAMED BY TWO GROUPS, SECOND CHURCH Mrs. Charles Doering, Mrs. Austin Warren Are Presidents I RAYMOND STRICKLAND Honor student--Raymond S. Strickland son of Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Strickland of Worthington Rd. Huntington, a junior at Worcester State er's College has been elected to the Ganuna Chi chapter of Kappa Delta PI. national honor society in education. Strickland's first three years of hich school were spent in the local school.

lle then trans. ferred to Technical High School In Springfield and WAS graduated pro merito. He is a veteran of three years in the Air Force. He is majoring In mathematics and science and plans to tench. BIDS MADE BY SIX CONCERNS G.

E. Department Plans Sackett St. Structure Westfield, May: 22-With the deadline for receipt of bids, for the construction of a new building for the Municipal Gas and Electric Light Department this afternoon, it WAS- announced that six construction firms had submitted figures. Will Study Rule Dr. Thomas E.

Power. Municipal Electric Light Commission chairman, said the commission will meet later this week probably to study the bids and to take action to award the contract. He indicated there are a few points in connection with the figures submitted to be checked. While no bid figures were announced, the names of the firms submitting bids were reported to be the MI. J.

Walsh Construction Co. Holyoke, Sapelli Construction Co. of Springfield, T. A. Pearson Associates of Springfield, Hedley Hardy, general contractor, this city; L.

D. Phillips Construction Co. of this city, and Capuano Construction Co. of West Springfield. All six firms made inquiries and all submitted figures, it was announced.

Ralph MI. Sizer, architect for the new structure, to be constructed at the Sackett St. yard of the Municipal Gas and Electric Light Department, disclosed further details of the twostory building today. Of fireproof construction, the bujlding will measure 86 feet wide and 56 feet in depth. The first floor will serve as a garage to house some 12 departmental vehicles and trucks.

The second floor will have moveable partitions so that rooms may be made any size desired. The second floor will contain large testing room, to be lighted with glass block windows with ventilators; general offices for departmental officials, a gas chemical laboratory, and electric meter repair room, draughting room, etc. Westfield Theaters STRAND: "Snake Pit." starring Olivia DeHavilland; "Change Heart." with Susan Hayward and John Carroll. PARK: "Cinderella," Walt Disney's film; selected shorts, COMMUNION FOR 109 Westfield, May 22-A class of 109 young people will receive first com-! munion Sunday at St. Mary's Church, with Dr.

Patrick F. Dowd, pastor, charge of the 8 o'clock mass. Statues of Our Lord and Blessed the, parish school will be, crowned by Virgin on the lawns of the church a and the "best all-round eighth grade pupil" at 2.30 that afternoon. All the pupils will participate in the annual May procession. which will start from the and will end benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the church.

The first communion class will be guests a breakfast conducted by Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary in the school' following the mass. 65, of this city, arrested Saturday on A charge of larceny, pleaded guilty when arraigned in District Court today and was sentenced to one month in the House of Correction. The sentence wag. suspended for one year, Pluna, police said, was seen taking a pair of. eyeglasses, valued at $1, from Landau's, store in Elm St.

Richard F. Bey. 67, of 94 Mechanic arrested earlier this month on a warrant charging him with assault and battery on Loren Gerow city, WAS found not guilty and the complaint was dismissed. Police said satisfaction was acknowledged by the complainant. Leonard Hungerford, 57, of 78 Crane charged with violation of the liquor laws.

pleaded. not guilty and had hearing set for June 6. Listed as a. bartender, police said Hungerford. is alleged to have recently sold a bottle of liquor to a Southwick resident who later.

was arrested by State Police on drunkennesa complaint. Edward S. Holland, 43. of. Dorchester paid a $10 fine for failing to kcep to the right when him view war 04- structed a distance of 300 feet.

Recent births at Noble Hospital have been: Sons to Mr. and Mrs. John Kamingki of 29 Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Richart Trusty of 37 Meadow Mr.

And Mrs. Stanley of 19 Cherry St. and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tatruno of Apremont High; daughters to Mr.

and Mra. John Yar-, mesky of Meadow Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sleeper of Southwick, The local Boy Scout troops will conduct a salvage drive on Sunday, June 4. It will be in charge of John E.

Carter. The selectmen this evening proved of allowing the scouts to stage their drive on that date. THIEF IS PENALIZED Westfield, May. 22 -Joseph Pluna, tiated. Westfield, May 22-Officers were elected tonight at annual meetings of two Second 'Congregational Church women's groups.

Heads Conner Ave. Group Mr's. Charles Doering of 16 Belmont leader of Conner' Ave. Group, headed a slate re-elected at the Conner Ave. home of Mrs.

Eva Wright, Other officers: Vice-chairman, Mrs. Allice Collins: treasurer, Mrs. Martha Loomis; secretary, Mra. Edna Hubbard. The nominating committee was Mrs.

Paul Brodeur and Mrs. Ralph Bill. Mrs. Hubbard will open her home in 7 Conner Ave. to the June 23 meeting.

Her mother, Mrs. Ada roe, will he. assisting Mrs. Warren Elected Mrs. Austin B.

Warren of 6 Clark St. succeeded Mrs. Raymond S. Childs of 70 Court St. as leader of Broad St.

Group, which met in the parsonage. Other officers: Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Edwin F. Tuller; res cording secretary, Mrs. David Shaw; treasurer, Miss Nerine Ar Simpson.

On the nominating committee yere Mrs. Kenneth Brookes, the hostess, and Mrs. Frederick Leopold, King St. Group Entertained "King St. Group members were.

tained at the St. James Ave. home of' Mrs. Patrick Fitzgerald for the finat session until Sept. 25: Miss Ethelyn M.

Percival of 68 Ave, wad recently a leader. and Mildred Dunn was re-elected treas. Surprise! May 22 Numbered among those who will take part In the third annual Westfield Choral Club concert at 8.15 Tuesday evening at. Westfield High School will be tor Frank Rogowaky of Otis St. His participation will he in the nature of "surprise" performance, Raymond V.

Wilcox, club director, disclosed today, when Mr. Rogowsky will be "very much heard" in one of the 14 selections to be presented. Tickets will be avallable at' door for concert, given for the benefit of the Red Cross. WORONOCO LABRECQUE STAR OF TRACK MEET Woronoco Boy Wins Two Dash. Events Woronoco, May 22 A Woronoco youth is making a name for himself and his school in high school track meets these days.

Donald LaBrecque, Westfield high senior, took first honors in both the 100-yard and yard dash events last Saturday at a triangular meet in Westfield of Valley League rivals, Westfield, Greenfield and Holyoke. It was the second such performance in A row for LaBrecque. At a triangular meet May 11 between Westfield, West Springfield and Holyoke, he also finished first in the 100 and 220. The first track meet he ever competed in was lay between and Classical High of Springfield, taking second events, a' scant few inches behind the winner. Young LaBrecque is now eagerly awaiting Saturday's meet in Westfield in which 12 Western Massachusetts schools wil compete.

4 The local boy is the son of Mr. and Drs. Edward LaBrecque of Valley View Ave. vaccination clinic will be held in the grammar school for preschool children Wednesday morning at 9.30. Dr.

George V. Wager will be in. attendance. Children entering school for the first time in September must have a certificate of vaccination. A patriotic program will be presented at the meeting of Mount Shattarack Grange Tuesday evening at 8 in Town Hall.

The committee is Airs. Edith LaFond, Mrs. Earl Welcome, Mrs. Frank Cram, Mrs. Olive Hilbert and Miss Marion Ellis.

CHESTER Chester, May 22 Miss Joyce Plattia was crowned prom queen at the annual Junior prom in Town Hall. Edward Willey was named king. The queen's court consisted of Linda bara Brewster and Anita Cadman. Bernice Chandler, BarLiberty Chapter, OES, will meet Wednesday evening at in Odd Fellows Hall. Miss Ruth Osgood, newly elected worthy matron, will conduct the meeting.

A social hour will follow. Chester High School baseball team will play Stockbridge in that town Tuesday. Chester will play Lee here, Friday. Mr. and Mrs.

Waino Fillback and family Wayne, Ricky and Cynthia of Portland, formerly of this town, visited friends here Sunday. MIDDLEFIELD Middlefield, May 22-Deputy Donald Shearer of Colrain will Inspect the work of Middlefield Grange Tuesday evening at, 8.30. Third and fourth degrees will he conferred, the third a ladies' degree team with Mrs. Elmer O. Olds as master, and the fourth by the fegular officers with H.

Francis Pease 08 master. There will be open houso at the parsonage Thursday evening. M19g Joan Hartley, A freshman at the U. of has been tapped to membership in Serolls, sophom*ore honorary society. She is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs.

John H. Hartley And is enrolled in the animal husbandry course. Mr. and Mra. Weston Pierce of Wast have rented the Cran cottage for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Merrill F. May and Family of SCaradale, N. were at their home here for the weekend.

Mr. Willianm Munn is ill at her home in Bancroft. James B. Vreeland, A. student at the IT.

of spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mra. Cornellius D. Vroeland, Jr. Mrs.

Bernard Mallon is recovering from A. recent fall in her home. Mrs. Ilenry S. C.

Cummings and Louis C. Smith of Newton Center were at the Smith farm for the weekend. Alias Marian Emerine, and Miss Elizabeth T'orter of New York City were at "lockedge" for the' weckend, Mrs. Gerald Birney Hinith of Springfield has opened her home here for the' summer. The Merry Meeters will meet Tuesday afternoon in the parsonage after school.

A Navajo Indians can weave blankets so tightly, that they will hold water. SOUTHWICK METHODIST MEN'S CLUB CHARTERED; OFFICERS CHOSEN E. Gerald Frenyca Is President; Hamberg Accepts Document Southwick. May 22-The Methodist Men's Club held a charter meeting in College Highway' Methodist Church recently. Pi Hamberg.

Accepta Charter George. Lamb of Longmeadow, lay. leader of the Springfield district, pre sented the charter, accepted by the local lay reader, Douglas The nominating committee, Gerald. Lawrence Johnson and Charles McDonough, presented a slate which was elected as follows: The Officers President. E.

Gerald Frenyea: vices. president, Orlo D. Jackson: Edward King: treasurer, Edward. Weissmann. Orlo Jackson, Gerald Celley and Edward Weissmann were in charge of re-, I freshments.

A CARD PARTY WINNERS Southwick, May 22-There were' 12 tables in play at the card sponsored by the Congamond Heights, Association in Consolidated School. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Clara: Stevens of Westfield, J. J. Marmont and Mrs.

Alice Bayer; mystery prizes, Mrs. Mildred Stevenson and Mrs. Kay. Steere. High scorers were; Nelda Bonint, Gerald Celley, Frank Pollard.

Mrs. Jennie Smith, Walter Saunders, Mrs. Eileen Nihill. Mrs. Trottier, Mrs.

Life lian Gillett, John Brzoska, Mrs. ricia Mazziott, Elizabeth Alexander Mrs. Viola Seton, Drs. Janselo, Mrs. May Hannigan, Thomas Hannigan, Mrs.

Mildred Celley, Ralph Steere, Al ex Brunk, Mrs. Marjorie Pollard, Evelyn Anderson, Charles Pratt, Jr. Sherman M. Decker, Russell Smith, Enfred Anderson, Mrs. Margaret Van Mater, Kay Steere, Valla Bonini, Mrs.

Myrtle Granger, Lewis Stevens. Arthur C. Gillett was low. All interested in home projects of the Hampden County Improvement League will meet in Consolidated School Thursday at 8 p. m.

Plans the Southwick exhibit at annual Summary Day June 8 in the Achieve-. ment building, West Springfield, will be made. Ari A memorial program will be riven at the Grange meeting in Consolidated School Tuesday at 8 p. m. Legion Post and Auxiliary have been invited as well as Girl and Boy Scouts.

It is an open meeting. events the Congregational Church are: June 4, reception of new members: 11, Childrin's Sunday; 7, flower show in church house: 9, bimonthly meeting of 'Ladies' Benevolent Society: 18, ak-church picnio at Kellogg's 21. strawberry: festival, church houte; 23, organizational meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Club; 19-30, vacation school.

Women of College Highway Methodist Church will serve a public supper Wednesday from 5.30 to 7 in the hash, a harvard beets, salad, a 'rolls, layer Vestry. The menu is home baked beans, cake and coffee. The committee Mrs. Robert Storey, Mrs. Bessie Johnson, Mrs.

Althea Lent and Mrs. Mabel Weissmann. Second Congregational Church Men's Club will have its "ladies night" program Tuesday evening at the church conference house. Roland C. Willcox, Atheneum librarian, will speak on "lure and lore of language." A supper will be served at 6.30.

Mrs. Donald G. Buckley of 80 Elm St. will enter Springfeld Hospital Tuesday for treatment. Westfield Industrial Accident I'revention Round Table will have A RNAcial supper and meeting at 6.30 Tuesday evening at Colonial Inn when Mrs.

Emina S. Tousant of Quincy, a commissioner in the State Department of Industrial Accidents, will speak. She will discuss changes in the bibor compensation law of last. year and tell of proposed changes now pending action in the Legislature. The annual -faculty tea will take place at Westfield State Teachers College Tuesday, signalizing the start of commencement activities.

Allan J. chairman of the Kiwanis Club's committee arranging to sponsor a Little League Baseball here, will preside at a meeting at 7.30 Tuesday at Westfield State Teachers College. Representatives from other local organizations which might nid in sponsoring the project, will attend. Speaker will be Barney O' Rourke of Hartford, director of the State of Connectient Little Baseball Commission. will speak.

Members of Fort Meadow School faculty and ITA will be hosts and hostesses at an "open house" program Tuesday from 7 to 9, when the public may inspect the now lighting arrangements And other extensive renovations At the school. Mundale Community Club will sponsor a public card party at. 8 Friday evening at the former school building in that area. Mra. William Barry of Granville Rd.

1A chairman. Firemen extinguished a 81455 fire off Delancey At. late this afternoon. Marriage intentions have heen filed by Misa Wilma IT. Wolfe of 125 lighland Ave.

and Gilbert l'orter of Montgomery and MISA Irene Gardner of 8 Shepard St. and Edward W. Keeney, of 27 Noble Ave. 1 SOUTHAMPTON MEMORIAL SERVICES Southampton, May 22-Memorial: First Congregational church 11 Sunday services will be held in. the a.m.

Southampton Post 168, American Legion, and Southampton Grange will unite in attending the service. The pastor, Rev. R. Dyfrig Ostle, will conduct the service. Charles M.

Gardner, high priest of Demeter Emeritus of the National Grange, will speak on "What price security? The Southampton Grange choir will sing Kipling's Recessional and A male will sing, "Remember Thy ft The death of Miss Julia Kelly oc-: curred in Palmer Sunday. Funeral. be at parlors of Palmer funeral serv-" ice, Tuesday 8.30. followed by requiem high mass in St. Mary's church Thorndike.

Burial will be in Calvary. Cemetery. Holyoke. Mias Kelly was former, resident of this town. Betty Coyle spent the weekend from Tufts School of Physical.

Education at home of' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coyle on Main Street.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.